Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Vital sign monitoring is good medicine for parks, 2023, Yellowstone Science
- The Yellowstone River fish-kill: Fish health informs and is informed by vital signs monitoring, 2019, Yellowstone Science (27) - 1
- Yellowstone convenes science information sharing panel on aquatic invasive species, 2019, Yellowstone Science (27) - 1
- Patterns of primary production and ecological drought in Yellowstone, 2019, Yellowstone Science (27) - 1
- Yellowstone’s birds are vital, 2019, Yellowstone Science (27) - 1
- Past warm periods provide vital benchmarks for understanding the future of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2019, Yellowstone Science (27) - 1
- Status and conservation of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in the Greater Yellowstone Area, 2017, Yellowstone Science (25) - 1
- Identifying movement patterns and spawning areas of Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake, 2017, Yellowstone Science (25) - 1
- Territoriality and inter-pack aggression in gray wolves: shaping a social carnivore's life history, 2016, Yellowstone Science (24) - 1
- Infectious diseases of wolves in Yellowstone, 2016, Yellowstone Science (24) - 1
- Forty years of grizzly bear recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2015, Yellowstone Science (23) - 2
- Monitoring Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem wetlands: Can long-term monitoring help us understand their future?, 2015, Yellowstone Science (23) - 1
- Infectious diseases in Yellowstone’s canid community, 2011, Yellowstone Science (19) - 2
- Whirling disease and native cutthroat trout of the Yellowstone lake ecosystem, 2007, Yellowstone Science
- Wildlife health initiatives in Yellowstone National Park, 2007, Yellowstone Science (15) - 2
- Amphibians and disease: Implications for conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2007, Yellowstone Science (15) - 2
- Grizzly bear nutrition and ecology studies in Yellowstone National Park, 2006, Yellowstone Science (14) - 3
- Yellowstone elk calf mortality following wolf restorations: Bears remain top summer predators, 2005, Yellowstone Science (13) - 3