Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Icebergs in the Nordic Seas throughout the Late Pliocene, 2018, Paleoceanography (33) - 3
- Shallow marine response to global climate change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Salisbury Embayment, USA, 2017, Paleoceanography (32) - 7
- Twentieth century warming of the tropical Atlantic captured by Sr-U paleothermometry, 2017, Paleoceanography (32) - 2
- GDGT and alkenone flux in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for the TEX86 and UK137 paleothermometers, 2016, Paleoceanography (31) - 12
- Nannoplankton malformation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and its paleoecological and paleoceanographic significance, 2016, Paleoceanography (31) - 10
- Geochemistry of the Black Sea during the last 15 kyr: A protracted evolution of its hydrography and ecology, 2016, Paleoceanography (31) - 8
- Abrupt termination of Marine Isotope Stage 16 (Termination VII) at 631.5 ka in Santa Barbara Basin, California, 2015, Paleoceanography (30) - 10
- Holocene variability in the intensity of wind-gap upwelling in the tropical eastern Pacific, 2015, Paleoceanography (30) - 8
- Late Holocene sea level variability and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, 2014, Paleoceanography (29) - 8
- A reconstruction of sea surface temperature variability in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico from 1734 to 2008 C.E. using cross-dated Sr/Ca records from the coral Siderastrea siderea, 2014, Paleoceanography (29) - 5
- Productivity and sedimentary δ15N variability for the last 17,000 years along the northern Gulf of Alaska continental slope, 2012, Paleoceanography (27) -
- Chronostratigraphic framework for the IODP Expedition 318 cores from the Wilkes Land Margin: Constraints for paleoceanographic reconstruction, 2012, Paleoceanography (27) - 2
- Response of the North American monsoon to regional changes in ocean surface temperature, 2012, Paleoceanography (27) - 3
- Impact of a permanent El Niño (El Padre) and Indian Ocean Dipole in warm Pliocene climates, 2009, Paleoceanography (24) - 2
- Reevaluation of mid-Pliocene North Atlantic sea surface temperatures, 2008, Paleoceanography (23) - PA3213
- A 26 million year gap in the central Arctic record at the greenhouse-icehouse transition: Looking for clues, 2008, Paleoceanography (23) - 1
- Low reservoir ages for the surface ocean from mid-Holocene Florida corals, 2008, Paleoceanography (23) - 2
- Mid-Cenozoic tectonic and paleoenvironmental setting of the central Arctic Ocean, 2008, Paleoceanography (23) - 1
- Constraints on the Pleistocene chronology of sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge, 2008, Paleoceanography (23) - 1
- Quaternary paleoceanography of the central Arctic based on Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Arctic Coring Expedition 302 foraminiferal assemblages, 2008, Paleoceanography (23) - 1
- Large fluctuations of dissolved oxygen in the Indian and Pacific oceans during Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations caused by variations of North Atlantic Deep Water subduction, 2007, Paleoceanography (22) - 3
- Holocene history of drift ice in the northern North Atlantic: Evidence for different spatial and temporal modes, 2006, Paleoceanography (21) - 2
- Sediment Cd and Mo accumulation in the oxygen-minimum zone off western Baja California linked to global climate over the past 52 kyr, 2006, Paleoceanography (21) - 4
- Reproducibility of geochemical and climatic signals in the Atlantic coral Montastraea faveolata, 2006, Paleoceanography (21) - 1
- Middle Pliocene sea surface temperature variability, 2005, Paleoceanography (20) - 2
- Multiproxy evidence of Holocene climate variability from estuarine sediments, eastern North America, 2005, Paleoceanography (20) - 4
- Calcareous nannofossil evidence for the existence of the Gulf Stream during the late Maastrichtian, 2005, Paleoceanography (20) - 3
- Deep and bottom water export from the Southern Ocean to the Pacific over the past 38 million years, 2004, Paleoceanography (19) - 1
- High-resolution climatic evolution of coastal northern California during the past 16,000 years, 2003, Paleoceanography (18) - 1
- Millennial- to century-scale variability in Gulf of Mexico Holocene climate records, 2003, Paleoceanography (18) - 2
- On the preservation of laminated sediments along the western margin of North America, 2003, Paleoceanography (18) - 4
- Possible roles of pH, temperature, and partial dissolution in determining boron concentration and isotopic composition in planktonic foraminifera, 2003, Paleoceanography (18) - 4
- North Atlantic Deep Water export to the Southern Ocean over the past 14 Myr: Evidence from Nd and Pb isotopes in ferromanganese crusts, 2002, Paleoceanography (17) - 2
- Intensification of the Northeast Pacific oxygen minimum zone during the Bölling-Alleröd warm period, 2000, Paleoceanography (15) - 5
- Younger Dryas interval and outflow from the Laurentide ice sheet, 2000, Paleoceanography (15) - 1
- Foraminiferal faunal estimates of paleotemperature: Circumventing the no-analog problem yields cool ice age tropics, 1999, Paleoceanography (14) - 3
- Organic-matter production and preservation and evolution of anoxia in the Holocene Black Sea, 1998, Paleoceanography (13) - 4
- Numerical modeling of late Glacial Laurentide advance of ice across Hudson Strait: Insights into terrestrial and marine geology, mass balance, and calving flux, 1997, Paleoceanography (12) - 1
- Biogenic sedimentation beneath the California Current system for the past 30 kyr and its paleoceanographic significance, 1997, Paleoceanography (12) - 2
- The California current of the last glacial maximum: reconstruction at 42°N based on multiple proxies, 1997, Paleoceanography (12) - 2
- Editorial: more uncertainty than necessary, 1996, Paleoceanography (11) - 4
- Late Paleocene Arctic Ocean shallow-marine temperatures from mollusc stable isotopes, 1996, Paleoceanography (11) - 3
- Instability of bottom-water redox conditions during accumulation of Quaternary sediment in the Japan Sea, 1996, Paleoceanography (11) - 2
- Ventilation changes in the northeast Pacific during the last deglaciation, 1996, Paleoceanography (11) - 5
- Geochemical evidence for enhanced preservation of organic matter in the oxygen minimum zone of the continental margin of northern California during the Late Pleistocene, 1994, Paleoceanography (9) - 1
- Latest Paleocene lithologic and biotic events in neritic deposits of southwestern New Jersey, 1993, Paleoceanography (8) - 4
- Two major Cenozoic episodes of phosphogenesis recorded in equatorial Pacific seamount deposits, 1993, Paleoceanography (8) - 2
- Variations in the fine-scale composition of a central Pacific ferromanganese crust: paleoceanographic implications, 1992, Paleoceanography (7) - 1
- Age and origin of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from limestone of the Franciscan Complex near Laytonville, California, 1990, Paleoceanography (5) - 5
- Changes in redox conditions in deep‐sea sediments of the subarctic North Pacific Ocean: Possible evidence for the presence of North Pacific Deep Water, 1989, Paleoceanography (4) - 6
- Rhythmic bedding produced in Cretaceous pelagic carbonate environments: Sensitive recorders of climatic cycles, 1986, Paleoceanography (1) - 4
- Milankovitch cycles in Neocene deep‐sea sediment, 1986, Paleoceanography (1) - 40