Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Practical application of time-lapse camera imagery to develop water-level data for three hydrologic monitoring sites in Wisconsin during water year 2020, 2025, Journal of Hydrology X (26) -
- Use of Doppler velocity radars to monitor and predict debris and flood wave velocities and travel times in post-wildfire basins, 2024, Journal of Hydrology X (24) -
- Implications of fire-induced evapotranspiration shifts for recharge-runoff generation and vegetation conversion in the western United States, 2023, Journal of Hydrology X (621) -
- Connecting diverse disciplines to improve understanding of surface water-groundwater interactions, 2022, Journal of Hydrology X (17) -
- Predictions and drivers of sub-reach-scale annual streamflow permanence for the upper Missouri River basin: 1989-2018, 2022, Journal of Hydrology X (17) -
- Simulation experiments comparing nonstationary design-flood adjustments based on observed annual peak flows in the conterminous United States, 2022, Journal of Hydrology X (17) -
- Changing climate drives future streamflow declines and challenges in meeting water demand across the southwestern United States, 2021, Journal of Hydrology X (11) -
- Effects of John Martin Reservoir on water quality and quantity: Assessment by chemical, isotopic, and mass-balance methods, 2020, Journal of Hydrology X (7) -
- Timescales of water-quality change in a karst aquifer, south-central Texas, 2019, Journal of Hydrology X (4) -
- Probability of streamflow permanence model (PROSPER): A spatially continuous model of annual streamflow permanence throughout the Pacific Northwest, 2019, Journal of Hydrology X (2) -