Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Expansion of intertidal mussel beds following disease-driven reduction of a keystone predator, 2021, Marine Environmental Research (169) -
- Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) as vectors of contaminants to human consumers in northwest Florida, 2011, Marine Environmental Research (72) - 3
- Interannual variation of rare earth element abundances in corals from northern coast of the South China Sea and its relation with sea-level change and human activities, 2011, Marine Environmental Research (71) - 1
- Effects of two sediment types on the fluorescence yield of two Hawaiian scleractinian corals, 2007, Marine Environmental Research (64) - 4
- Modeling of gene expression pattern alteration by p,p′-DDE and dieldrin in largemouth bass, 2006, Marine Environmental Research (62) - SUPPL. 1
- Distribution and sources of surfzone bacteria at Huntington Beach before and after disinfection on an ocean outfall - A frequency-domain analysis, 2006, Marine Environmental Research (61) - 5
- Temporal and spatial variability of fecal indicator bacteria in the surf zone off Huntington Beach, CA, 2006, Marine Environmental Research (61) - 5
- Achieving environmentally relevant organochlorine pesticide concentrations in eggs through maternal exposure in Alligator mississippiensis, 2004, Marine Environmental Research (58) - 2-5
- Geomorphology, acoustic backscatter, and processes in Santa Monica Bay from multibeam mapping, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Characterizing benthic substrates of Santa Monica Bay with seafloor photography and multibeam sonar imagery, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Changing anthropogenic influence on the Santa Monica Bay watershed, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Observations of large-amplitude cross-shore internal bores near the shelf break, Santa Monica Bay, CA, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Magnitude and variability of Holocene sediment accumulation in Santa Monica Bay, California, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Clay-mineral suites, sources, and inferred dispersal routes: Southern California continental shelf, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Response of benthic foraminifers to sewage discharge and remediation in Santa Monica Bay, California, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Temporal and spatial distributions of contaminants in sediments of Santa Monica Bay, California, 2003, Marine Environmental Research (56) - 1-2
- Persistence of oiling in mussel beds after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 2001, Marine Environmental Research (51) -
- Enhancement of PAHs in estuarine invertebrates by surface runoff at a decommissioned military fuel depot, 1999, Marine Environmental Research (47) -
- Enhancement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine invertebrates by surface runoff at a decommissioned military fuel depot, 1999, Marine Environmental Research (47) - 1
- Metal concentrations in surface sediments of Boston Harbor: Changes with time, 1998, Marine Environmental Research (45) - 2
- Effects of arctic temperatures on distribution and retention of the nuclear waste radionuclides 241Am, 57Co, and 137Cs in the bioindicator bivalve Macoma balthica, 1998, Marine Environmental Research (45) - 1
- Rainbow trout embryotoxicity of a complex contaminant mixture extracted from Lake Michigan lake trout, 1996, Marine Environmental Research (42) - 1-4
- Distributions and fate of chlorinated pesticides, biomarkers and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments along a contamination gradient from a point-source in San Francisco Bay, California, 1996, Marine Environmental Research (41) - 3
- Indicators of sewage contamination in sediments beneath a deep-ocean dump site off New York, 1994, Marine Environmental Research (38) - 1
- Estimates of the seafloor area impacted by sewage sludge dumped at the 106-Mile site in the Mid-Atlantic bight, 1991, Marine Environmental Research (31) - 2
- Impacts of exploratory drilling for oil and gas on the benthic environment of Georges Bank, 1989, Marine Environmental Research (27) - 2
- Copper and silver accumulation in transplanted and resident clams (Macoma balthica) in South San Francisco Bay, 1985, Marine Environmental Research (15) - 2
- Spilled oil and infaunal activity - Modification of burrowing behavior and redistribution of oil, 1984, Marine Environmental Research (11) - 2
- Reassessment of the rates at which oil from natural sources enters the marine environment, 1983, Marine Environmental Research (10) - 4
- Variable tolerance to copper in two species from San Francisco Bay, 1983, Marine Environmental Research (10) - 4