Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Variation in Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) eggshell thickness: DDT, measurement methods, and location, 2024, Journal of Raptor Research (58) - 3
- Ectoparasitism and energy infrastructure limit survival of preadult Golden Eagles in the Southern Great Plains, 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 4
- Declining American Goshawk (Accipiter atricapillus) nest site habitat suitability in a timber production landscape: Effects of abiotic, biotic, and forest management factors, 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 4
- Winter distribution of golden eagles in the Eastern USA, 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 4
- Nest usurpation by a female Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis), 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 3
- Modeling the spatial distribution of carcasses of eagles killed by wind turbines, 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 3
- Patterns of water use by raptors in the southern Great Plains, 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 3
- Seasonal abundance and habitat associations of American Kestrels on the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 2
- Scavenging of roadkill by Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis), 2023, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 1
- Preliminary evidence of anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in American kestrels (Falco sparverius) in the western United States, 2022, Journal of Raptor Research (57) - 2
- Golden eagle nesting territory distribution in wind energy landscapes of the southern Great Plains, 2022, Journal of Raptor Research (56) - 4
- Mississippi Kite nest defense: Is there an influence of nest phenology or human activity?, 2022, Journal of Raptor Research (56) - 3
- To catch a (marsh) predator: Modified trapping methods for breeding and wintering Northern Harriers (Circus hudsonius), 2022, Journal of Raptor Research (56) - 2
- Drivers of flight performance of California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus), 2022, Journal of Raptor Research (56) - 1
- Rotenone use and subsequent prey loss lowers Osprey fledging rates via brood reduction, 2022, Journal of Raptor Research (56) - 1
- Morphometric sex identification of nestling and free-flying Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagles (Aquila audax fleayi), 2021, Journal of Raptor Research (55) - 4
- Food habits of American Kestrels in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2021, Journal of Raptor Research (55) - 4
- Seasonal and age-related variation in daily travel distances of California Condors, 2021, Journal of Raptor Research (55) - 3
- Long-term population fluctuations of a Burrowing Owl population on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, USA, 2021, Journal of Raptor Research (55) - 2
- Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) home range, movement and forays revealed by GPS-tracking, 2020, Journal of Raptor Research (54) - 4
- Golden Eagle perch site use in the U.S. southern plains: Understanding electrocution risk, 2020, Journal of Raptor Research (54) - 2
- Genetic variation among island and continental populations of Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) subspecies in North America, 2019, Journal of Raptor Research (53) - 2
- An improved mechanical owl for efficient capture of nesting raptors, 2019, Journal of Raptor Research (53) - 1
- Effects of nest exposure and spring temperatures on golden eagle brood survival: An opportunity for mitigation, 2019, Journal of Raptor Research (53) - 1
- Using motion-activated cameras to study diet and productivity of cliff-nesting Golden Eagles, 2019, Journal of Raptor Research (53) - 1
- Non-anthropogenic diet-based oiling of predatory birds, 2019, Journal of Raptor Research (52) - 1
- Spatial and temporal patterns in population trends and burrow usage of burrowing owls in North America, 2018, Journal of Raptor Research (52) - 2
- Raptor interactions with wind energy: Case studies from around the world, 2018, Journal of Raptor Research (52) - 1
- Patterns of spatial distribution of golden eagles across North America: How do they fit into existing landscape-scale mapping systems?, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 3
- Spatial and temporal patterns in golden eagle diets in the western United States, with implications for conservation planning, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 3
- Coming to terms about describing Golden Eagle reproduction, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 3
- Characterizing Golden Eagle risk to lead and anticoagulant rodenticide exposure: A review, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 3
- Satellite-tagged osprey nearly sets longevity record and productivity response to initial captures, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 2
- Seasonal movements of the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in western North America as revealed by satellite telemetry, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 2
- Species composition, timing, and weather correlates of autumn open-water crossings by raptors migrating along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 1
- No substitute for survival: Perturbation analyses using a Golden Eagle population model reveal limits to managing for take, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 3
- Spatial demographic models to inform conservation planning of golden eagles in renewable energy landscapes, 2017, Journal of Raptor Research (51) - 3
- Use of noninvasive genetics to assess nest and space use by white-tailed eagles, 2016, Journal of Raptor Research (50) - 4
- Distributional changes in the western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in North America from 1967 to 2008, 2015, Journal of Raptor Research (49) - 1
- Prey use and provisioning rates of urban-nesting Mississippi Kites in west Texas, 2015, Journal of Raptor Research (49) - 2
- Wintering Bald Eagle count trends in the conterminous United States, 1986–2010, 2015, Journal of Raptor Research (49) - 3
- The spring migration of adult North American Ospreys, 2014, Journal of Raptor Research (48) - 4
- Factors related to northern goshawk landscape use in the western Great Lakes region, 2014, Journal of Raptor Research (48) - 3
- Wintering ecology of adult North American ospreys, 2014, Journal of Raptor Research (48) - 4
- Nesting habitat and productivity of Swainson's Hawks in southeastern Arizona, 2013, Journal of Raptor Research (47) - 4
- Interactions between a group of Golden Eagles and a herd of North American elk, 2013, Journal of Raptor Research (47) - 4
- Migration and habitat preferences of Swainson's Hawks at an autumn stopover site in northwestern Texas, 2013, Journal of Raptor Research (47) - 1
- Survival and home-range size of Northern Spotted Owls in southwestern Oregon, 2013, Journal of Raptor Research (47) - 1
- Book review: Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a changing world, 2013, Journal of Raptor Research (47) - 1
- Frequency of nest use by golden eagles in southwestern Idaho, 2012, Journal of Raptor Research (46) - 3
- The winter diet of short-eared owls in subtropical Texas: Do southern diets provide evidence of opportunity?, 2011, Journal of Raptor Research (45) - 1
- Northern goshawk monitoring in the western Great Lakes bioregion, 2011, Journal of Raptor Research (45) - 4
- Female American Kestrel survives double amputation, 2011, Journal of Raptor Research (45) - 4
- Preening behavior of adult gyrfalcons tagged with backpack transmitters, 2011, Journal of Raptor Research (45) - 3
- Sexing young snowy owls, 2011, Journal of Raptor Research (45) - 4
- Sex-related differences in habitat associations of wintering American Kestrels in California's Central Valley, 2011, Journal of Raptor Research (45) - 3
- Collection of mammal manure and other Debris by nesting Burrowing Owls, 2011, Journal of Raptor Research (45) - 3
- Dr. Carl Marti 1944-2010, 2010, Journal of Raptor Research (44) - 4
- Bald eagle predation on common loon egg, 2010, Journal of Raptor Research (44) - 3
- Prey use by Swainson's Hawks in the lesser prairie-chicken range of the southern high plains of Texas, 2010, Journal of Raptor Research (44) - 4
- Detection probability of cliff-nesting raptors during helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft surveys in western Alaska, 2010, Journal of Raptor Research (44) - 3
- Perspectives on animal welfare legislation and study considerations for field-oriented studies of raptors in the United States, 2010, Journal of Raptor Research (44) - 4
- Repeated use of an abandoned vehicle by nesting Turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), 2010, Journal of Raptor Research (44) - 1
- Estimates of density, detection probability, and factors influencing detection of burrowing owls in the Mojave Desert, 2010, Journal of Raptor Research (44) - 1
- Recovery distances of nestling Bald Eagles banded in Florida and implications for natal dispersal and philopatry, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 2
- Broadening our approaches to studying dispersal in raptors, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 2
- Unusual raptor nests around the world, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 3
- Comparison of the breeding biology of sympatric red-tailed Hawks, White-tailed Hawks, and Crested Caracaras in south Texas, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 1
- On the uniqueness of color patterns in raptor feathers, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 1
- Dramatic declines of DDE and other organochlorines in spring migrant Peregrine Falcons from Padre Island, Texas, 1978-2004, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 1
- Cliff-nesting by the red-tailed hawk in moist karst forests of northern puerto rico, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 2
- Movements of juvenile Gyrfalcons from western and interior Alaska following departure from their natal areas, 2009, Journal of Raptor Research (43) - 2
- Region-wide trends of nesting ospreys in northwestern Mexico: a three-decade perspective, 2008, Journal of Raptor Research (42) - 4
- Use of body mass, footpad length, and wing chord to determine sex in Swainson's Hawks, 2008, Journal of Raptor Research (42) - 2
- Diet of western Burrowing Owls wintering in southern Texas, 2007, Journal of Raptor Research (41) - 4
- Genetic analysis confirms first record of polygyny in Cooper's Hawks, 2007, Journal of Raptor Research (41) - 3
- Home range characteristics of Mexican Spotted Owls in the canyonlands of Utah, 2007, Journal of Raptor Research (41) - 1
- Using molecular sexing to assess field-based sexing techniques in the Madagascar Fish-Eagle, 2007, Journal of Raptor Research (41) - 1
- Breeding biology and nest-site selection of red-tailed hawks in an altered desert grassland, 2006, Journal of Raptor Research (40) - 1
- Home range characteristics of great gray owls in Yosemite National Park, California, 2006, Journal of Raptor Research (40) - 2
- Size dimorphism, molt status, and body mass variation of prairie falcons nesting in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, 2006, Journal of Raptor Research (40) - 1
- Thinking about feathers: Adaptations of Golden Eagle rectrices, 2006, Journal of Raptor Research (40) - 1
- Comparative ecology of the Flammulated Owl and Northern Saw-whet Owl during fall migration, 2006, Journal of Raptor Research (40) - 2
- Size dimorphism, molt status, and body mass variation of Prairie Falcons nesting in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, 2006, Journal of Raptor Research (40) - 1
- The role of thyroxine on the production of plumage in the American Kestrel (Falco sparterius), 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 1
- Temporal patterns of Northern Goshawk nest area occupancy and habitat: A retrospective analysis, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 3
- Home range and habitat use by Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) in Southern California, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 2
- Northern Goshawk diet in Minnesota: An Analysis using video recording systems, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 3
- Quantifying Northern Goshawk diets using remote cameras and observations from blinds, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 3
- Taxonomic status and biology of the Cuban blackhawk, Buteogallus anthracinus gundlachii (AVES: Accipitridae), 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 4
- Raptor abundance and distribution in the Llanos wetlands of Venezuela, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 4
- Nesting ecology and behavior of Broad-winged Hawks in moist karst forests of Puerto Rico, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 4
- Productivity and mortality of Northern Goshawks in Minnesota, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 3
- Technical review of the status of Northern Goshawks in the western United States, 2005, Journal of Raptor Research (39) - 3
- Bald Eagles consume Emperor Geese during late-winter in the Aleutian Archipelago, 2004, Journal of Raptor Research (38) - 1
- Diets and foraging behavior of northern Spotted Owls in Oregon, 2004, Journal of Raptor Research (38) - 3
- Subadult and pale steppe eagles breeding in Mongolia, 2003, Journal of Raptor Research (37) - 1
- Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) abundance and habitat in a reclaimed mine landscape, 2003, Journal of Raptor Research (37) - 3
- Nest-site characteristics and linear abundance of cliff-nesting American kestrels on San Clemente Island, California, 2003, Journal of Raptor Research (37) - 4
- Temporal and spatial stability of red-tailed hawk territories in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, 2003, Journal of Raptor Research (37) - 4
- Habitat use by Swainson's Hawks on their austral winter grounds in Argentina, 2003, Journal of Raptor Research (37) - 2
- New observations of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Peru, 2002, Journal of Raptor Research (36) - 3
- Prey of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus cassini) in Southern Argentina and Chile, 2002, Journal of Raptor Research (36) - 4
- Schizochromism in a Peregrine Falcon from Arizona, 2002, Journal of Raptor Research (36) - 3
- Golden eagles in the U.S. and Canada: Status, trends, and conservation challenges, 2002, Journal of Raptor Research (36) -
- Book Review: The raptor almanac, by Scott Weidensaul, 2002, Journal of Raptor Research (36) - 1
- Provisioning rates and time budgets of adult and nestling Bald Eagles at Inland Wisconsin nests, 2002, Journal of Raptor Research (36) - 2
- [Book review] Island Eagles: 20 years of observing golden eagles on the Isle of Skye, by Ken Crane and Kate Nellist, 2001, Journal of Raptor Research (35) - 3
- Agonistic behavior of Cooper's Hawks, 2001, Journal of Raptor Research (35) - 3
- The influence of weather on Golden Eagle migration in northwestern Montana, 2001, Journal of Raptor Research (35) - 2
- Spatial and temporal variation in diets of Spotted Owls in Washington, 2001, Journal of Raptor Research (35) - 2
- Turnover and dispersal of prairie falcons in southwestern Idaho, 2000, Journal of Raptor Research (34) - 4
- First-year movements by juvenile Mexican spotted owls in the Canyonlands of Utah, 2000, Journal of Raptor Research (34) - 1
- Pronounced variation in tarsal and foot feathering in the upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius) in Mongolia, 1999, Journal of Raptor Research (33) - 4
- Siblicide, splayed-toes-flight display, and grappling in the Saker Falcon, 1999, Journal of Raptor Research (33) - 2
- Poisoning of raptors with organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides with emphasis on Canada, U.S. and U.K., 1999, Journal of Raptor Research (33) - 1
- Bald Eagle response to boating activity in northcentral Florida, 1999, Journal of Raptor Research (33) - 2
- Creating raptor benefits from powerline problems, 1999, Journal of Raptor Research (33) - 1
- Caribou antlers as nest materials for golden eagles in northwestern Alaska, 1998, Journal of Raptor Research (32) - 3
- Winter foraging ecology of bald eagles on a regulated river in southwest Idaho, 1998, Journal of Raptor Research (32) - 3
- Organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and mercury in hawk, falcon, eagle, and owl eggs from the Lipetsk, Voronezh, Novgorod and Saratov regions, Russia, 1992-1993, 1998, Journal of Raptor Research (32) - 2
- Breeding-season food habits of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) in southwestern Dominican Republic, 1998, Journal of Raptor Research (32) - 3
- Remarkable saker falcon (Falco cherrug) breeding records for Mongolia, 1997, Journal of Raptor Research (31) - 3
- Double brooding by American kestrels in Idaho, 1997, Journal of Raptor Research (31) - 3
- Does vegetation structure limit the distribution of Northern Goshawks in the Oregon Coast ranges?, 1997, Journal of Raptor Research (31) - 1
- Productivity of golden eagles wearing backpack radiotransmitters, 1997, Journal of Raptor Research (31) - 3
- Diagnostic findings in 132 great horned owls, 1996, Journal of Raptor Research (30) - 1
- A retrospective study of postmortem findings in red-tailed hawks, 1996, Journal of Raptor Research (30) - 1
- Effects of pesticides on owls in North America, 1996, Journal of Raptor Research (30) - 4
- What is Falco Altaicus Menzbier?, 1995, Journal of Raptor Research (29) - 1
- Preliminary raptor surveys in western Mongolia, 1995, Journal of Raptor Research (29) - 1
- Survival and population size estimation in raptor studies: A comparison of two methods, 1995, Journal of Raptor Research (29) - 4
- Should we terminate an 'artificial,' tree-nesting raptor population in Arizona?, 1994, Journal of Raptor Research (28) - 1
- Diurnal raptors in the fragmented rain forest of the Sierra Imataca, Venezuela, 1994, Journal of Raptor Research (28) - 1
- Harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) nesting in manipulated forests, 1994, Journal of Raptor Research (28) - 1
- Reevaluating bald eagle winter roost habitat in Lava Beds National Monument, California, 1994, Journal of Raptor Research (28) - 4
- Parathion poisoning of Mississippi kites in Oklahoma, 1994, Journal of Raptor Research (28) - 2
- Use of mist nets and a live great horned owl to capture breeding American kestrels, 1994, Journal of Raptor Research (28) - 3
- Recent distribution and status of nesting bald eagles in Baja California, Mexico, 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 4
- Cryopreservation of American kestrel semen with dimethylsulfoxide, 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 1
- Do falcons build nests?, 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 4
- 'Tool' use by the red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 2
- Telemetry via satellites for raptor studies, 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 1
- Satellite telemetry options for avian research, 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 1
- Use of satellite telemetry for study of a gyrfalcon in Greenland, 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 1
- Are Bald Eagles important predators of Emperor Geese?, 1993, Journal of Raptor Research (27) - 1
- Determining sex of eastern screech-owls using discriminant function analysis, 1992, Journal of Raptor Research (26) - 1
- Distribution and color variation of gyrfalcons in Russia, 1992, Journal of Raptor Research (26) - 2
- Talon grappling by Aplomado falcons and by golden eagles, 1992, Journal of Raptor Research (26) - 1
- A previously undescribed falcon flight display, 1992, Journal of Raptor Research (26) - 1
- Organochlorines and mercury in osprey eggs from the eastern United States, 1992, Journal of Raptor Research (26) - 4
- The identity of Pennant's 'Wapacuthu owl' and the subspecific name for the population of Bubo virginianus from the western Hudson Bay, 1991, Journal of Raptor Research (24) - 4
- Environmental contaminants in bald eagle eggs, 1991, Journal of Raptor Research (25) - 4
- Estimating wintering Bald Eagle densities in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1991, Journal of Raptor Research
- Evidence for a fall raptor migration pathway across the South China Sea, 1990, Journal of Raptor Research (24) - 1-2
- Raptor road surveys in South America, 1990, Journal of Raptor Research (24) - 4
- [Book review] A Dictionary of Ethology by Klaus Immelmann and Colin Beer, 1989, Journal of Raptor Research (23) - 4
- Environmental contaminants in blood of western bald eagles, 1989, Journal of Raptor Research (23) - 4
- Effects of strychnine on raptors: A commentary, 1989, Journal of Raptor Research (23) - 1
- Avulsion of the brachial plexus in a great horned owl (Bubo virginaus), 1989, Journal of Raptor Research (23) - 1
- Turkey vulture surveys in Cuba, 1988, Journal of Raptor Research (22) - 1
- Incidence of black-phase plumage in ferruginous hawks nesting in central North Dakota, 1988, Journal of Raptor Research (22) - 3
- Propagation of captive eastern screech-owls, 1987, Journal of Raptor Research (21) - 2
- Detecting and describing the structure of an animal's home range, 1987, Journal of Raptor Research (21) - 4
- Analysis of survival data from telemetry projects, 1987, Journal of Raptor Research (21) - 4
- Applications and considerations for wildlife telemetry, 1987, Journal of Raptor Research (21) - 4
- Post fledging behavior of ferruginous hawks in North Dakota, 1986, Journal of Raptor Research (20) - 1