Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- The curious case of the old dog in the sand, 2022, Park Science (36) - 2
- Parks look for ways to alleviate Glen Canyon Dam’s dramatic downstream impacts, 2022, Park Science (36) - 1
- Overcoming “analysis paralysis” through better climate change scenario planning, 2022, Park Science (36) - 1
- Biofluorescence in tiger salamanders documented in Rocky Mountain National Park for the first time, 2021, Park Science (51) - 1
- Volcanic ash resuspension from the Katmai Region, 2019, Park Science
- Volcanic hazards in Alaska’s National Parks, 2019, Park Science
- Potential impacts of projected climate change on vegetation management in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, 2018, Park Science (34) - 1
- The role of science through a century of elk and habitat management at Rocky Mountain National Park, 2016, Park Science (32) - 2
- Using monitoring data to map amphibian breeding hotspots and describe wetland vulnerability in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, 2015, Park Science (31) - 1
- Pollinators in peril? A multipark approach to evaluating bee communities in habitats vulnerable to effects from climate change, 2014, Park Science (31) - 1
- Estimating ecosystem carbon stocks at Redwood National and State Parks, 2013, Park Science (30) - 1
- The science of trail surveys: Recreation ecology provides new tools for managing wilderness trails, 2011, Park Science (28) - 3
- Paper birch: Sentinels of climate change in the Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska, 2011, Park Science (28) - 2
- The distribution and abundance ofa nuisance native alga, Didymosphenia geminata,in streams of Glacier National Park: Climate drivers and management implications, 2011, Park Science (28) - 2
- An innovative method for nondestructive analysis of cast iron artifacts at Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site, Pennsylvania, 2011, Park Science (27) - 3
- Long-term change in perennial vegetation along the Colorado river in Grand Canyon national park (1889-2010), 2011, Park Science (28) - 2
- Monitoring direct and indirect climate effects on whitebark pine ecosystems at Crater Lake National park, 2011, Park Science (28) - 2
- Greater sage-grouse of Grand Teton National Park: where do they roam?, 2011, Park Science (27) - 3
- The distribution and abundance of a nuisance native alga, Didymosphen Didymosphenia geminata, in streams of Glacier National Park: Climate drivers and management implications, 2011, Park Science (28) - 2
- White-nose syndrome in bats: a primer for resource managers, 2010, Park Science (27) - 1
- Where the buffalo roam: The role of history and genetics in the conservation of bison on U.S. federal lands, 2007, Park Science (24) - 2
- Native grasses: Contributors to historical landscapes and grassland-bird habitat in the Northeast, 2007, Park Science (24) - 2
- Reassessing a troublesome fact of mountain life: Avalanches in Glacier National Park, 2006, Park Science (24) - 1
- Response of western mountain ecosystems to climatic variability and change: The Western Mountain Initiative, 2006, Park Science (24) - 1
- Using a rapid method to predict recreational water quality at Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio, 2006, Park Science (24) - 2
- Advances in recreational water quality monitoring at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 2006, Park Science (24) - 1
- Buffelgrass fuel loads in Saguaro National Park, Arizona, increase fire danger and threaten native species, 2006, Park Science (24) - 2
- Burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia) as indicators of ecosystem health at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, 2004, Park Science (23) - 1
- Impacts of West Nile Virus on wildlife, 2004, Park Science (22) - 2
- The role of fire and fire management in the invasion of nonnative plants, 2004, Park Science (22) - 2
- Salamanders and introduced fish in mountain lakes of two Pacific Northwest parks, 2004, Park Science (22) - 2
- Burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia) as indicators of aquatic ecosystem health at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, 2004, Park Science (23) - 1
- Persistence of pikas in two low-elevation national monuments in the western United States, 2002, Park Science (21) - 2
- Recent colonization of mangroves and nesting frigatebirds at Dry Tortugas, 2001, Park Science (21) - 1
- Backcountry water quality in Grand Teton National Park, 2001, Park Science (21) - 1
- [Book review] Ecological Scale - Theory and Applications by D.L. Peterson and V. Thomas Parker, editors, 2000, Park Science (20) - 2
- Thinking outside the lines: Parks and the quality of life in area communities, 2000, Park Science (20) - 1
- [Book Review] Yellowstone and the biology of time- Photographs across a century, 2000, Park Science (19) - 2
- Studies of reproductive output of the desert tortoise at Joshua Tree National Park, the Mojave National Preserve, and comparative sites, 1999, Park Science (19) - 1
- Attitudes of backpackers and casual day visitors in Rocky Mountain National Park, 1998, Park Science (18) - 1
- Ground-truthing a troll: studying the barking frog at Coronado National Memorial, 1998, Park Science (18) -
- Ground-truthing a troll: Studying the barking frog at Coronado National Memorial, 1998, Park Science (18) - 1
- Springs and seeps of colonial National Historical Park: Groundwater study will help analyze off-site impacts to park ecosystem, 1997, Park Science (17) - 2
- Leave no trace outdoor skills and ethics: An educational solution for reducing visitor impacts, 1996, Park Science (16) - 3
- The reconstruction of Kenilworth Marsh, the last tidal marsh in Washington, D.C., 1995, Park Science (15) - 1
- Spruce grouse on Mount Desert Island: fragmented habitat complicates species management, 1995, Park Science (15) - 3
- Landscape-scale fire history studies support fire management action at Bandelier, 1995, Park Science (15) - 3
- Labrador retriever assists in ecological research for the NPS, 1994, Park Science (14) - 4
- Trail conditions and management practices in the National Park Service, 1994, Park Science (14) - 2
- Study documents mountain goat impacts at Olympic National Park, 1994, Park Science (14) - 2
- Getting a handle on visitor carrying capacity - A pilot project at Arches National Park, 1994, Park Science (14) - 1
- Conservation biologists conduct study of alien species on Hawaiian rainforests, 1994, Park Science (14) - 3
- Modeling the effects of climate change on the thermal structure of Yellowstone Lake, 1993, Park Science (13) - 1
- Southwestern Willow Flycatcher declines in Grand Canyon National Park, 1993, Park Science (13) - 2
- Great Basin NP and USGS cooperate on a geologic mapping program, 1993, Park Science (13) - 2
- Assessing nonpoint sources of toxicity Part II: using biomonitoring techniques, 1992, Park Science (12) - 4
- National Park biotic inventories assessed, 1992, Park Science (11) - 4
- Biomonitoring techniques for assessing toxicity in National Park waters (Part I of Two Parts), 1992, Park Science (12) - 3
- Study links Big Cypress fox squirrel to golf courses, 1992, Park Science (12) - 4
- Rare Plant Monitoring and Management at Point Reyes, 1991, Park Science (11) - 1
- [Book review] Little islands floating in seas of indifference?, 1991, Park Science (11) - 3
- Microbiotic crusts: their role in past and present ecosystems, 1990, Park Science (10) - 3
- Landscape ecology: a concept for protecting park resources, 1990, Park Science (10) - 1
- Evaluating recreation impacts: A multi-faceted research design, 1989, Park Science (9) - 2
- [Book review] Soft paths: How to Enjoy the Wilderness Without Harming It by Bruce Hampton and David Cole, 1989, Park Science (9) - 2
- White-tailed deer ecology on Fire Island, 1989, Park Science (9) - 4
- Why monitor park health?, 1989, Park Science (9) - 3
- The Boundary Approach: A geographic analysis of design and conservation of nature reserves, 1987, Park Science (7) - 3
- Erosion on Santa Barbara Island, 1985, Park Science (5) - 4
- Raptor Banding at Point Diablo Supplies Trapping Success Data, 1985, Park Science (5) -
- Golden Gate uses team approach on 'monumental' resource problems, 1984, Park Science (4) - 2
- Island Night Lizards, 1981, Park Science (1) - 3