Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype Federal Government Series
- Birds of the Kilbuck and Ahklun mountain region, Alaska, 1991, North American Fauna (76) -
- Ecology and biology of the Pacific Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus divergens illiger, 1981, North American Fauna 74
- Birds of the St. Croix River valley: Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1981, North American Fauna 73
- The California condor, 1966-1976: A Look at its Past and Future, 1978, North American Fauna No. 72
- The California condor, 1966-76: a look at its past and future, 1978, North American Fauna 72
- The distribution and occurrence of the birds of Jackson County, Oregon, and surrounding areas, 1975, North American Fauna 70
- The screech owl: Its life history and population ecology in northern Ohio, 1975, North American Fauna 71
- Natural history of the Swainson's warbler, 1971, North American Fauna 69
- Natural history of the Swainson's warbler, 1971, North American Fauna 69
- Natural history of the King Rail, 1969, North American Fauna 67
- Mammals of Maryland, 1969, North American Fauna 66
- The sea otter in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 1969, North American Fauna 68
- Seven new white-winged doves from Mexico, Central America, and Southwestern United States, 1968, North American Fauna No. 65
- Seven new white-winged doves from Mexico, Central America, and southwestern United States, 1968, North American Fauna 65
- Pelage and surface topography of the northern fur seal, 1961, North American Fauna 64
- The trumpeter swan: its history, habits, and population in the U.S, 1960, North American Fauna 63
- Fauna of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula, 1959, North American Fauna 61-A
- Invertebrates and fishes collected in the Aleutians, 1959, North American Fauna 61-B
- Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia, 1958, North American Fauna 62
- Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia, 1958, North American Fauna 62
- Raccoons of North and Middle America, 1950, North American Fauna 60
- The pocket gophers (genus Thomomys) of Arizona, 1947, North American Fauna 59
- Habits, food, and economic status of the band-tailed pigeon, 1947, North American Fauna 58
- Attwater's prairie-chicken-its life history and management, 1941, North American Fauna 57
- Revision of the North American ground squirrels, with a classification of the North American Sciuridae, 1938, North American Fauna 56
- The mammals and life zones of Oregon, 1936, North American Fauna 55
- Alaska-Yukon caribou, 1935, North American Fauna 54
- Mammals of New Mexico, 1931, North American Fauna 53
- Revision of the American chipmunks (genera Tamias and Eutamias), 1929, North American Fauna 52
- A taxonomic review of the American long-tailed shrews (genera Sorex and Microsorex), 1928, North American Fauna 51
- Revision of the American lemming mice (genus Synaptomys), 1927, North American Fauna 50
- A biological survey of North Dakota: I. Physiography and life zones. II. The mammals, 1926, North American Fauna 49
- Voles of the Genus Phenacomys: I. Revision of the genus Phenacomys. II. Life history of the red tree mouse (Phenacomys longicaudus), 1926, North American Fauna 48
- Revision of the American pikas (genus Ochotona), 1924, North American Fauna 47
- A biological survey of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1923, North American Fauna 46
- A biological survey of Alabama: I. Physiography and life zones. II. The mammals, 1921, North American Fauna 45
- Review of the grizzly and big brown bears of North America (genus Ursus), with description of a new genus, Vetularctos, 1918, North American Fauna 41
- The rice rats of North America (genus Oryzomys), 1918, North American Fauna 43
- Revision of American flying squirrels, 1918, North American Fauna 44
- Life zone investigations in Wyoming, 1917, North American Fauna 42
- A systematic account of the prairie-dogs, 1916, North American Fauna 40
- Revision of the pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys, 1915, North American Fauna 39
- Revision of the American marmots, 1915, North American Fauna 37
- A review of the American moles, 1915, North American Fauna 38
- Revision of the American harvest mice (genus Reithrodontomys), 1914, North American Fauna 36
- Life zones and crop zones of New Mexico, 1913, North American Fauna 35
- Revision of the spiny pocket mice (genera Heteromys and Liomys), 1911, North American Fauna 34
- A biological survey of Colorado, 1911, North American Fauna 33
- A systematic synopsis of the muskrats, 1911, North American Fauna 32
- Revision of the wood rats of the genus Neotoma, 1910, North American Fauna 31
- The rabbits of North America, 1909, North American Fauna 29
- Biological investigations in Alaska and Yukon Territory: 1. East-central Alaska; 2. Ogilvie Range, Yukon; 3. Macmillan River, Yukon, 1909, North American Fauna 30
- Revision of the mice of the American genus Peromyscus, 1909, North American Fauna 28
- A biological investigation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie region, 1908, North American Fauna 27
- Revision of the skunks of the genus Spilogale, 1906, North American Fauna 26
- Biological survey of Texas: life zones, with characteristic species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and plants, 1905, North American Fauna 25
- A biological reconnaissance of the base of the Alaska Peninsula, 1904, North American Fauna 24
- Index generum mammalium: a list of the genera and families of mammals, 1904, North American Fauna 23
- A biological investigation of the Hudson Bay region, 1902, North American Fauna 22
- Natural history of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia; and natural history of the Cook Inlet region, 1901, North American Fauna 21
- Revision of the skunks of the genus Chincha [Mephitis], 1901, North American Fauna 20
- Revision of American voles of the genus Microtus, 1900, North American Fauna 17
- Revision of the pocket mice of the genus Perognathus, 1900, North American Fauna 18
- Annotated list of birds, 1900, North American Fauna 19-B
- Results of a biological reconnaissance of the Yukon region; general account of the region, 1900, North American Fauna 19-A
- Revision of the jumping mice of the genus Zapus, 1899, North American Fauna 15
- Natural history of the Tres Marias Islands, Mexico, 1899, North American Fauna 14
- Results of a biological survey of Mount Shasta, California, 1899, North American Fauna 16
- Revision of the North American bats off the family Vespertilionidae, 1897, North American Fauna 13
- The genera and sub-genera of voles and lemmings, 1896, North American Fauna 12
- Synopsis of the weasels of North America, 1896, North American Fauna 11
- Revision of the shrews of the American genera Blarina and Notiosorex, 1895, North American Fauna 10-A
- Synopsis of the American shrews of the genus Sorex, 1895, North American Fauna 10-C
- The longtailed shrews of the eastern United States, 1895, North American Fauna 10-B
- Revision of the pocket gophers, family Geomyidae (exclusive of the species of Thomomys), 1895, North American Fauna 8
- The Death Valley expedition: a biological survey of parts of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. Part II, 1893, North American Fauna 7
- Results of a biological reconnaissance of south-central Idaho, 1891, North American Fauna 5-A
- Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of North American mammals, 1891, North American Fauna 5-B
- Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco Mountain Region and Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona, 1890, North American Fauna 3
- Descriptions of twenty-six new species of North American mammals, 1890, North American Fauna 4
- Revision of the North American pocket mice, 1889, North American Fauna 1
- Descriptions of fourteen new species and one new genus of North American mammals, 1889, North American Fauna 2