Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Changes in backwater plant communities from 1975 to 1995 in Navigation Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River, 2001, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (17) - 2
- Effects of pool formation and flash flooding on relative abundance of young-of-year flannelmouth suckers in the Paria River, Arizona, 2001, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (17) - 2
- Macroinvertebrate instream flow studies after 20 years: A role in stream management and restoration, 2001, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (17) - 4-5
- Entrainment of riparian gravel and cobbles in an alluvial reach of a regulated canyon river, 2000, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (16) - 1
- Estimation of geomorphically significant flows in alpine streams of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado (USA), 1999, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (15) - 4
- Factors controlling the establishment of Fremont cottonwood seedlings on the Upper Green River, USA, 1999, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (15) - 5
- Mortality of riparian box elder from sediment mobilization and extended inundation, 1999, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (15) - 5
- Butterfly (Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) assemblages associated with natural, exotic, and restored riparian habitats along the lower Colorado River, USA, 1999, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (15) - 6
- Flooding and forest succession in a modified stretch along the Upper Mississippi River, 1998, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (14) - 2
- Estimating flow rates to optimize winter habitat for centrarchid fish in Mississippi River (USA) backwaters, 1998, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (14) - 6
- Measurement of stream channel habitat using sonar, 1998, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (14) - 6
- Modelling of instream flow needs: The link between sediment and aquatic habitat, 1998, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (14) - 1
- Seasonal distribution, movements and habitat associations of northern squawfish in two Lower Columbia River reservoirs, 1997, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (13) - 6
- Effects of habitat suitability on the survival of relocated freshwater mussels, 1997, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (13) - 6
- Criteria for reducing predation by northern squawfish near juvenile salmonid bypass outfalls at Columbia River dams, 1996, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (12) - 4-5
- Analysis of water level management on the upper Mississippi River (1980–1990), 1995, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (11) - 2
- Ichthyoplankton abundance and variance in a large river system concerns for long-term monitoring, 1995, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (10) - 1
- Evaluation of freshwater mussel relocation as a conservation and management strategy, 1995, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (11) - 2
- Declines in aquatic vegetation in navigation pool no. 8, upper Mississippi River between 1975 and 1991, 1995, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (11) - 2
- Bioassessment of contaminant transport and distribution in aquatic ecosystems by chemical analysis of burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia), 1995, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (11) - 2
- Volume loss and mass balance for selected physicochemical constituents in Lake Pepin, upper Mississippi River, USA, 1995, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (11) - 2
- Preface: Bridging the gap between theory and practice on the upper Mississippi River, 1995, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (11) - 2
- Conceptual model for quantifying pre-smolt production from flow-dependent physical habitat and water temperature, 1993, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (8) - 1-2
- Mussels: The forgotten fauna of regulated rivers. A case study of the Caney Fork River, 1993, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (8) - 1-2
- Application and testing of a procedure to evaluate transferability of habitat suitability criteria, 1993, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (8) - 3
- Development of water level regulation strategy for fish and wildlife, upper Mississippi River system, 1991, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (6) - 2