Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Evaluation for internal consistency in the thermodynamic network involving fluorite, cryolite and villiaumite solubilities and aqueous species at 25°C and 1 bar, 2022, Mineralogical Magazine (86) - 4
- Major element and oxygen isotope geochemistry of vapour-phase garnet from the Topopah Spring Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA, 2014, Mineralogical Magazine (78) - 4
- Compositional variation in the chevkinite group: new data from igneous and metamorphic rocks, 2009, Mineralogical Magazine (73) - 5
- REE partitioning between apatite and melt in a peralkaline volcanic suite, Kenya Rift Valley, 2009, Mineralogical Magazine (72) - 6
- Chevkinite-group minerals from granulite-facies metamorphic rocks and associated pegmatites of East Antarctica and South India , 2009, Mineralogical Magazine (73) - 1
- Application of synchrotron methods to assess the uptake of roadway-derived Zn by earthworms in an urban soil, 2008, Mineralogical Magazine (72) - 1
- Solute profiles in soils, weathering gradients and exchange equilibrium/disequilibrium, 2008, Mineralogical Magazine (72) - 1
- Tracking magmatic processes through Zr/Hf ratios in rocks and Hf and Ti zoning in zircons: An example from the Spirit Mountain batholith, Nevada, 2006, Mineralogical Magazine (70) - 5
- Origin of placer laurite from Borneo: Se and As contents, and S isotopic compositions, 2004, Mineralogical Magazine (68) - 2
- Compositional variation in minerals of the chevkinite group, 2002, Mineralogical Magazine (66) - 6
- Nomenclature of the micas, 1999, Mineralogical Magazine (63) - 2
- Proposed nomenclature for samarskite-group minerals: new data on ishikawaite and calciosamarskite, 1999, Mineralogical Magazine (63) - 1
- Neogene to Quaternary U-Th-Pb geochronology using opal, Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA, 1998, Mineralogical Magazine (62A) - 2
- A reexamination of the turquoise group: The mineral aheylite, planerite (redefined), turquoise and coeruleolactite, 1998, Mineralogical Magazine (62) - 1
- Recommended nomenclature for zeolite minerals: Report of the subcommittee on zeolites of the International Mineralogical Association, Commission of New Minerals and Mineral Names, 1998, Mineralogical Magazine (62) - 4
- Alkali-deficient tourmaline from the Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, British Columbia, 1997, Mineralogical Magazine (61) - 409
- Meurigite, a new fibrous iron phosphate resembling kidwellite, 1996, Mineralogical Magazine (60) - 402
- Clinobisvanite, eulytite, and namibite from the Pala pegmatite district, San Diego Co., California, USA, 1996, Mineralogical Magazine (60) - 2
- Sodium metasomatism along the Melones Fault Zone, Sierra Nevada Foothills, California, USA, 1995, Mineralogical Magazine (59) - 396
- Orogenesis, high-T thermal events, and gold vein formation within metamorphic rocks of the Alaskan Cordillera, 1993, Mineralogical Magazine (57) - 388
- Delindeite titanosilicates and lourenswalsite, two new from the Magnet Cove region, Arkansas, 1987, Mineralogical Magazine (51) - 361
- The 1875 eruption of Askja volcano, Iceland: Combined fractional crystallization and selective contamination in the generation of rhyolitic magma, 1987, Mineralogical Magazine (51) - 360
- Diagenetic palaeotemperatures from aqueous fluid inclusions: re-equilibration of inclusions in carbonate cements by burial heating, 1987, Mineralogical Magazine (51) - 362
- Uranoan thorite in lithophysal rhyolite - Topaz Mountain, Utah, U.S.A., 1985, Mineralogical Magazine (49) - 354
- Zinc- and Y-group-bearing senaite from St Peters Dome, and new data on senaite from Dattas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1984, Mineralogical Magazine (48) - 346
- Straczekite, a new calcium barium potassium vanadate mineral from Wilson Springs, Arkansas, 1984, Mineralogical Magazine (48) - 2
- Dwornikite, (Ni,Fe)SO 4 .H 2 O, a member of the kieserite group from Minasragra, Peru, 1982, Mineralogical Magazine (46) - 340
- Dwornikite, (Ni,Fe)SO4 · H2O, a member of the kieserite group from Minasragra, Peru, 1982, Mineralogical Magazine (46) - 340