Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype State or Local Government Series
- The effect of pumping large-discharge wells on the ground-water reservoir in southern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah, 1967, Utah State Engineer Information Bulletin 18
- Developing ground water in the central Sevier Valley, Utah, 1961, Utah State Engineer Information Bulletin 5
- Relation of the deep and shallow artesian aquifers near Lynndyl, Utah, 1961, Utah State Engineer Information Bulletin 7
- Ground-water areas and well logs, central Sevier Valley, Utah, 1960, Utah State Engineer Information Bulletin 3
- Ground-water investigations in Utah in 1960 and ground-water reports published by the U.S. Geological Survey or the Utah State Engineer prior to 1960, 1960, Utah State Engineer Information Bulletin 4