Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Hydrologic modifications challenge bottomland hardwood forest management, 2019, Journal of Forestry (117) - 5
- A review and synthesis of recreation ecology research findings on visitor impacts to wilderness and protected natural areas, 2016, Journal of Forestry (114) - 3
- A review and synthesis of recreation ecology research supporting carrying capacity and visitor use management decisionmaking, 2016, Journal of Forestry (114) - 3
- Where the wild things are: A research agenda for studying wildlife-wilderness relationship, 2016, Journal of Forestry (114) - 3
- Ecological impacts of energy-wood harvests: Lessons from whole-tree harvesting and natural disturbance, 2013, Journal of Forestry (111) - 2
- Attitudes and intentions of off-highway vehicle riders toward trail use: Implications for forest managers, 2011, Journal of Forestry (109) - 5
- The 2007 southern California wildfires: Lessons in complexity, 2009, Journal of Forestry (107) - 6
- Wildland-urban interface maps vary with purpose and context, 2009, Journal of Forestry (107) - 2
- A 21st century perspective on postfire seeding, 2006, Journal of Forestry (104) - 2
- A landscape perspective for forest restoration, 2005, Journal of Forestry (103) - 6
- Lessons from the 2003 wildfires in southern California, 2004, Journal of Forestry (102) - 7
- North Carolina's natural heritage program: A case for public-private cooperation, 2002, Journal of Forestry (100) - 5
- Map data in support of forest management, 2000, Journal of Forestry (98) - 6
- Professionals in environmental education: Helping kids learn about forestry, 1998, Journal of Forestry (96) - 2
- A GIS model to predict black bear habitat use, 1997, Journal of Forestry (95) - 8
- Wildlife response to thinning young forests in the Pacific Northwest, 1997, Journal of Forestry (95) - 8
- The National Biological Service: Emphasis on partnership, 1995, Journal of Forestry (93) - 3
- Assessing nonpoint-source pollution risk: A GIS application, 1995, Journal of Forestry (93) - 1
- Persoective: From backwater to mainstream?, 1993, Journal of Forestry (91) - 11
- [Book review] Wilderness Management by J. C. Hendee, G. H. Stankey, and R. C. Lucas, 1991, Journal of Forestry (89) - 11
- Giant sequoia mortality in burned and unburned stands: Does prescribed burning significantly affect mortality rates?, 1988, Journal of Forestry (86) - 2
- Trailhead quotas, 1986, Journal of Forestry (84) - 11
- How much is an evening grosbeak worth?, 1984, Journal of Forestry (82) - 7
- Modeling behavior of prescribed fires in Yosemite National Park, 1984, Journal of Forestry (82) - 8
- Wilderness permit compliance and validity, 1980, Journal of Forestry (78) - 1
- Wetland classification in the United States, 1978, Journal of Forestry (76) - 10
- Effects on fish and wildlife of chemical treatments of large areas, 1959, Journal of Forestry (57) - 4
- Some contributions of the Cooperative Wildlife Research Units to forest wildlife management, 1955, Journal of Forestry (53) - 9
- Consumption of spruce budworms by birds in a Maine spruce-fir forest, 1952, Journal of Forestry (50) - 5
- Reducing wildlife hazards in Dutch elm disease control, 1952, Journal of Forestry (50) - 6
- Calculations on the extent of spruce budworm control by insectivorous birds, 1948, Journal of Forestry (46) - 6
- Germination of seeds of some wild and cultivated plants after 5 1/2 years of storage, 1946, Journal of Forestry (44) - 9