Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Estimating the social value of geologic map information: A regulatory application, 1997, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (32) - 2
- The supply and demand for pollution control: Evidence from wastewater treatment, 1992, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (23) - 1
- Earthquake and volcano hazard notices: An economic evaluation of changes in risk perceptions, 1990, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (18) - 1
- Losses from effluent taxes and quotas under uncertainty, 1984, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (11) - 4
- Air pollution: Household soiling and consumer welfare losses, 1982, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (9) - 3
- An econometric model of the U.S. secondary copper industry: Recycling versus disposal, 1980, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (7) - 2