Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Fishes of Harney Basin revisited: An assessment of the distribution of native and nonnative fishes over a half century, 2023, Northwestern Naturalist (104) - 2
- Rural turtles: Estimating the occupancy of Northwestern Pond Turtles and non-native red-eared sliders in agricultural habitats in California's Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, 2022, Northwestern Naturalist (103) - 2
- Diet composition of Fishers (Pekania pennanti) reintroduced on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, 2021, Northwestern Naturalist (102) - 2
- Occurrence of a suite of stream-obligate amphibians in timberlands of Mendocino County, California, examined using environmental DNA, 2020, Northwestern Naturalist (101) - 3
- Black oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) population size, use of marine reserve complexes, and spatial distribution in Oregon, 2020, Northwestern Naturalist (101) - 1
- Fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), sand roller (Percopsis transmontana), and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) interactions in a Snake River reservoir: A tale of three species, 2019, Northwestern Naturalist (100) - 1
- Trends in landbird density at two national parks in fragmented, mixed-use landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, 2019, Northwestern Naturalist (100) - 1
- Ecology of the Sand Roller (Percopsis transmontana) in a lower Snake River Reservoir, Washington, 2017, Northwestern Naturalist (98) - 3
- Occurrence of amphibians in northern California coastal dune drainages, 2017, Northwestern Naturalist (98) - 2
- Distribution and abundance of Millicoma Dace in the Coos River Basin, Oregon, 2017, Northwestern Naturalist (98) - 1
- Twenty-five years of monitoring a Townsend's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) maternity roost, 2015, Northwestern Naturalist (96) - 1
- Stomach contents of a Cuvier's Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris) stranded in Monterey Bay, California, 2015, Northwestern Naturalist (96) - 1
- High shrew diversity on Alaska's Seward Peninsula: Community assembly and environmental change, 2012, Northwestern Naturalist (93) - 2
- Temporally irregular breeding of western spadefoot toads (Spea hammondii) in managed wetlands, 2012, Northwestern Naturalist (93) - 1
- Hatchlings of the western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata) in diet of great blue heron (Ardea herodias), 2012, Northwestern Naturalist (93) - 1
- Behavior and movement of formerly landlocked juvenile coho salmon after release into the free-flowing Cowlitz River, Washington, 2011, Northwestern Naturalist (92) - 3
- Diel behavior of rearing fall Chinook salmon, 2010, Northwestern Naturalist (91) - 3
- Scale-dependent associations of Band-tailed Pigeon counts at mineral sites, 2010, Northwestern Naturalist (91) - 3
- Fire effects on the Point Reyes Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa phaea) at Point Reyes National Seashore, 10 years after the Vision Fire, 2009, Northwestern Naturalist (90) - 3
- Monitoring biological diversity: strategies, tools, limitations, and challenges, 2006, Northwestern Naturalist (87) - 1
- Taxonomic and geographic variation in oviposition by tailed frogs (Ascaphus spp), 2006, Northwestern Naturalist (87) - 2
- Habitat selection models for Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2005, Northwestern Naturalist (86) - 3
- Feeding behavior and aquatic habitat use by Oregon spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) in central Oregon, 2005, Northwestern Naturalist (86) - 1
- Small boats disturb fish-holding marbled murrelets, 2004, Northwestern Naturalist (85) - 1
- Declining ring-necked pheasants in the Klamath Basin, California: II. Survival, productivity, and cover, 2001, Northwestern Naturalist (82) - 3
- A comparison in Colorado of three methods to monitor breeding amphibians, 2000, Northwestern Naturalist (81) - 1
- Discovery of a new Kittlitz's murrelet nest: Clues to habitat selection and nest-site fidelity, 1999, Northwestern Naturalist (80) - 1
- DDE, PCBs, cadmium, lead, and mercury concentrations in rhinoceros auklets from Washington, 1999, Northwestern Naturalist (80) - 1
- Amphibian and reptile surveys of U.S. Navy lands on the Kitsap and Toandos Peninsulas, Washington, 1999, Northwestern Naturalist (80) - 1
- Amphibians of the Fort Lewis Military Reservation, Washington: Sampling techniques and community patterns, 1998, Northwestern Naturalist (79) - 1
- Survey and assessment of amphibian populations in Rocky Mountain National Park, 1997, Northwestern Naturalist (78) - 1
- Habitat use, diet and breeding biology of tufted puffins in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1997, Northwestern Naturalist (78) - 3
- Foods of northern fulmars associated with high-seas drift nets in the transitional region of the North Pacific, 1997, Northwestern Naturalist (78) - 2
- Black bear damage to lodgepole pine in central Oregon, 1995, Northwestern Naturalist (76) -
- Decline in a population of spectacled eiders nesting on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 1994, Northwestern Naturalist (75) - 3
- Partial migration and wintering localities of American kestrels nesting in the Pacific northwest, 1994, Northwestern Naturalist (75) - 2
- Nests and eggs of colonial birds nesting in Malheur Lake, Oregon, with notes on DDE, 1993, Northwestern Naturalist (74) - 2
- Wolverine specimen from south-central Washington state, 1993, Northwestern Naturalist (74) - 1
- First record of Mew gulls breeding in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 1993, Northwestern Naturalist (73) -
- Canada goose die-off related to simultaneous application of three anticholinesterase insecticides, 1991, Northwestern Naturalist (72) - 1
- Accumulation of trace elements and organochlorines by surf scoters wintering in the Pacific northwest, 1991, Northwestern Naturalist (72) - 2
- First nest record of the least bittern in Wyoming, 1990, Northwestern Naturalist (71) - 1
- Field observation of the development of a clutch of Pacific Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) eggs, 1990, Northwestern Naturalist (71) -
- Leopard frog and wood frog reproduction in Colorado and Wyoming, 1989, Northwestern Naturalist (70) - 1
- Third specimen of a metamorphosed Cope's giant salamander (Dicamptodon copei), 1989, Northwestern Naturalist (70) -