Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Online induction heating for determination of isotope composition of woody stem water with laser spectrometry: A methods assessment, 2016, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (52) - 3
- Carbon isotope analysis of dissolved organic carbon in fresh and saline (NaCl) water via continuous flow cavity ring-down spectroscopy following wet chemical oxidation, 2015, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (51) - 2
- USGS48 Puerto Rico precipitation - A new isotopic reference material for δ2H and δ18O measurements of water, 2014, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (50) - 4
- On the conversion of tritium units to mass fractions for hydrologic applications, 2013, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (49) - 2
- Stable isotope deltas: Tiny, yet robust signatures in nature, 2012, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (48) - 3
- Quality assurance and quality control in light stable isotope laboratories: A case study of Rio Grande, Texas, water samples, 2009, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (45) - 2
- Chemical and carbon isotopic composition of dissolved organic carbon in a regional confined methanogenic aquifer, 2004, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (40) - 2
- Tracing the pathways of Neotropical migratory shorebirds using stable isotopes: A pilot study, 2003, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (39) - 3
- The use of stable isotope to evaluate water mixing and water use by flood plain trees along the Garonne valley, 2003, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (39) - 4
- Isotope variations in white-tailed kites from various habitats in California: Possible limitations in assessing prey utilization and population dynamics, 2003, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (39) - 2
- On-line sulfur isotope analysis of organic material by direct combustion: Preliminary results and potential applications, 2001, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (37) - 1
- Diets of nesting laughing gulls (Larus atricilla) at the Virginia Coast Reserve: observations from stable isotope analysis, 2001, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (37) - 1
- The inverse problem of argon diffusion from minerals: Determination of kinetic parameters from stepwise-heating experiments, 1997, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (33) - 4