Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Spatial distribution and variability of lobe facies in a large sand-rich submarine fan system: Neoproterozoic Zerrissene Group, Namibia, 2024, Sedimentology (71) - 1
- Coupling near-surface geomorphology with mangrove community diversity at the estuarine scale: A case study at Dongzhaigang Bay, China, 2023, Sedimentology (70) - 1
- Unravelling a 2300 year long sedimentary record of megathrust and intraslab earthquakes in proglacial Skilak Lake, south-central Alaska, 2022, Sedimentology (69) - 5
- Nearshore microfossil assemblages in a Caribbean reef environment show variable rates of recovery following Hurricane Irma, 2022, Sedimentology (69) - 3
- Reconstruction of an extreme flood hydrograph and morphodynamics of a meander bend in a high-peak discharge variability river (Powder River, USA), 2021, Sedimentology (68) - 7
- Relative influence of antecedent topography and sea-level rise on barrier-island migration, 2021, Sedimentology (68) - 2
- Turbidite stratigraphy in proglacial lakes: Deciphering trigger mechanisms using a statistical approach, 2020, Sedimentology (67) - 5
- Sedimentary evidence of prehistoric distant-source tsunamis in the Hawaiian Islands, 2020, Sedimentology (67) - 3
- Organic geochemical investigation of far‐field tsunami deposits of the Kahana Valley, O'ahu, Hawai'i, 2020, Sedimentology (67) - 3
- Evidence for plunging river plume deposits in the Pahrump Hills member of the Murray formation, Gale crater, Mars, 2019, Sedimentology (66) - 5
- Ancient Martian aeolian processes and palaeomorphology reconstructed from the Stimson formation on the lower slope of Aeolis Mons, Gale crater, Mars, 2018, Sedimentology (65) - 4
- Shaler: in situ analysis of a fluvial sedimentary deposit on Mars, 2018, Sedimentology (65) - 1
- Estimating the settling velocity of bioclastic sediment using common grain-size analysis techniques, 2017, Sedimentology (64) - 4
- Playa-lake sedimentation and organic matter accumulation in an Andean piggyback basin: The recent record from the Cuenca de Pozuelos, NW Argentina, 2012, Sedimentology (59) - 4
- Apogean-perigean signals encoded in tidal flats at the fluvio-estuarine transition of Glacier Creek, Turnagain Arm, Alaska; implications for ancient tidal rhythmites, 2011, Sedimentology (58) - 6
- The tail of the Storegga Slide: Insights from the geochemistry and sedimentology of the Norwegian Basin deposits, 2010, Sedimentology (57) - 6
- Fine-scale relief related to late holocene channel shifting within the floor of the upper Redondo Fan, offshore Southern California, 2009, Sedimentology (56) - 6
- Sea-level and tectonic control of middle to late Pleistocene turbidite systems in Santa Monica Basin, offshore California, 2006, Sedimentology (53) - 4
- Channel formation by flow stripping: large-scale scour features along the Monterey East Channel and their relation to sediment waves, 2006, Sedimentology (53) - 6
- Development of spatially diverse and complex dune-field patterns: Gran Desierto Dune Field, Sonora, Mexico, 2006, Sedimentology (53) - 6
- Evolution of a Holocene delta driven by episodic sediment delivery and coseismic deformation, Puget Sound, Washington, USA, 2006, Sedimentology (53) - 6
- The effects of sea level and palaeotopography on lithofacies distribution and geometries in heterozoan carbonates, south-eastern Spain, 2005, Sedimentology (52) - 3
- Influence of waves and horseshoe crab spawning on beach morphology and sediment grain-size characteristics on a sandy estuarine beach, 2005, Sedimentology (52) - 5
- Regulation of sand transport in the Colorado River by changes in the surface grain size of eddy sandbars over multi-year timescales, 2005, Sedimentology (52) - 5
- Diagenetic overprinting of the sphaerosiderite palaeoclimate proxy: are records of pedogenic groundwater δ18O values preserved?, 2004, Sedimentology (51) - 1
- Morphologic and stratigraphic evolution of muddy ebb-tidal deltas along a subsiding coast: Barataria Bay, Mississippi River delta, 2004, Sedimentology (51) - 6
- Direct numerical simulation of bedload transport using a local, dynamic boundary condition, 2003, Sedimentology (50) - 2
- Petrographic and geochemical evidence for the formation of primary, bacterially induced lacustrine dolomite: La Roda 'white earth' (Pliocene, Central Spain), 2001, Sedimentology (48) - 4
- Outcrop-scale acoustic facies analysis and latest Quaternary development of Hueneme and Dume submarine fans, offshore California, 1999, Sedimentology (46) - 1
- Fluid-rock reactions in an evaporitic melange, Permian Haselgebirge, Austrian Alps, 1998, Sedimentology (45) - 6
- Sea level controls on the textural characteristics and depositional architecture of the Hueneme and associated submarine fan systems, Santa Monica Basin, California, 1998, Sedimentology (45) - 1
- Evolution of a trench-slope basin within the Cascadia subduction margin: the Neogene Humboldt Basin, California, 1995, Sedimentology (42) - 2
- Sedimentology of subaqueous volcaniclastic sediment gravity flows in the Neogene Santa Maria Basin, California, 1994, Sedimentology (41) - 1
- Tuffaceous ephemeral lake deposits on an alluvial plain, Middle Tertiary of central California, 1994, Sedimentology (41) - 2
- Dolomitization of Quaternary reef limestones, Aitutaki, Cook Islands, 1992, Sedimentology (39) - 4
- Controls on the accumulation of coal and on the development of anastomosed fluvial systems in the Cretaceous Dakota Formation of southern Utah, 1992, Sedimentology (39) - 4
- Groundwater dolocretes from the Upper Triassic of the Paris Basin, France: a case study of an arid, continental diagenetic facies, 1992, Sedimentology (39) - 6
- Theoretical and measured aeolian sand transport on a barrier island, Louisiana, USA, 1992, Sedimentology (39) - 6
- Flume experiments on the alignment of transverse, oblique, and longitudinal dunes in directionally varying flows, 1990, Sedimentology (37) - 4
- Flume experiments on the alignment of transverse, oblique, and longitudinal dunes in directionally varying flows, 1990, Sedimentology (37) - 4
- Cycle of earthquake-induced aggradation and related tidal channel shifting, upper Turnagain Arm, Alaska, USA., 1988, Sedimentology (35) - 4
- Cathodoluminescent bimineralic ooids from the Pleistocene of the Florida continental shelf, 1988, Sedimentology (35) - 5
- Element mobility during alteration of silicic ash to kaolinite - a study of tonstein., 1985, Sedimentology (32) - 4
- Why deposits of longitudinal dunes are rarely recognized in the geologic record, 1985, Sedimentology (32) - 1
- A kinematic model for the structure of lee-side ( dune-like) deposits., 1985, Sedimentology (32) - 3
- Bedform distribution and inferred sand transport on Georges Bank, United States Atlantic continental shelf., 1983, Sedimentology (30) - 5
- Bedform climbing in theory and nature., 1982, Sedimentology (29) - 1
- Distributary channels, sand lobes, and mesotopography of Navy Submarine Fan, California Borderland, with applications to ancient fan sediments, 1979, Sedimentology (26) - 6
- Pebble segregation and bed lenticularity in wave-worked versus alluvial gravel, 1973, Sedimentology (20) - 2
- Some aspects of the eolian saltation load, 1964, Sedimentology (3) - 4
- Factors influencing the pore volume of fine-grained sediments under low-to-moderate overburden loads, 1963, Sedimentology (2) - 3
- Sediments from bay St. George, Newfoundland, 1963, Sedimentology (2) - 2