Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Pesticides in surface waters of the Hudson River basin: Mohawk River subbasin, 1997, Fact Sheet 237-96
- Water-table altitude in Kings and Queens Counties, New York, in March 1997, 1997, Fact Sheet 134-97
- Investigation of salt loss from the Bonneville Salt Flats, northwestern Utah, 1997, Fact Sheet 135-97
- Increased Use of Cheney Reservoir for Wichita Area Water Supply Benefits Equus Beds Aquifer, 1997, Fact Sheet 156-97
- Global change and submerged aquatic vegetation research, 1997, Fact Sheet 090-97
- Global warming, sea-level rise, and coastal marsh survival, 1997, Fact Sheet 091-97
- Effects of climate change on southeastern forests, 1997, Fact Sheet 093-97
- Are aquatic resources of the Mt. Zirkel Wilderness Area in Colorado affected by acid deposition and what will emissions reductions at the local power plants do?, 1997, Fact Sheet 043-97
- Biological and contaminant investigations, Upper Colorado River Basin : what's been done and how can the information be used?, 1997, Fact Sheet 032-97
- Variability of nitrate concentrations in the shallow ground water in a selected area of the San Luis Valley, south-central Colorado, 1997, Fact Sheet 004-97
- Predicting coastal flooding and wetland loss, 1997, Fact Sheet 094-97
- Using remote sensing to monitor global change, 1997, Fact Sheet 096-97
- National Water-Quality Assessment Program; Northern Rockies Intermontane Basins, 1997, Fact Sheet 158-97
- Studies of Suction Dredge Gold-Placer Mining Operations Along the Fortymile River, Eastern Alaska, 1997, Fact Sheet 154-97
- Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in southern Florida fishes: Then and now, 1997, Fact Sheet 110-97
- Modeling hurricane effects on mangrove ecosystems, 1997, Fact Sheet 095-97
- Potential-Field Computer Programs, Databases, and Maps, 1997, Fact Sheet 238-95
- Volcanic air pollution - a hazard in Hawai'i, 1997, Fact Sheet 169-97
- Volcanic Air Pollution - A Hazard in Hawai'i, 1997, Fact Sheet 169-97
- Regional ground-water flow directions and spring recharge areas in and near the Fort Leonard Wood Military Reservation, Missouri, 1997, Fact Sheet 101-97
- Herbicides and nitrates in the Iowa River alluvial aquifer prior to changing land use, Iowa County, Iowa, 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 085-97
- A GIS Interface for Environmental System Analysis: Application to the South Florida Ecosystem, 1997, Fact Sheet 193-97
- A rebirth of the Illinois Basin, 1997, Fact Sheet 023-97
- Continuous hydrocarbon reservoirs, 1997, Fact Sheet 024-97
- The USGS World Energy Program: Russia, 1997, Fact Sheet 017-97
- Organic geochemistry in future energy development, 1997, Fact Sheet 025-97
- From atomic to global scales--understanding energy and the environment, 1997, Fact Sheet 021-97
- Impact of oil and gas activity on land-use management decisions, 1997, Fact Sheet 016-97
- Geohydrology of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, 1997, Fact Sheet 130-97
- NERSL : the National Energy Research Seismic Library, 1997, Fact Sheet 022-97
- Oil and gas resources of the United States: the 1995 National Assessment, 1997, Fact Sheet 018-97
- Describing petroleum reservoirs of the future, 1997, Fact Sheet 020-97
- Coalbed methane: an untapped energy resource and an environmental concern, 1997, Fact Sheet 019-97
- Data from Selected U.S. Geological Survey National Stream Water-Quality Monitoring Networks (WQN) on CD-ROM, 1997, Fact Sheet 013-97
- Streamflow Information for the Nation, 1997, Fact Sheet 006-97
- The USGS World Energy Program, 1997, Fact Sheet 007-97
- Future eruptions in California's Long Valley area - what's likely?, 1997, Fact Sheet 073-97
- Volcanic ash - danger to aircraft in the north Pacific, 1997, Fact Sheet 030-97
- Organochlorine compounds and trace elements in streambed sediment and fish tissue, South Platte River Basin; Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming, 1997, Fact Sheet 040-97
- Agricultural chemicals in Iowa's ground water, 1982-95: What are the trends?, 1997, Fact Sheet 116-97
- Water-Level Changes in the High Plains Aquifer, 1980 to 1995, 1997, Fact Sheet 068-97
- What causes floods in Washington State?, 1997, Fact Sheet 228-96
- Modeling of sand movement storage in the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, 1997, Fact Sheet 227-96
- The "100-Year Flood", 1997, Fact Sheet 229-96
- Flood-control effects of Truckee River Basin Reservoirs, December 31, 1996, through January 4, 1997, California and Nevada, 1997, Fact Sheet 037-97
- Flood of January 1997 in Truckee River Basin, Western Nevada, 1997, Fact Sheet 123-97
- Variability of nutrients in streams in part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1997, Fact Sheet 164-97
- Are walleye from Lake Roosevelt contaminated with mercury?, 1997, Fact Sheet 102-97
- Unit-area loads of suspended sediment, suspended solids and total phosphorus from small watersheds in Wisconsin, 1997, Fact Sheet 195-97
- Modeling Ground-Water Flow with MODFLOW and Related Programs, 1997, Fact Sheet 121-97
- Evaluation of the stream-gaging network in Maryland, Delaware and Washington, D.C., 1997, Fact Sheet 126-97
- Spatial variability of volatile organic compounds in streams on Long Island, New York, and in New Jersey, 1997, Fact Sheet 194-97
- Compiling Magnetic Databases, 1997, Fact Sheet 237-95
- Changing Perceptions of World Oil and Gas Resources as Shown by Recent USGS Petroleum Assessments, 1997, Fact Sheet 145-97
- Natural Aggregates - Foundation of America's Future, 1997, Fact Sheet 144-97
- Introduction to Potential Fields: Gravity, 1997, Fact Sheet 239-95
- Effects of historical withdrawals on advective transport of contaminated ground waters in a glacial-drift aquifer, Milford, New Hampshire, 1997, Fact Sheet 162-97
- On the watch for geomagnetic storms, 1997, Fact Sheet 177-97
- Use of an acoustic ranging system to monitor sediment deposition and erosion for the protection of an endangered mussel below the Olmsted Locks and Dam, Illinois, 1997, Fact Sheet 127-97
- Herbicides in the Pecatonica and Yahara Rivers in Southwestern Wisconsin, May 1996-July 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 175-97
- Reporting of Real Time River Levels in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1997, Fact Sheet 152-97
- Discharge measurement in tidally affected channels during a hydrographic estuarine survey of Sabine Lake, Texas, 1997, Fact Sheet 157-97
- Effects of water quality and habitat on composition of fish communities in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1997, Fact Sheet 122-97
- Precipitation and streamflow conditions in Arizona, October 1, 1995, to June 30, 1997, 1997, Fact Sheet 173-97
- The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; information management, innovative earth science databases, 1997, Fact Sheet 190-97
- U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Defense Environmental Conservation (DODEC), Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) for F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, 1997, Fact Sheet 151-97
- The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; hazards, 1997, Fact Sheet 188-97
- The U.S. Geological Survey Recent Highlights--Environmental Effects on Human and Wildlife Health, 1997, Fact Sheet 189-97
- The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; natural resources, 1997, Fact Sheet 187-97
- Radon in ground water in Guilford County, North Carolina, 1997, Fact Sheet 147-97
- Living with a restless caldera: Long Valley, California, 1997, Fact Sheet 108-96
- Feasibility of combining two aquatic benthic macroinvertebrate community databases for water-quality assessment, 1997, Fact Sheet 132-97
- Source characterization of disinfection byproduct precursors in two Arkansas water-supply reservoirs, 1997, Fact Sheet 118-97
- Occurrence of volatile organic compounds in streams on Long Island, New York, and New Jersey; overview of available data and reconnaissance sampling, 1997, Fact Sheet 063-97
- Flood of January 1997 in the Carson River Basin, California and Nevada, 1997, Fact Sheet 183-97
- Flood of January 1997 in the Walker River Basin, California and Nevada, 1997, Fact Sheet 182-97
- Hurricane Hortense: impact on surface water in Puerto Rico, 1997, Fact Sheet 014-97
- Trends in surface-water quality in Connecticut, 1997, Fact Sheet 133-97
- Radioactive Elements in Coal and Fly Ash: Abundance, Forms, and Environmental Significance, 1997, Fact Sheet 163-97
- Coal-Quality Information - Key to the Efficient and Environmentally Sound Use of Coal, 1997, Fact Sheet 171-97
- Satellite image maps of Pakistan, 1997, Fact Sheet 109-97
- The Colorado River in Grand Canyon: how fast does it flow?, 1997, Fact Sheet 168-97
- Accuracy of data for selected categories compiled in the Puerto Rico Water-Use Information Program, 1997, Fact Sheet 141-96
- Water Quality Assessment of the Comal Springs Riverine System, New Braunfels, Texas, 1993-94, 1997, Fact Sheet 099-97
- El Nino and the National Landslide Hazard Outlook for 1997-1998, 1997, Fact Sheet 180-97
- Debris-flow hazards in the United States, 1997, Fact Sheet 176-97
- New England coastal basins, 1997, Fact Sheet 060-97
- Monitoring earthquakes across the United States, 1997, Fact Sheet 146-97
- Mineral-resource data bases, 1997, Fact Sheet 076-97
- Pesticides in surface water, bottom sediment, crayfish, and shallow ground water in Las Vegas Valley area, Carson River Basin, and Truckee River Basin, Nevada and California, 1992-95, 1997, Fact Sheet 075-97
- Lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 1997, Fact Sheet 114-97
- The Cataclysmic 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 1997, Fact Sheet 113-97
- Benefits of volcano monitoring far outweigh costs - the case of Mount Pinatubo, 1997, Fact Sheet 115-97
- Irrigation and Surface-Water Quality in the Quincy and Pasco Basins, Washington, 1997, Fact Sheet 080-97
- Ground-water use of the principal aquifers in Puerto Rico during calendar year 1990, 1997, Fact Sheet 188-96
- Hurricane Hortense; impact on ground water in Puerto Rico, 1997, Fact Sheet 012-97
- Metal Concentrations in Sediments of Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay Document Environmental Change, 1997, Fact Sheet 150-97
- Trace elements and organic compounds associated with riverbed sediments in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo basin, Mexico and Texas, 1997, Fact Sheet 098-97
- Living with volcanic risk in the Cascades, 1997, Fact Sheet 165-97
- Taking the Earth's pulse, 1997, Fact Sheet 103-97
- Natural and mining-related sources of dissolved minerals during low flow in the Upper Animas River Basin, southwestern Colorado, 1997, Fact Sheet 148-97
- Introduction to Potential Fields: Magnetics, 1997, Fact Sheet 236-95
- Placer gold mining in Alaska - cooperative studies on the effect of suction dredge operations on the Fortymile River, 1997, Fact Sheet 155-97
- Overview of the U.S. Geological Survey Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Program, 1997, Fact Sheet 124-97
- Natural and mining-related sources of dissolved minerals during low flow in the Upper Animas River Basin, southwestern Colorado, 1997, Fact Sheet 148-97
- Earthquake Information For the World, 1997, Fact Sheet 125-97
- Assessment of streambed scour at bridges in Indiana, 1997, Fact Sheet 97-141-97
- Current Kansas Stream and Lake Information Available on the Internet for Water Recreationists, 1997, Fact Sheet 138-97
- Debris-flow hazards in the San Francisco Bay region, 1997, Fact Sheet 112-95
- Withdrawals of ground water and surface water in New Jersey, 1993, 1997, Fact Sheet 119-97
- Can the global carbon budget be balanced?, 1997, Fact Sheet 137-97
- Floods in northern Illinois, July 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 097-97
- Estimated water use in North Carolina, 1995, 1997, Fact Sheet 087-97
- What are volcano hazards?, 1997, Fact Sheet 002-97
- Great and Little Miami River Basins, 1997, Fact Sheet 117-97
- Withdrawals of ground water and surface water in New Jersey, 1994, 1997, Fact Sheet 120-97
- Have nitrate concentrations changed in water in the alluvial aquifer of the upper Black Squirrel Creek Basin since 1984?, 1997, Fact Sheet 072-97
- Water-quality trends in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin using sediment cores from reservoirs, 1997, Fact Sheet 221-96
- Methods to identify areas susceptible to irrigation-induced selenium contamination in the western United States, 1997, Fact Sheet 038-97
- Simulation of selected river diversion operations in the upper Carson River Basin, California and Nevada, 1997, Fact Sheet 240-96
- Rapid-Estimation Method for Assessing Scour at Highway Bridges Based on Limited Site Data, 1997, Fact Sheet 244-96
- Predicting Ground-Water Vulnerability to Nitrate in the Puget Sound Basin, 1997, Fact Sheet 061-97
- Effects of forest harvesting on nitrogen-cycling processes in headwaters of the Neversink River, New York, 1997, Fact Sheet 243-96
- How does streamflow affect metals in the upper Arkansas River?, 1997, Fact Sheet 226-96
- Pesticides in Selected Small Streams in the Puget Sound Basin, 1987-1995, 1997, Fact Sheet 067-97
- The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; environment, 1997, Fact Sheet 247-96
- Pesticides in surface waters of the Hudson River Basin, New York and adjacent states, 1997, Fact Sheet 238-96
- Stream and Ground-Water Monitoring Program, Lake Tahoe Basin, Nevada and California, 1997, Fact Sheet 100-97
- Availability of ground-water data for California, water year 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 086-97
- Water quality of selected streams in Montgomery County, Indiana, 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 041-97
- Research on acidic metal contaminants in Pinal Creek Basin near Globe, Arizona, 1997, Fact Sheet 005-97
- Use of tracer injections and synoptic sampling to measure metal loading from acid mine drainage, 1997, Fact Sheet 245-96
- Occurrence of selected organochlorine compounds in fish tissue from eastern Iowa streams, 1995, 1997, Fact Sheet 027-97
- Real-time rainfall measurement in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1997, Fact Sheet 052-97
- Presence and distribution of trace elements in streambed sediments, New Jersey, 1997, Fact Sheet 049-97
- Pesticides in surface waters: Current understanding of distribution and major influences, 1997, Fact Sheet 039-97
- Water-Quality Study of the Cheney Reservoir Watershed, South-Central Kansas, 1997, Fact Sheet 104-97
- Ground-water resource evaluation on Long Island, New York, using flow models and a geographic information system, 1997, Fact Sheet 239-96
- Major Components of Flow in the Republican River During Drought Conditions from Near Hardy, Nebraska, to Concordia, Kansas, 1997, Fact Sheet 234-96
- World Wide Web home page for the South Platte NAWQA, 1997, Fact Sheet 242-96
- The new U.S. Geological Survey, 1997, Fact Sheet 031-97
- Creating an effective fact sheet, 1997, Fact Sheet 008-97
- GeoChange Global Change Data, 1997, Fact Sheet 026-97
- Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in shallow ground water of the Coastal Plain of the Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage Study Unit, North Carolina and Virginia, 1997, Fact Sheet 241-96
- Stream drainage areas in West Virginia, 1997, Fact Sheet 066-97
- The Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1997, Fact Sheet 108-97
- Mined-land reclamation in the Thar Desert, India; Indo-U.S. technology exchange, 1997, Fact Sheet 015-97
- Trends in acetochlor concentrations in surface waters of the White River Basin, Indiana, 1994–96, 1997, Fact Sheet 1997–0058
- The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; innovative scientific information management, 1997, Fact Sheet 011-97
- West-Central Florida coast; limited sand resources for eroding beaches, 1997, Fact Sheet 069-97
- Trends in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in southern New England streams, 1974-92, 1997, Fact Sheet 001-97
- Water-quality summary of the San Marcos Springs Riverine System, San Marcos, Texas, July-August 1994, 1997, Fact Sheet 059-97
- Effects of land application of composted biosolids on ground water and native vegetation in the New Jersey Pinelands, 1997, Fact Sheet 035-97
- Do created wetlands replace the wetlands that are destroyed?, 1997, Fact Sheet 246-96
- Pesticides in ground water in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan, 1983-1995, 1997, Fact Sheet 192-96
- Mobile Response Team Saves Lives in Volcano Crises, 1997, Fact Sheet 064-97
- U.S. Geological Survey Studies of Energy Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1997, Fact Sheet 053-97
- Water quality at an abandoned Ohio coal mine reclaimed with dry flue-gas desulfurization byproducts, 1997, Fact Sheet 051-97
- Public-Water Supplies in Massachusetts and Rhode Island: Investigations of Processes Affecting Source-Water Quality, 1997, Fact Sheet 054-97
- The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; hazards, 1997, Fact Sheet 248-96
- Geology of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 1997, Fact Sheet 050-97
- How Does Climate Change Influence Alaska's Vegetation?: Insights from the Fossil Record, 1997, Fact Sheet 071-97
- Mount St. Helens--From the 1980 Eruption to 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 070-97
- Midcontinent urban corridor geologic mapping project, 1997, Fact Sheet 044-97
- The U.S. Geological Survey Drinking Water Initiative, 1997, Fact Sheet 047-97
- USGS research on saline waters co-produced with energy resources, 1997, Fact Sheet 003-97
- Living on active volcanoes: The Island of Hawai'i, 1997, Fact Sheet 074-97
- USGS geochemical studies outline mineral potential and environmental hazards in southeastern Oregon, 1997, Fact Sheet 194-95
- Undiscovered deposits of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in the conterminous United States, 1997, Fact Sheet 189-95
- Mount St. Helens, from the 1980 eruption to 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 070-97
- Living on active volcanoes - The Island of Hawai'i, 1997, Fact Sheet 074-97
- Programa de Informacion de Uso de Agua en Puerto Rico:Uso de Abastos de Agua Publicos y Disposicion de Aguas Usadas Durante el Ano de 1990, 1997, Fact Sheet 098-96
- Salt tolerance of southern baldcypress, 1997, Fact Sheet 092-97
- Coastal wetlands and global change: overview, 1997, Fact Sheet 089-97
- Selected earth science publications: fact sheets, 1997, Fact Sheet 120-96
- The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; natural resources, 1997, Fact Sheet 010-97
- Monitoring for pesticides in ground water in Nevada, 1997, Fact Sheet 139-97
- Hydrogeology of four Sault Ste. Marie tribal communities in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 1997, Fact Sheet 009-97
- Revision and product generation software, 1997, Fact Sheet 045-97
- Innovative partnerships, 1997, Fact Sheet 214-96
- National Water-Quality Assessment Program: Yellowstone River Basin, 1997, Fact Sheet 149-97
- Model of animal behavior, MOAB, 1997, Fact Sheet 056-97
- The National Atlas of the United States of America, 1997, Fact Sheet 082-97
- The National Atlas of the United States of America partnership opportunities, 1997, Fact Sheet 234-95
- Cartographic data on CD-ROM, 1997, Fact Sheet 068-94
- Looking for an old aerial photograph, 1997, Fact Sheet 127-96
- How to obtain aerial photographs, 1997, Fact Sheet 140-97
- Landsat Data, 1997, Fact Sheet 084-97
- Digital Raster Graphics, 1997, Fact Sheet 122-95
- Finding international Landsat data online, 1997, Fact Sheet 083-97
- Collection and analysis of ground-water samples in the Sierra Vista Basin, Arizona, 1996, 1997, Fact Sheet 107-97
- NASQAN, a program to monitor the water quality of the nation's large rivers, 1997, Fact Sheet 055-97
- Activities of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the upper Snake River Basin, Idaho and western Wyoming, 1991-2001, 1997, Fact Sheet 198-96
- USGS Blind Sample Project: monitoring and evaluating laboratory analytical quality, 1997, Fact Sheet 136-97
- Estimated rate of recharge in outcrops of the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers near Houston, Texas, 1997, Fact Sheet 179-97
- Organochlorine compounds in a sediment core from Coralville reservoir, Iowa, 1997, Fact Sheet 129-97
- Reclamation of Bay wetlands and disposal of dredge spoils: meeting two goals simultaneously, 1997, Fact Sheet 042-97
- January 1997 flooding in northern Nevada : was this a "100-year flood"?, 1997, Fact Sheet 077-97
- Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, 1997, Fact Sheet 153-97
- World Wide Web access to publications and data for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, 1992-95, 1997, Fact Sheet 078-97
- Volatile organic compounds in ground water in the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River Basins, 1993-1995, 1997, Fact Sheet 029-97
- Water-table altitude near the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Suffolk County, New York, in August 1995, 1997, Fact Sheet 233-96
- Technology Transfer Opportunities: Automated Ground-Water Monitoring, 1997, Fact Sheet 112-97
- Water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 1997, 1997, Fact Sheet 028-97
- Technology Transfer Opportunities: On-Demand Printing in Support of National Geospatial Data, 1997, Fact Sheet 033-97
- Process and apparatus to accelerate restoration of acidified water by pretreatment with carbon dioxide, 1997, Fact Sheet 105-97
- Land Cover Characterization Program, 1997, Fact Sheet 048-97
- Middle Rio Grande Basin study, 1997, Fact Sheet 034-97
- Tree rings record 100 years of hydrologic change within a wetland, 1997, Fact Sheet 057-97
- The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid, 1997, Fact Sheet 142-97
- US GeoData digital elevation models, 1997, Fact Sheet 102-96
- U.S. Geological Survey World Wide Web information, 1997, Fact Sheet 121-96