Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Edge effects along roadside fuel treatments in sagebrush steppe, 2025, Rangeland Ecology and Management (98) -
- Closing the conservation gap in the sagebrush biome: Spatial targeting and coordination are needed for conservation to keep pace with sagebrush losses, 2024, Rangeland Ecology and Management (97) -
- Systematic process for determining field-sampling effort required to know vegetation changes in large, disturbed rangelands where management treatments have been applied, 2024, Rangeland Ecology and Management (92) -
- Predicting exotic annual grass abundance in rangelands of the western United States using various precipitation scenarios, 2023, Rangeland Ecology and Management (90) -
- Trends, impacts, and cost of catastrophic and frequent wildfires in the sagebrush biome, 2023, Rangeland Ecology and Management (89) -
- Future direction of fuels management in sagebrush rangelands, 2023, Rangeland Ecology and Management (86) -
- Predictive models of selective cattle use of large, burned landscapes in semiarid sagebrush-steppe, 2022, Rangeland Ecology and Management (85) -
- A quantitative soil-geomorphic framework for developing and mapping ecological site groups, 2022, Rangeland Ecology and Management (81) -
- Integrating wildlife habitat models with state-and-transitions models to enhance the management of rangelands for multiple objectives, 2021, Rangeland Ecology and Management (78) -
- Energy development and production in the Great Plains: Implications and restoration opportunities, 2020, Rangeland Ecology and Management (78) -
- Departures of rangeland fractional component cover and land cover from landsat-based ecological potential in Wyoming USA, 2020, Rangeland Ecology and Management (73) - 6
- Managing invasive plants on Great Plains grasslands: A discussion of current challenges, 2020, Rangeland Ecology and Management (78) -
- Post-fire management-scale trials of bacterial soil amendment MB906 show inconsistent control of invasive annual grasses, 2020, Rangeland Ecology and Management (73) - 6
- Synthesis of weed-suppressive bacteria studies in rangelands of the Western United States: Special section of articles in Rangeland Ecology and Management provides no evidence of effectiveness, 2020, Rangeland Ecology and Management (73) - 6
- Weed-suppressive bacteria applied as a spray or seed mixture did not control Bromus tectorum, 2020, Rangeland Ecology and Management (73) - 6
- Effects of a changing climate on the hydrological cycle in cold desert ecosystems of the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 1
- Bunchgrass root abundances and their relationship to resistance and resilience of a burned shrub-steppe landscape, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 5
- Fire risk in revegetated bunchgrass communities Infested with Bromus tectorum, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 3
- Comparison of methods to examine diet of feral horses from non-invasively collected fecal samples, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 4
- Potential spread of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) by feral horses (Equus ferus caballus) in Western Colorado, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 4
- Validating a time series of annual grass percent cover in the sagebrush ecosystem, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 2
- Patterns of big sagebrush plant community composition and stand structure in the western United States, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 3
- Socioecological determinants of drought impacts and coping strategies for ranching operations in the Great Plains, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (72) - 3
- Appropriate sample sizes for monitoring burned pastures in sagebrush steppe: How many plots are enough, and can one size fit all?, 2019, Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) - 6
- An introduction and practical guide to use of the Soil-Vegetation Inventory Method (SVIM) data, 2018, Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) - 6
- Insights from long-term ungrazed and grazed watersheds in a salt desert Colorado Plateau ecosystem, 2018, Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) - 4
- Land use diversification and intensification on elk winter range in Greater Yellowstone: A framework and agenda for social-ecological research, 2018, Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) - 2
- Spectrophotometry of Artemisia tridentata to quantitatively determine subspecies, 2018, Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) - 1
- Weather-centric rangeland revegetation planning, 2018, Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) - 1
- Productivity and CO2 exchange of Great Plains ecoregions. I. Shortgrass steppe: Flux tower estimates, 2017, Rangeland Ecology and Management (70) - 6
- Using resilience and resistance concepts to manage persistent threats to sagebrush ecosystems and greater sage-grouse, 2017, Rangeland Ecology and Management (70) - 2
- Pinyon and juniper encroachment into sagebrush ecosystems impacts distribution and survival of greater sage-grouse, 2017, Rangeland Ecology and Management (70) - 1
- Impacts of mesquite distribution on seasonal space use of lesser prairie-chickens, 2017, Rangeland Ecology and Management (70) - 1
- Mapping tree canopy cover in support of proactive prairie grouse conservation in western North America, 2017, Rangeland Ecology and Management (70) - 1
- Lesser prairie-chicken avoidance of trees in a grassland landscape, 2016, Rangeland Ecology and Management (70) - 1
- Conserving the Greater Sage-grouse: A social-ecological systems case study from the California-Nevada region, 2016, Rangeland Ecology and Management (70) - 1
- Encounters with Pinyon-Juniper influence riskier movements in Greater Sage-Grouse across the Great Basin, 2016, Rangeland Ecology and Management
- Transition of vegetation states positively affects harvester ants in the Great Basin, United States, 2016, Rangeland Ecology and Management (69) - 6
- Cheatgrass percent cover change: Comparing recent estimates to climate change − Driven predictions in the Northern Great Basin, 2016, Rangeland Ecology and Management (69) - 4
- Spatially explicit rangeland erosion monitoring using high-resolution digital aerial imagery, 2016, Rangeland Ecology and Management (69) - 2
- Rangeland monitoring reveals long-term plant responses to precipitation and grazing at the landscape scale, 2015, Rangeland Ecology and Management (69) - 1
- Challenges of establishing big sgebrush (Artemisia tridentata) in rangeland restoration: effects of herbicide, mowing, whole-community seeding, and sagebrush seed sources, 2015, Rangeland Ecology and Management (68) - 5
- Mapping and monitoring cheatgrass dieoff in rangelands of the Northern Great Basin, USA, 2015, Rangeland Ecology and Management (68) - 1
- A synopsis of short-term response to alternative restoration treatments in sagebrush-steppe: the SageSTEP project, 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 5
- Soil resources influence vegetation and response to fire and fire-surrogate treatments in sagebrush-steppe ecosystems, 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 5
- Resilience and resistance of sagebrush ecosystems: implications for state and transition models and management treatments, 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 5
- Ecological scale of bird community response to piñon-juniper removal, 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 5
- Natural regeneration processes in big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 4
- Corticosterone metabolite concentrations in greater sage-grouse are positively associated with the presence of cattle grazing, 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 3
- Region-wide ecological responses of arid Wyoming big sagebrush communities to fuel treatments, 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 5
- Human infrastructure and invasive plant occurrence across rangelands of southwestern Wyoming, U.S.A., 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 2
- Detecting the influence of best management practices on vegetation near ephemeral streams with Landsat data, 2014, Rangeland Ecology and Management (67) - 1
- Outplanting Wyoming big sagebrush following wldfire: stock performance and economics, 2013, Rangeland Ecology and Management (66) - 6
- Performance of quantitative vegetation sampling methods across gradients of cover in Great Basin plant communities, 2013, Rangeland Ecology and Management (66) - 6
- Detecting channel riparian vegetation response to best-management-practices implementation in ephemeral streams with the use of spot high-resolution visible imagery, 2013, Rangeland Ecology and Management (66) - 1
- Optimal placement of off-stream water sources for ephemeral stream recovery, 2013, Rangeland Ecology and Management (66) - 4
- Linking phenology and biomass productivity in South Dakota mixed-grass prairie, 2013, Rangeland Ecology and Management (66) - 5
- Assessing impacts of roads: application of a standard assessment protocol, 2013, Rangeland Ecology and Management (66) - 3
- Combining glyphosate with burning or mowing improves control of Yellow Bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum), 2013, Rangeland Ecology and Management (66) - 3
- Introduced and invasive species in novel rangeland ecosystems: friends or foes?, 2012, Rangeland Ecology and Management (65) - 6
- Revolutionary land use change in the 21st century: Is (rangeland) science relevant?, 2012, Rangeland Ecology and Management (65) - 6
- Ecosystem performance monitoring of rangelands by integrating modeling and remote sensing, 2012, Rangeland Ecology and Management (65) - 3
- A common-garden study of resource-island effects on a native and an exotic, annual grass after fire, 2012, Rangeland Ecology and Management (65) - 2
- Using digital photography to examine grazing in montane meadows, 2011, Rangeland Ecology and Management (64) - 2
- Resistance to invasion and resilience to fire in desert shrublands of North America, 2011, Rangeland Ecology and Management (64) - 5
- Allelopathic cover crop prior to seeding is more important than subsequent grazing/mowing in grassland establishment, 2011, Rangeland Ecology and Management (64) - 3
- Incorporating biodiversity into rangeland health: Plant species richness and diversity in great plains grasslands, 2011, Rangeland Ecology and Management (64) - 6
- Allelopathic cover crop prior to seeding is more important than subsequent grazing/mowing in Grassland establishment, 2011, Rangeland Ecology and Management (64) - 3
- Climate-driven interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange in the Northern Great Plains grasslands, 2010, Rangeland Ecology and Management (63) - 1
- Assessing transportation infrastructure impacts on rangelands: test of a standard rangeland assessment protocol, 2010, Rangeland Ecology and Management (63) - 5
- Historical and modern disturbance regimes, stand structures, and landscape dynamics in piñon-juniper vegetation of the western United States, 2009, Rangeland Ecology and Management (62) - 3
- Relationships between nutritional condition of adult females and relative carrying capacity for rocky mountain Elk, 2009, Rangeland Ecology and Management (62) - 2
- Defoliation effects on Bromus tectorum seed production: Implications for grazing, 2008, Rangeland Ecology and Management (61) - 1
- Invertebrate community response to a shifting mosaic of habitat, 2008, Rangeland Ecology and Management (61) - 1
- Habitat effects on condition of doe mule deer in arid mixed woodland-grassland, 2007, Rangeland Ecology and Management (60) - 3
- Influence of fire on black-tailed prairie dog colony expansion in shortgrass steppe, 2007, Rangeland Ecology and Management (60) - 5
- Classification of leafy spurge with earth observing-1 advanced land imager, 2006, Rangeland Ecology and Management (59) - 5
- Remote sensing for grassland management in the arid Southwest, 2006, Rangeland Ecology and Management (59) - 5
- Spatial modeling of biological soil crusts to support rangeland assessment and monitoring, 2006, Rangeland Ecology and Management (59) - 5
- Comment: "Silver sagebrush community associations in southeastern Alberta, Canada." Rangeland Ecology & Management 58:400-405, 2006, Rangeland Ecology and Management (59) - 1
- Long-term dynamics of production, respiration, and net CO2 exchange in two sagebrush-steppe ecosystems, 2006, Rangeland Ecology and Management (59) - 6
- The use of landsat 7 enhanced thematic mapper plus for mapping leafy spurge, 2006, Rangeland Ecology and Management (59) - 5
- Resilience of willow stems after release from intense elk browsing, 2005, Rangeland Ecology and Management (58) - 6