Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Spatial and temporal surveys of salmon environmental DNA (eDNA) in a Seattle urban creek, 2024, Northwest Science (97) - 3
- River channel response to the removal of the Pilchuck River Diversion Dam, Washington State, 2024, Northwest Science (97) - 1-2
- Documenting historical anchorworm parasitism of introduced warmwater fishes in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, 2024, Northwest Science (97) - 1-2
- Establishment and survival of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) in meadows of Olympic National Park, Washington, 2021, Northwest Science (94) - 3-4
- A small proportion of breeders drive American bullfrog invasion of the Yellowstone River floodplain, Montana, 2021, Northwest Science (94) - 3-4
- Whitebark pine in the national parks of the Pacific states: An assessment of population vulnerability, 2020, Northwest Science (94) - 2
- Anadromous coastal cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii as a host for Argulus pugettensis (Crustacea, Branchiura): Parasite prevalence, intensity and distribution, 2020, Northwest Science (94) - 2
- Age distribution of red tree voles in northern spotted owl pellets estimated from molar tooth development, 2020, Northwest Science (93) - 3-4
- Pre-late Wisconsin valley-glacier erratics between Leavenworth and Peshastin, Wenatchee valley, Washington, 2020, Northwest Science (92) - 5
- Status of Pacific martens (Martes caurina) on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, 2019, Northwest Science (93) - 2
- Guest editorial: Aquatic science in the Northwest, 2017, Northwest Science (3) - 91
- Breeding behavior of northern saw-whet owls in Oregon, 2017, Northwest Science (91) - 2
- Introduced American Bullfrog distribution and diets in Grand Teton National Park, 2017, Northwest Science (3) - 91
- Comparing automated classification and digitization approaches to detect change in eelgrass bed extent during restoration of a large river delta, 2017, Northwest Science (91) - 3
- Spatial and temporal variability in benthic invertebrate assemblages in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017, Northwest Science (91) - 3
- Ecology of the Opossum Shrimp (Neomysis mercedis) in a Lower Snake River Reservoir, Washington, 2017, Northwest Science (91) - 2
- Electrofishing effort requirements for estimating species richness in the Kootenai River, Idaho, 2016, Northwest Science (90) - 3
- Assessing tidal marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise in the Skagit Delta, 2016, Northwest Science (90) - 1
- Impacts of Climate Change on Regulated Streamflow, Hydrologic Extremes, Hydropower Production, and Sediment Discharge in the Skagit River Basin, 2016, Northwest Science (90) - 1
- Combined effects of projected sea level rise, storm surge, and peak river flows on water levels in the Skagit Floodplain, 2016, Northwest Science (90) - 1
- Vegetation community response to tidal marsh restoration of a large river estuary, 2015, Northwest Science (89) - 2
- Structure, diversity, and biophysical properties of old-growth forestsin the Klamath region, USA, 2015, Northwest Science (89) - 2
- Biotic and abiotic influences on abundance and distribution of nonnative Chinook salmon and native ESA-listed steelhead in the Wind River, Washington, 2015, Northwest Science (89) - 1
- Population structure and dynamics of northern pike and smallmouth bass in Coeur d’Alene Lake, Idaho., 2015, Northwest Science (89) - 3
- Efficacy of plastic mesh tubes in reducing herbivory damage by the invasive nutria (Myocastor coypus) in an urban restoration site, 2014, Northwest Science (88) - 4
- Demographics of piscivorous colonial waterbirds and management implications for ESA-listed salmonids on the Columbia Plateau, 2014, Northwest Science (88) - 4
- A legacy of divergent fishery management regimes and the resilience of rainbow and cutthroat trout populations in Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, Washington, 2014, Northwest Science (88) - 4
- Effects of summer drawdown on the fishes and larval chironomids in Beulah Reservoir, Oregon, 2013, Northwest Science (87) - 3
- Factors influencing the distribution of native bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in western Glacier National Park, Montana, 2013, Northwest Science (87) - 1
- Distribution of Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus in watersheds of Puget Sound Based on smolt monitoring data, 2013, Northwest Science (87) - 2
- Book review: Biology and conservation of martens, sables, and fishers: A new synthesis, 2013, Northwest Science (87) - 2
- Recent population trends of mountain goats in the Olympic Mountains, Washington, 2012, Northwest Science (86) - 4
- Temporal genetic monitoring of hybridization between native westslope cutthroat trout and introduced rainbow trout in the Stehekin River, Washington, 2012, Northwest Science (86) - 3
- Arrival and expansion of the invasive foraminifera Trochammina hadai Uchio in Padilla Bay, Washington, 2012, Northwest Science (86) - 1
- Persistent effects of wildfire and debris flows on the invertebrate prey base of rainbow trout in Idaho streams, 2011, Northwest Science (85) - 1
- Using a distribution and conservation status weighted hotspot approach to identify areas in need of conservation action to benefit Idaho bird species, 2010, Northwest Science (84) - 2
- Hydraulic alterations resulting from hydropower development in the Bonneville Reach of the Columbia River, 2010, Northwest Science (84) - 3
- Growth, condition factor, and bioenergetics modeling link warmer stream temperatures below a small dam to reduced performance of juvenile steelhead, 2010, Northwest Science (84) - 4
- Branchiopods (Anostraca, Notostraca) from protected areas of Western Montana, 2010, Northwest Science (84) - 1
- Passage and behavior of radio-tagged adult Pacific lampreys (Entosphenus tridentatus) at the Willamette Falls Project, Oregon., 2010, Northwest Science (84) - 3
- Factors affecting the age-C resident fish community along shorelines of the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River, 2009, Northwest Science (83) - 3
- Evaluation of strobe lights to reduce turbine entrainment of juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at Cowlitz Falls Dam, Washington, 2009, Northwest Science (83) - 4
- Baseline studies in the Elwha River ecosystem prior to dam removal: Introduction to the special issue, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - sp1
- Aspen height, stem-girth and survivorship in an area of high ungulate use, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - 3
- Prey of nesting ospreys on the Willamette and Columbia Rivers, Oregon and Washington, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - 3
- Effects of a natural dam-break flood on geomorphology and vegetation on the Elwha River, Washington, U.S.A., 2008, Northwest Science (82) - SPEC.ISS.
- Fish assemblage, density, and growth in lateral habitats within natural and regulated sections of Washington's Elwha River prior to dam removal, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - SPEC.ISS.
- Space and habitat use by black bears in the Elwha valley prior to dam removal, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - SPEC.ISS.
- Nearshore substrate and morphology offshore of the Elwha River, Washington, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - SPEC.ISS.
- Predicting recolonization patterns and interactions between potamodromous and anadromous salmonids in response to dam removal in the Elwha River, Washington State, USA, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - SPEC.ISS.
- Influence of dams on river-floodplain dynamics in the Elwha River, Washington, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - Sp. 1
- Benthic invertebrates and periphyton in the Elwha river basin: Current conditions and predicted response to dam removal, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - SPEC.ISS.
- Sexual maturation in kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka, 2008, Northwest Science (82) - 1
- Sprint swimming performance of wild bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), 2008, Northwest Science (82) - 1
- Foraging patterns of Caspian terns and double-crested cormorants in the Columbia River estuary, 2007, Northwest Science (81) - 2
- The role of natural vegetative disturbance in determining stream reach characteristics in central Idaho and western Montana, 2007, Northwest Science (81) - 3
- Population trajectory of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) in eastern Washington, 2006, Northwest Science (80) - 4
- Range expansion of an exotic Siberian prawn to the Lower Snake River, 2006, Northwest Science (80) - 4
- Food habits of Juvenile American Shad and dynamics of zooplankton in the lower Columbia River, 2006, Northwest Science (80) - 1
- Headwater riparian invertebrate communities associated with red alder and conifer wood and leaf litter in southeastern Alaska, 2005, Northwest Science (79) - 4
- Longer-term effects of selective thinning on carabid beetles and spiders in the Cascade Mountains of southern Oregon, 2005, Northwest Science (78) - 4
- Breeding ecology of Caspian terns at colonies on the Columbia Plateau, 2005, Northwest Science (78) - 4
- Upstream migration of Pacific lampreys in the John Day River, Oregon: Behavior, timing, and habitat use, 2005, Northwest Science (79) - 2-3
- Interannual variability in aboveground tree growth in Stehekin River watershed, North Cascade Range, Washington, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 3
- Small mammals in montane wet meadow habitat at Grays Lake, Idaho, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 3
- The role of red alder in riparian forest structure along headwater streams in southeastern Alaska, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 2
- Critical swimming speeds of wild bull trout, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 1
- Flower and fruit production of understory shrubs in western Washington and Oregon, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 2
- A video surveillence system for monitoring raptor nests in a temperate rainforest environment, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 1
- Distribution and relative abundance of fishes in littoral areas of Chief Joseph Reservoir, Columbia River, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 1
- Seed and vegetative production of shrubs and growth of understory conifer regeneration, 2004, Northwest Science (78) - 2
- Organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, trace elements and metals in western pond turtle eggs from Oregon, 2003, Northwest Science (77) - 1
- Use of similar habitat by cutthroat trout and brown trout in a regulated river during winter, 2003, Northwest Science (77) - 1
- A comparison of bat activity at low and high elevations in the Black Hills of western Washington, 2003, Northwest Science (77) - 2
- Spatial use and habitat associations of Columbian white-tailed deer fawns in southwestern Oregon, 2003, Northwest Science (77) -
- Thermal exposure of juvenile fall chinook salmon migrating through a lower Snake River Reservoir, 2003, Northwest Science (77) - 2
- Effects of acute thermal stress on the survival, predator avoidance, and physiology of juvenile fall Chinook salmon, 2002, Northwest Science (76) - 2
- Resident fish assemblages in shallow shorelines of a Columbia River impoundment, 2002, Northwest Science (76) - 2
- Terrestrial and stream amphibians across clearcut-forest interfaces in the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon, 2002, Northwest Science (76) - 2
- Consumption of wasps and bees by Yellowstone grizzly bears, 2002, Northwest Science (76) - 2
- Abundances of northwestern salamander larvae in montane lakes with and without fish, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, 2002, Northwest Science (76) - 1
- Clutch sizes and nests of tailed frogs from the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, 2001, Northwest Science (75) - 4
- From open to closed canopy: A century of change in Douglas-fir forest, Orcas Island, Washington, 2001, Northwest Science (75) - 3
- Early life history attributes and run composition of PIT-tagged wild subyearling Chinook salmon recaptured after migrating downstream past Lower Granite Dam, 2001, Northwest Science (75) - 3
- White sturgeon spawning areas in the lower Snake River, 2000, Northwest Science (74) - 3
- [Book Review] Sunrise to Paradise: The story of Mount Rainier National Park, 2000, Northwest Science (74) - 1
- Diet of first-feeding larval and young-of-the-year white sturgeon in the lower Columbia River, 2000, Northwest Science (74) - 1
- Requiem for a sagebrush ecosystem?, 1999, Northwest Science (73) - 1
- Tropospheric ozone in the Nisqually River Drainage, Mount Rainier National Park, 1999, Northwest Science (73) - 4
- Classification of species attributes for Pacific Northwest freshwater fishes, 1999, Northwest Science (73) - 2
- Book Review: 'Yellowstone and the biology of time - Photographs across a century' by Mary Meagher and Douglas B. Houston, 1999, Northwest Science (73) - 2
- Detecting long-term hydrological patterns at Crater Lake, Oregon, 1999, Northwest Science (73) - 2
- Fire, vegetation, and scale: Toward optimal models for the Pacific Northwest, 1998, Northwest Science (72) -
- Book Review: Preserving nature in the national parks - A history, 1998, Northwest Science (72) - 3
- Large-scale fire disturbance: From concepts to models, 1998, Northwest Science (72) -
- Relationships among environmental variables and distribution of tree species at high elevation in the Olympic Mountains, 1998, Northwest Science (72) - 1
- Marbled murrelets have declined in Alaska, 1998, Northwest Science (72) - 4
- Book review of Clean Water: The citizen’s complete guide to water quality and water pollution control, 1997, Northwest Science (71) - 2
- Using mark-recapture methods to estimate fish abundance in small mountain lakes, 1997, Northwest Science (71) - 1
- Using otoliths and scales to describe age and growth of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in a high-elevation stream system, Wyoming, 1997, Northwest Science (71) - 1
- An increase in herbivory of cottonwood in yellowstone national park, 1997, Northwest Science (71) - 2
- Soil development on a Pleistocene terrace sequence, Boise Valley, Idaho, 1997, Northwest Science (71) - 4
- Geologic sources of asbestos in Seattle's tolt reservoir, 1996, Northwest Science (70) - 1
- Overview of the limnology of Crater Lake, 1996, Northwest Science (70) -
- Overview of the limnology of crater lake, 1996, Northwest Science (70) - 2 SPEC. ISS.
- Amphibian and reptile abundance in riparian and upslope areas of five forest types in western Oregon, 1996, Northwest Science (70) - 2
- Influence of temperature on incubation rates of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from ten Washington populations, 1995, Northwest Science (69) - 2
- Vertical distribution of a deep-water moss and associated epiphytes in Crater Lake, Oregon, 1994, Northwest Science (68) - 1
- Bald eagle winter roost characteristics in Lava Beds National Monument, California, 1993, Northwest Science (67) - 1
- Roosevelt elk selection of temperate rain forest seral stages in western Washington, 1993, Northwest Science (67) - 1
- Lead and cadmium concentrations in mink from northern Idaho, 1990, Northwest Science (64) - 4
- Regional vertical tectonic displacement of shorelines in south- central Alaska during and between great earthquakes, 1990, Northwest Science (64) - 5
- Roosevelt elk density in old-growth forests of Olympic National Park, 1987, Northwest Science (61) - 4
- Post-glacial lahars of the Sandy River Basin, Mount Hood, Oregon., 1986, Northwest Science (60) - 4
- Age-specific productivity and nest site characteristics of Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii), 1984, Northwest Science (58) - 4
- Organochlorine residues in bats after a forest spraying with DDT, 1982, Northwest Science (56) - 4
- Pb210 geochronology and trace metal concentrations of sediments from Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Euwana, Oregon., 1981, Northwest Science (55) - 4
- Osprey distribution, abundance, and status in western North America: I. The northern California population, 1978, Northwest Science (52) - 3
- A bibliography of Oregon ornithology (1935-1970) with a cross-referenced list of the birds of Oregon, 1972, Northwest Science (46) - 2
- Age of the Palouse Formation in the Walla Walla and Umatilla River basins, Oregon and Washington, 1961, Northwest Science (35) - 4
- Some preliminary notes on the ground water in the Columbia River basalt, 1959, Northwest Science (33) - 1