Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Quantifying regional effects of best management practices on nutrient losses from agricultural lands, 2022, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (77) - 1
- Development of a novel framework for modeling field-scale conservation effects of depressional wetlands in agricultural landscapes, 2020, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (6) - 75
- Improving the ability to include freshwater wetland plants in process-based models, 2020, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (75) -
- Wetlands in agricultural landscapes—Significant findings and recent advances from CEAP-Wetlands, 2020, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (75) - 5
- Estimating the effect of winter cover crops on nitrogen leaching using cost-share enrollment data, satellite remote sensing, and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) modeling, 2020, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (75) - 3
- Assessing water-quality changes in agricultural drainages: Examples from oxbow lake tributaries in Mississippi, USA and simulation-based power analyses, 2020, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (75) - 2
- Delineation of tile-drain networks using thermal and multispectral imagery—Implications for water quantity and quality differences from paired edge-of-field sites, 2019, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (74) - 1
- Reduction of solids and nutrient loss from agricultural land by tailwater recovery systems, 2018, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (73) - 3
- Testing a two-scale focused conservation strategy for reducing phosphorus and sediment loads from agricultural watersheds, 2018, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (73) - 2
- Effects of hydrology, watershed size, and agricultural practices on sediment yields in two river basins in Iowa and Mississippi, 2016, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (71) - 3
- Regional patterns of total nitrogen concentrations in the National Rivers and Streams Assessment, 2016, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (71) - 3
- Remote sensing to monitor cover crop adoption in southeastern Pennsylvania, 2015, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (70) - 6
- Quantifying suspended sediment loads delivered to Cheney Reservoir, Kansas: Temporal patterns and management implications, 2015, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (70) - 2
- Nitrogen transport within an agricultural landscape: insights on how hydrology, biogeochemistry, and the landscape intersect to control the fate and transport of nitrogen in the Mississippi Delta, 2014, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (69) - 1
- Nitrate fate and transport through current and former depressional wetlands in an agricultural landscape, Choptank Watershed, Maryland, United States, 2014, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (69) - 1
- Scenarios of bioenergy development impacts on regional groundwater withdrawals, 2013, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (68) - 5
- Sediment accretion rates and sediment composition in Prairie Pothole wetlands under varying land use practices, Montana, United States, 2013, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (68) - 3
- An at-grade stabilization structure impact on runoff and suspended sediment, 2012, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (67) - 4
- A holistic strategy for adaptive land management, 2012, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (67) - 4
- Changes in historical Iowa land cover as context for assessing the environmental benefits of current and future conservation efforts on agricultural lands, 2011, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (66) - 3
- Nutrients and sediment in frozen-ground runoff from no-till fields receiving liquid-dairy and solid-beef manures, 2011, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (66) - 5
- Conservation practice establishment in two northeast Iowa watersheds: Strategies, water quality implications, and lessons learned, 2010, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (65) - 6
- Targeting land-use change for nitratenitrogen load reductions in an agricultural watershed, 2010, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (65) - 6
- Soil and nutrient retention in winter-flooded ricefields with implications for watershed management, 2009, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (64) - 3
- Assessing manure management strategies through small-plot research and whole-farm modeling, 2008, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (63) - 4
- Water quality in relation to vegetative buffers around sinkholes in karst terrain, 2006, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (61) - 6
- New proposed national resources inventory protocols on nonfederal rangelands, 2003, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (58) - 1
- Spatial and statistical differences between 1:250,000- and 1:24,000-scale digital soil databases, 2002, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (57) - 2
- Effects of emergency haying on vegetative characteristics within selected Conservation Reserve Program fields in the Northern Great Plains, 2001, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (56) - 2
- Low-level detection of what?, 1998, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (53) - 1
- Occurrence and flux of selected pesticides in surface water of the upper snake River Basin, Idaho and western Wyoming, 1997, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (52) - 5
- Trail degradation as influenced by environmental factors: A state-of-the-knowledge review, 1996, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (51) - 2
- Duck nest success on Conservation Reserve Program land in the prairie pothole region, 1993, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (48) - 3
- Ground-penetrating radar: A tool for mapping reservoirs and lakes, 1991, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (46) - 5
- Agricultural research to improve water quality, 1991, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (46) - 3
- Temporal trends in fluvial-sediment discharge in Ohio, 1950-1987, 1991, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (46) - 4
- Small-scale digital soil maps for interpreting natural resources, 1989, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (44) - 1
- Use of no-till winter wheat by nesting ducks in North Dakota, 1987, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (42) - 1
- Point- and nonpoint-source trace elements in a wild and scenic river of northern New Mexico., 1985, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (40) - 5
- Water storage capacity of natural wetland depressions in the Devils Lake basin of North Dakota, 1983, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (38) - 1
- Sediment deposition in a flood retention structure after two record floods in southwestern Wisconsin., 1982, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (37) - 5
- Wetlands and deepwater habitats: a new classification, 1982, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (37) - 2
- Impact of horse traffic on trails in Rocky Mountain National Park., 1980, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (35) - 2
- Flood damage assessment using computer-assisted analysis of color infrared photography, 1978, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (33) - 6
- Wildlife and the business of farming, 1952, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (7) - 5
- Quail studies on a river floodplain, 1950, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (5) - 3