Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Geochemical evidence on the nature of the basement rocks of the Sierra Nevada, California, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2181
- Chloride in natural continental water--A review, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2176
- Geochemistry of spring water, southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2074
- Geochemistry of water in the Fort Union formation of the northern Powder River basin, southeastern Montana, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2076
- Hydraulic characteristics of an underdrained irrigation circle, Muskegon County, wastewater disposal system, Michigan, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2081
- Tracing ground-water movement by using the stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, upper Penitencia Creek alluvial fan, Santa Clara Valley, California, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2075
- Dendroclimatic estimates of a drought index for northern Virginia, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2080
- Saltwater intrusion into the Old Bridge aquifer in the Keyport-Union Beach area of Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2184
- Discharge characteristics of triangular-notch thin-plate weirs : studies of flow to water over weirs and dams, 1981, Water Supply Paper 1617 B
- Hydrologic effects of stress-relief fracturing in an Appalachian Valley, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2177
- Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Wasatch Plateau-Book Cliffs coal-fields area, Utah, 1981, Water Supply Paper 2068