Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- The influence of food abundance, food dispersion and habitat structure on territory selection and size of an Afrotropical terrestrial insectivore, 2015, Ostrich (87) - 3
- Movement ecology of five Afrotropical waterfowl species from Malawi, Mali and Nigeria, 2015, Ostrich (86) - 1-2
- Implementing telemetry on new species in remote areas: Recommendations from a large-scale satellite tracking study of African waterfowl, 2011, Ostrich (82) - 1
- Satellite tracking of two lesser spotted eagles, Aquila pomarina, migrating from Namibia, 2001, Ostrich (72) - 1 & 2
- Year-round movements of a Wahlberg's eagle Aquila wahlbergi tracked by satellite, 1995, Ostrich (66) - 4