Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Convergent validity between willingness to pay elicitation methods: An application to Grand Canyon whitewater boaters, 2018, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (62) - 4
- Climate change collaboration among natural resource management agencies: lessons learned from two US regions, 2015, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (58) - 4
- Examining the contradiction in 'sustainable urban growth': an example of groundwater sustainability, 2012, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (55) - 5
- Evaluating impacts of subdivision density on shallow groundwater in Southeastern Wisconsin, USA, 2011, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (54) - 5
- Public expectations about access fees and road closures on public lands, 2006, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (49) - 2
- The contingent behavior of charter fishing participants on the Chesapeake Bay: Welfare estimates associated with water quality improvements, 2006, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (49) - 2
- Analysis of ecological context for identifying vegetation and animal conservation planning foci: An example from the arid South-western USA, 2003, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (46) - 2