Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Using surrogate insects in acid bioassays for development of new controls for Varroa destructor (Arachnida: Varroidae), 2022, Journal of Economic Entomology (115) - 5
- Field-level exposure of bumble bees to fungicides applied to a commercial cherry orchard, 2021, Journal of Economic Entomology (114) - 3
- Effects on birds of fenthion aerial application for mosquito control, 1983, Journal of Economic Entomology (76) - 4
- Toxicity of Zectran insecticide to several wildlife species, 1969, Journal of Economic Entomology (62) - 6
- The function of the Fish and Wildlife Service in insect control programs, 1958, Journal of Economic Entomology (51) - 5
- The effects of feeding DDT-treated insects to nestling birds, 1947, Journal of Economic Entomology (40) - 6