Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- A transferable approach for quantifying benthic fish sizes and densities in annotated underwater images, 2025, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (16) - 1
- Propagating observation errors to enable scalable and rigorous enumeration of plant population abundance with aerial imagery, 2024, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (15) - 11
- A heuristic method to evaluate consequences for flight control and stability induced by attachment of biologging devices to birds and bats, 2024, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (15) - 9
- Geographic principles applied to population dynamics: A spatially interpolated integrated population model, 2024, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (15) - 8
- Managing ecosystems with resist-accept-direct (RAD), 2024, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (15) - 5
- occupancyTuts: Occupancy modelling tutorials with RPresence, 2024, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (15) - 3
- BatTool: Projecting bat populations facing multiple stressors using a demographic model, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (23) -
- Positioning aquatic animals with acoustic transmitters, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 10
- A hierarchical modelling framework for estimating individual- and population-level reproductive success from movement data, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 8
- MetaIPM: Placing integral projection models into a metapopulation framework, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 9
- Improving ecological data science with workflow management software, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 6
- Inferring pathogen presence when sample misclassification and partial observation occur, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Estimating reproductive and juvenile survival rates when offspring ages are uncertain: A novel multievent mark-resight model with beluga whale case study, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 2
- A practical guide to understanding and validating complex models using data simulations, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 1
- A review of supervised learning methods for classifying animal behavioural states from environmental features, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 1
- The power of forecasts to advance ecological theory, 2023, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (14) - 3
- Know what you don't know: Embracing state uncertainty in disease-structured multistate models, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 12
- Migration Mapper: Identifying movement corridors and seasonal ranges for large mammal conservation, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 11
- Defining fine-scaled population structure among continuously distributed populations, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 10
- Spatial dynamic N-mixture models with interspecific interactions, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 10
- Spatially explicit management of genetic diversity using ancestry probability surfaces, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 12
- Estimating occupancy from autonomous recording unit data in the presence of misclassifications and detection heterogeneity, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 8
- Ignoring species availability biases occupancy estimates in single-scale occupancy models, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 8
- Estimating species misclassification with occupancy dynamics and encounter rates: A semi-supervised, individual-level approach, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 7
- Coupling validation effort with in situ bioacoustic data improves estimating relative activity and occupancy for multiple species with cross-species misclassifications, 2022, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (13) - 6
- Pedigree accumulation analysis: Combining methods from community ecology and population genetics for breeding adult estimation, 2021, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (12) - 12
- Instrumental variable methods in structural equation models, 2021, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (12) - 7
- A roadmap for sampling and scaling biological nitrogen fixation in terrestrial ecosystems, 2021, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (12) - 6
- Improving Landsat predictions of rangeland fractional cover with multitask learning and uncertainty, 2021, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (12) - 5
- Scenarios for valuing sample information in natural resources, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 12
- Integrating airborne remote sensing and field campaigns for ecology and Earth system science, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 11
- msocc: Fit and analyse computationally efficient multi‐scale occupancy models in R, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 9
- The use of Bayesian priors in Ecology: The good, the bad and the not great, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 8
- AMMonitor: Remote monitoring of biodiversity in an adaptive framework with R, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 7
- AMMonitor 2: Remote monitoring of biodiversity in an adaptive framework in R, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 7
- Dermal denticle assemblages in coral reef sediments correlate with conventional shark surveys, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 3
- Sampling and analysis frameworks for inference in ecology, 2020, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (11) - 10
- Cohesive framework for modeling plant cover class data, 2019, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (10) - 10
- A comparative analysis of common methods to identify waterbird hotspots, 2019, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (10) - 9
- The area under the precision‐recall curve as a performance metric for rare binary events, 2019, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (10) - 4
- Occupancy models for citizen-science data, 2019, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (10) - 1
- DNA mixtures for ecology, 2019, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Modelling sound attenuation in heterogeneous environments for improved bioacoustic sampling of wildlife populations, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 9
- Using partial aggregation in spatial capture recapture, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 8
- Animal movement models for migratory individuals and groups, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 7
- Two-species occupancy modeling accounting for species misidentification and nondetection, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 6
- Evaluation of acoustic telemetry grids for determining aquatic animal movement and survival, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 6
- Imperfect pathogen detection from non-invasive skin swabs biases disease inference, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 2
- Integrating continuous stocks and flows into state-and-transition simulation models of landscape change, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 4
- A new framework for analysing automated acoustic species detection data: Occupancy estimation and optimization of recordings post-processing, 2018, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (9) - 3
- Bias correction of bounded location errors in presence-only data, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 11
- Estimating occupancy and abundance using aerial images with imperfect detection, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 12
- Statistical design and analysis for plant cover studies with multiple sources of observation errors, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 12
- QFASAR: Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis with R, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 9
- Long-term video surveillance and automated analyses reveal arousal patterns in groups of hibernating bats, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 12
- Novel, continuous monitoring of fine‐scale movement using fixed‐position radiotelemetry arrays and random forest location fingerprinting, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 7
- A multistate dynamic site occupancy model for spatially aggregated sessile communities, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 6
- Do we need demographic data to forecast plant population dynamics?, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 5
- Integrated species distribution models: combining presence-background data and site-occupancy data with imperfect detection, 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) -
- Designing occupancy studies when false-positive detections occur, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 12
- Critical considerations for the application of environmental DNA methods to detect aquatic species, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 11
- Uncertainty in biological monitoring: a framework for data collection and analysis to account for multiple sources of sampling bias, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 8
- State-and-transition simulation models: a framework for forecasting landscape change, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 11
- Immunoglobulin detection in wild birds: Effectiveness of three secondary anti-avian IgY antibodies in direct ELISAs in 41 avian species, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 10
- Estimating abundance in the presence of species uncertainty, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 9
- A functional model for characterizing long-distance movement behaviour, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 3
- CDMetaPOP: An individual-based, eco-evolutionary model for spatially explicit simulation of landscape demogenetics, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (8) - 1
- A quantitative framework for estimating risk of collision between marine mammals and boats, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 1
- Assessing the robustness of quantitative fatty acid signature analysis to assumption violations, 2016, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 1
- On the existence of maximum likelihood estimates for presence-only data, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (6) - 6
- Occupancy estimation for rare species using a spatially-adaptive sampling design, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7) - 3
- When do we need more data? A primer on calculating the value of information for applied ecologists, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (6) - 10
- Accounting for multiple climate components when estimating climate change exposure and velocity, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (6) - 6
- Testing hypotheses on distribution shifts and changes in phenology of imperfectly detectable species, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (6) - 6
- Performance of species occurrence estimators when basic assumptions are not met: a test using field data where true occupancy status is known, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (6) - 5
- Modelling non-Euclidean movement and landscape connectivity in highly structured ecological networks, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (6) - 2
- Accounting for imperfect detection in Hill numbers for biodiversity studies, 2015, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (6) - 1
- Estimating true instead of apparent survival using spatial Cormack-Jolly-Seber models, 2014, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5) - 12
- Mark-resight abundance estimation under incomplete identification of marked individuals, 2014, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5) - 12
- Using mark-recapture distance sampling methods on line transect surveys, 2014, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5) - 11
- Reply to Efford on ‘Integrating resource selection information with spatial capture-recapture’, 2014, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5) - 7
- Multiseason occupancy models for correlated replicate surveys, 2014, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5) - 6
- Hierarchical spatial capture-recapture models: Modeling population density from stratified populations, 2014, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5) - 1
- Advances and applications of occupancy models, 2013, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5) - 12
- Strategies for fitting nonlinear ecological models in R, AD Model Builder, and BUGS, 2013, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (4) - 6
- Integrating resource selection information with spatial capture--recapture, 2013, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (4) - 6
- Presence-only modeling using MAXENT: when can we trust the inferences?, 2013, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (4) - 3
- Representing the acquisition and use of energy by individuals in agent-based models of animal populations, 2013, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (4) - 2
- Program SPACECAP: software for estimating animal density using spatially explicit capture-recapture models, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 6
- A Gibbs sampler for Bayesian analysis of site-occupancy data, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 6
- A general theory of multimetric indices and their properties, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 4
- Moderating Argos location errors in animal tracking data, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 6
- A two-phase sampling design for increasing detections of rare species in occupancy surveys, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 4
- Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modelling species distributions, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 3
- On thinning of chains in MCMC, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 1
- Applying additive modeling and gradient boosting to assess the effects of watershed and reach characteristics on riverine assemblages, 2012, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (3) - 1
- Spatial capture-recapture models for search-encounter data, 2011, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2) - 6
- Accounting for non-independent detection when estimating abundance of organisms with a Bayesian approach, 2011, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2) - 6
- Assessing conservation relevance of organism-environment relations using predicted changes in response variables, 2010, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (1) - 4
- Unbiased survival estimates and evidence for skipped breeding opportunities in females, 2010, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (1) - 2