Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Relations of the Wasatch and Green River formations in northwestern Colorado and southern Wyoming, with notes on oil shale in the Green River formation, 1925, Professional Paper 132 F
- Aniakchak Crater, Alaska Peninsula, 1925, Professional Paper 132 J
- Correlation of the Eocene formations in Mississippi and Alabama, 1925, Professional Paper 140 E
- Rock formations in the Colorado Plateau of Southeastern Utah and Northern Arizona, 1925, Professional Paper 132 A
- A new fauna from the Colorado group of southern Montana, 1925, Professional Paper 132 B
- Notes on the geology of Green River Valley between Green River, Wyoming, and Green River, Utah, 1925, Professional Paper 132 C
- The evolution and disintegration of matter, 1925, Professional Paper 132 D
- An early Eocene florule from central Texas, 1925, Professional Paper 132 E
- Discovery of a Balkan fresh-water fauna in the Idaho formation of Snake River Valley, Idaho, 1925, Professional Paper 132 G
- The resuscitation of the term Bryn Mawr gravel, 1925, Professional Paper 132 H
- Origin of the boghead coals, 1925, Professional Paper 132 I
- The flora of the Ripley formation, 1925, Professional Paper 136
- Shorter contributions to general geology, 1923-1924, 1925, Professional Paper 132