Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways, 2024, Journal of Avian Biology
- Landscape configuration alters movement behavior and space-use of a Hawaiian forest bird community, 2024, Journal of Avian Biology (2024) - 1-2
- Local weather and endogenous factors affect the initiation of migration in short- and medium-distance songbird migrants, 2023, Journal of Avian Biology (2023) - 3-4
- Hidden in plain sight: Migration routes of the elusive Anadyr bar-tailed godwit revealed by satellite tracking, 2022, Journal of Avian Biology (2022) - 8
- Patterns of parental care and movement in divided broods of golden-winged warblers, 2022, Journal of Avian Biology (2022) - 6
- Activity patterns of Hawaiian forest birds in a fragmented and continuous landscape, 2022, Journal of Avian Biology (2022) - 4
- Migration patterns and wintering distribution of common loons breeding in the Upper Midwest, 2021, Journal of Avian Biology (52) - 8
- Diurnal timing of nonmigratory movement by birds: The importance of foraging spatial scales, 2020, Journal of Avian Biology (51) - 12
- High site fidelity does not equate to population genetic structure for common goldeneye and Barrow's goldeneye in North America, 2020, Journal of Avian Biology (51) - 12
- A red knot as a black swan: How a single bird shows navigational abilities during repeat crossings of the Greenland Icecap, 2020, Journal of Avian Biology (51) - 8
- Density‐dependent and phenological mismatch effects on growth and survival in lesser snow and Ross's goslings, 2019, Journal of Avian Biology (49) - 12
- Comparative nest survival of three sympatric loon species breeding in the Arctic, 2018, Journal of Avian Biology (49) - 7
- Experimental evidence of long-term reproductive costs in a colonial nesting seabird, 2018, Journal of Avian Biology (49) - 8
- Life‐history tradeoffs revealed by seasonal declines in reproductive traits of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds, 2018, Journal of Avian Biology (49) - 2
- High altitude flights by ruddy shelduck Tadorna ferruginea during trans-Himalayan migrations, 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 10
- Survivorship across the annual cycle of a migratory passerine, the willow flycatcher, 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 8
- Movements of four native Hawaiian birds across a naturally fragmented landscape, 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 7
- Songbirds are resilient to hurricane disturbed habitats during spring migration, 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 6
- The relationship between female brooding and male nestling provisioning: does climate underlie geographic variation in sex roles?, 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 2
- Divergence and gene flow in the globally distributed blue-winged ducks, 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 5
- Contrasting latitudinal patterns of life-history divergence in two genera of new world thrushes (Turdinae), 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 4
- Habitat selection by postbreeding female diving ducks: Influence of habitat attributes and conspecifics, 2017, Journal of Avian Biology (48) - 2
- The effects of heterospecifics and climatic conditions on incubation behavior within a mixed-species colony, 2016, Journal of Avian Biology (47) - 3
- Comparative demographics of a Hawaiian forest bird community, 2016, Journal of Avian Biology (47) - 2
- Multi-decadal trends in spring arrival of avian migrants to the central Arctic coast of Alaska: Effects of environmental and ecological factors, 2016, Journal of Avian Biology (47) - 2
- Re-colonization by common eiders Somateria mollissima in the Aleutian Archipelago following removal of introduced arctic foxes Vulpes lagopus, 2015, Journal of Avian Biology (46) - 5
- Nutritional stress affects corticosterone deposition in feathers of Caspian tern chicks, 2015, Journal of Avian Biology (46) - 1
- Occupancy of yellow-billed and Pacific loons: evidence for interspecific competition and habitat mediated co-occurrence, 2014, Journal of Avian Biology (45) - 3
- Comparative reproductive biology of sympatric species: Nest and chick survival of American avocets and black-necked stilts, 2014, Journal of Avian Biology (45) - 6
- Relative contribution of lipid sources to eggs of lesser scaup, 2014, Journal of Avian Biology (45) - 2
- Range-wide patterns of migratory connectivity in the western sandpiper Calidris mauri, 2012, Journal of Avian Biology (43) - 2
- Contrasting extreme long-distance migration patterns in bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica, 2012, Journal of Avian Biology (43) - 1
- Variation in spring migration routes and breeding distribution of northern pintails Anas acuta that winter in Japan, 2011, Journal of Avian Biology (42) - 4
- Endogenous contributions to egg protein formation in lesser scaup Aythya affinis, 2011, Journal of Avian Biology (42) - 6
- Lack of genetic polymorphism among peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus of Fiji, 2011, Journal of Avian Biology (42) - 5
- Geographic variation in the plumage coloration of willow flycatchers Empidonax traillii, 2010, Journal of Avian Biology (41) - 2
- Avian malaria Plasmodium relictum in native Hawaiian forest birds: epizootiology and demographic impacts on ‵apapane Himatione sanguinea, 2010, Journal of Avian Biology (41) - 4
- Evaluating the validity of using unverified indices of body condition, 2009, Journal of Avian Biology (40) - 1
- Females increase reproductive investment in response to helper-mediated improvements in allo-feeding, nest survival, nestling provisioning and post-fledging survival in the Karoo scrub-robin Cercotrichas coryphaeus, 2009, Journal of Avian Biology (40) - 4
- A tangled tale of two teal: Population history of the grey Anas gracilis and chestnut teal a. castanea of Australia, 2009, Journal of Avian Biology (40) - 4
- Characterizing the nutritional strategy of incubating king eiders Somateria spectabilis in northern Alaska, 2008, Journal of Avian Biology (39) - 6
- Stable isotope and pen feeding trial studies confirm the value of horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus eggs to spring migrant shorebirds in Delaware Bay, 2007, Journal of Avian Biology (38) - 3
- Moult migration of emperor geese Chen canagica between Alaska and Russia, 2007, Journal of Avian Biology (38) - 4
- Biparental incubation in the chestnut-vented tit-babbler Parisoma subcaeruleum: Mates devote equal time, but males keep eggs warmer, 2007, Journal of Avian Biology (38) - 3
- Survey trends of North American shorebirds: Population declines or shifting distributions?, 2007, Journal of Avian Biology (38) - 1
- Short-term oscillations in avian molt intensity: evidence from the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, 2006, Journal of Avian Biology (37) -
- Short-term oscillations in avian molt intensity: Evidence from the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, 2006, Journal of Avian Biology (37) - 6
- Spatial structure in the diet of imperial eagles Aquila heliaca in Kazakhstan, 2006, Journal of Avian Biology (37) - 6
- Breeding and moulting locations and migration patterns of the Atlantic population of Steller's eiders Polysticta stelleri as determined from satellite telemetry, 2006, Journal of Avian Biology (37) - 1
- Implications of mitochondrial DNA polyphyly in two ecologically undifferentiated but morphologically distinct migratory birds, the masked and white-browed woodswallows Artamus spp. of inland Australia, 2006, Journal of Avian Biology (37) - 6
- Inter-species variation in yolk steroid levels and a cowbird-host comparison, 2005, Journal of Avian Biology (36) - 1
- Variance in prey abundance influences time budgets of breeding seabirds: Evidence from pigeon guillemots Cepphus columba, 2003, Journal of Avian Biology (34) - 1
- Components of productivity in black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla: Response to supplemental feeding, 2002, Journal of Avian Biology (33) - 2
- Tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater, 2001, Journal of Avian Biology (32) - 1
- Routes and travel rates of migrating Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus and Swainson's Hawks Buteo swainsoni in the Western Hemisphere, 1998, Journal of Avian Biology (29) - 4
- Changes in total body calcium and diet of breeding house sparrows, 1995, Journal of Avian Biology (26) - 2
- Falcon versus grouse: flight adaptations of a predator and its prey, 1994, Journal of Avian Biology (25) - 1