Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Analysis of alternative modifications for reducing backwater at the Interstate Highway 10 crossing of the Pearl River near Slidell, Louisiana, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2267
- National water summary 1986: Hydrologic events and ground-water quality, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2325
- Selected papers in the hydrologic sciences, 1987, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2330
- Methods for delineating flood-prone areas in the Great Basin of Nevada and adjacent states, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2316
- Simulation of saltwater movement in the Floridan aquifer system, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2331
- Phytoplankton dynamics of the fresh, tidal Potomac River, Maryland, for the summers of 1979 to 1981, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2234 C
- Hydrology and ecology of the Apalachicola River, Florida : a summary of the river quality assessment, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2196 D
- Urban stormwater runoff: Selected background information and techniques for problem assessment, with a Baltimore, Maryland case study, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2347
- Evaluation of the ground-water resources of the lower Susquehanna River basin, Pennsylvania and Maryland, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2284
- Streamflow, sediment transport, and nutrient transport at Incline Village, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 1970-73, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2313
- Bottom sediments and nutrients in the tidal Potomac system, Maryland and Virginia, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2234 F
- Leachate migration from an in-situ oil-shale retort near Rock Springs, Wyoming, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2322
- Dissolved silica in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary, 1979-81 water years, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2234 H
- Effect of water quality on survival of Lahontan cutthroat trout eggs in the Truckee River, west-central Nevada and eastern California, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2319
- Aqueous geochemistry of the Magothy aquifer, Maryland, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2323
- Simulation of flow in the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio region, Texas, and refinement of storage and flow concepts, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2336 A
- Specific conductance; theoretical considerations and application to analytical quality control, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2311
- The Spokane aquifer, Washington: its geologic origin and water-bearing and water-quality characteristics, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2265
- Tritium migration from a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site near Chicago, Illinois, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2333
- Quantitative assessment of the shallow ground-water flow system associated with Connetquot Brook, Long Island, New York, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2309
- Application of the two-film model to the volatilization of acetone and t-butyl alcohol from water as a function of temperature, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2318
- Volatilization of benzene and eight alkyl-substituted benzene compounds from water, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2342
- The geochemical evolution of aqueous sodium in the Black Creek Aquifer, Horry and Georgetown counties, South Carolina, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2324
- A well system to recover usable water from a freshwater-saltwater aquifer in Puerto Rico, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2328
- Effects of highway runoff on streamflow and water quality in the Sevenmile Creek basin, a rural area in the Piedmont Province of North Carolina, July 1981 to July 1982, 1988, Water Supply Paper 2329