Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Thesis
- Freshwater cyanotoxin mixtures in recurring cyanobacterial blooms in Voyageurs National Park, 2021,
- The lethality of hot water and ozone to aquatic invasive species, 2017,
- Automated lidar-derived canopy height estimates for the Upper Mississippi River System, 2015,
- Soil ecology of a rock outcrop ecosystem: Abiotic stresses, soil respiration, and microbial community profiles in limestone cedar glades, 2015,
- Fish population failure caused by an environmental estrogen is long-lasting and regulated by direct and parental effects on survival and fecundity, 2013,
- Fate(s) of injected CO2 in a coal-bearing formation, Louisiana, Gulf Coast Basin: Chemical and isotopic tracers of microbial-brine-rock-CO2 interactions, 2013,
- Ecology of bison, elk, and vegetation in an arid ecosystem, 2012,
- Timing and proximate causes of mortality in wild bird populations: testing Ashmole’s hypothesis, 2012,
- Population ecology of feral horses in an era of fertility control management, 2012,
- Tritium plume dynamics in the shallow unsaturated zone adjacent to an arid waste-disposal facility, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada, 2012,
- An analysis of fringed myotis (Myotis thysanodes), with a focus on Colorado distribution, maternity roost selection, and preliminary modeling of population dynamics, 2011,
- Environmental conditions affecting the efficiency and efficacy of piscicides for use in nonnative fish eradication, 2010,
- A cost-benefit analysis of preventative management for zebra and quagga mussels in the Colorado-Big Thompson System, 2010,
- Maintaining population persistence in the face of an extremely altered hydrograph: implications for three sensitive fishes in a tributary of the Green River, Utah, 2009,
- A large volume striped bass egg incubation chamber: design and comparison with a traditional method, 2009,
- Vertical tritium transport from the shallow unsaturated zone to the atmosphere, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada, 2007,
- Chronic wasting disease infection patterns in female white-tailed deer related to demographics, genetic relationships, and spatial proximity of infected deer in southern Wisconsin, 2006,
- Evaluating hydraulic conductivity of desert soils at the Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nevada, 2006,
- Geographic variation in morphology, diet, and ectoparasites of Myotis occultus in New Mexico and southern Colorado, 2006,
- Toward predicting barrier island vulnerability: Simple models for dune erosion, 2005,
- Population demography of lark buntings: Post-fledging survival, fecundity, and breeding decisions, 2005,
- The depositional history of three freshwater lakes in north central Florida: Brooklyn Lake, Levy's Prairie, and Cowpen Lake, 2004,
- Mapping porewater salinity with electromagnetic and electrical methods in shallow coastal environments: Terra Ceia, Florida, 2004,
- Extraction of paleohydrology and paleoclimate proxies from vadose zones and paleolake records in the southwestern Great Basin, 2004,
- Foraging ecology in White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus), 2004,
- Trophic performance of Oncorhynchus mykiss in tributaries of the south fork Trinity River, northern California, 2004,
- The role of fire, rodents and ants in changing plant communities in the Mojave Desert, 2004,
- Migration and thermoregulation strategies of hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus) in North America, 2003,
- Physiological ecology of the invasive annual grass Bromus madritensis ssp. Rubens and its interactions with native Mojave Desert species, 2003,
- Responses of small terrestrial vertebrates to roads in a coastal sage scrub ecosystem, 2003,
- Quantile regression models of animal habitat relationships, 2003,
- Modeling tritium transport through a deep unsaturated zone, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 2003,
- Habitat characteristics associated with abundance of band-tailed pigeons and use of mineral sites in the Pacific Northwest, 2003,
- Aerial survey methodology for bison population estimation in Yellowstone National Park, 2002,
- Extracting temporal and spatial information from remotely sensed data for mapping wildlife habitat: Tucson, 2002,
- Swimming performance of upstream migrant fishes: New methods, new perspectives, 2002,
- Artificial intelligence based decision support for trumpeter swan management, 2002,
- How stakeholder roles, power, and negotiation impact natural resource policy: A political economy view, 2002,
- The epizootiology of type C botulism in fish-eating birds at Salton Sea, California, 2002,
- Long-term benthic community change in a highly invaded estuary, 2002,
- From individuals to populations: the direct and indirect effects of predation on waterfowl nest success, 2002,
- Attitudes, values and perceptions of National Wildlife Refuge managers and biologists, 2002,
- The effects of decreasing trace metal concentrations on benthic community structure, 2002,
- Test of salt marsh as a site of production and export of fish biomass with implications for impoundment management and restoration, 2002,
- Lasermap : Software system for processing topographic LIDAR imagery, 2001,
- Determining the stress regime in a volcanic edifice from igneous intrusions and deformation measurements, 2001,
- Fire-induced Tree Mortality in the Mixed Conifer Forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, 2001,
- Movement Patterns of Coyotes and Bobcats Relative to Roads and Underpasses in the Chino Hills Area of Southern California, 2001,
- Socio-ecological determinants of space utilization in the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, 2001,
- Modeling the hydroclimatology of the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and watershed, 2000,
- An Exploratory Analysis of the Biogeographic Distribution of Herpetofauna (Reptiles and Amphibians) And Environmental Variation in San Diego County Using Museum Records and Survey Data, 2000,
- Accumulation and fate of mercury in an Everglades aquatic food web, 2000,
- Survival and brood rearing ecology of emperor geese, 2000,
- Barotropic and baroclinic convergence zones in tidal channels, 2000,
- Effects of introduced crayfish on selected native fishes of Arizona, 2000,
- Patterns of hillslope and channel recovery following disturbances in steep, forested basins, 2000,
- Species - and community- level responses to disturbance imposed by feral horse grazing and other management practices, 1999,
- The effect of infaunal bivalve grazing on phytoplankton bloom development in south San Francisco Bay, 1999,
- Ecology of female northern pintails during winter in the San Joaquin Valley, California, 1999,
- Habitat use and urban influences on bobcat and gray fox, 1999,
- Ground-water age and atmospheric tracers: Simulation studies and analysis of field data from the Mirror Lake site, New Hampshire, 1998,
- Nutritional ecology of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in relation to cattle grazing in the Mojave Desert, 1998,
- Ecological, morphological, genetic and life history characteristics of two sockeye salmon populations, Tustumena Lake, Alaska, 1998,
- Epizootiology of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in confined Pacific herring, 1998,
- Ecology of a biological invasion: alien annual plants in the Mojave Desert, 1998,
- Modelling root reinforcement in shallow forest soils, 1997,
- Effects of ambient water quality on the endangered Lost River sucker (Deltistes luxatus) in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 1997,
- Experimental studies of deposition by debris flows: Process, characteristics of deposits, and effects of pore-fluid pressure, 1996,
- Migratory behavior of Heterosigma carterae, implications for bloom development, 1995,
- Influence of cryptobiotic soil crusts on annual plants and foraging movements of the desert tortoise in the northeast Mojave Desert, 1995,
- A Multi-Scale Conservation Assessment of Plant Communities in Southern California, 1995,
- Birds of large floodplain forests: Local and regional habitat associations on the upper Mississippi River, 1995,
- Tracing human impacts in natural systems: geckos in the Pacific and amphibians in the Central Valley, 1995,
- Movements, distribution, and population dynamics of polar bears in the Beaufort Sea, 1995,
- Habitat use and movements of Northern Pintails wintering in the Suisun Marsh, California, 1995,
- Diet and diet selection of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the northeast Mojave Desert, 1994,
- The biogeochemical fate of organic acids in a shallow aquifer contaminated with gasoline, 1993,
- Seasonal reproduction of Potamocorbula amurensis in San Francisco Bay, California, 1993,
- Vegetation establishment and channel narrowing along a Great Plains stream following a catastrophic flood, 1993,
- Foraging ecology and habitat utilization of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the western Mojave Desert, 1993,
- Wildlife habitat inventory and monitoring, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California: a pilot study, 1993,
- Disturbance dynamics of Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri) populations in Great Lakes sand dune landscapes, 1992,
- The evolution of avian song: a study of the impact of sound propagation on animal communication, 1992,
- Ecological impact of human disturbance on the Desert Tortoise Natural Area, Kern County, California, 1987-1992, 1992,
- Effects of parasitic castration on the salt marsh snail, Cerithidea californica, 1991,
- A method of prioritizing small islands and shoals for conservation based on biological and aesthetic criteria, 1990,
- Roles of diet protein and temperature in the nutritional energetics of juvenile slider turtles, Trachemys scripta, 1988,
- Climatic control of vegetation distribution: the role of the water balance with examples from North America and Sequoia National Park, California, 1988,
- Caracteritzacio' immunogenica d'Aeromonas salmonicida respecte a la proteina de la capa-a i al lipipolisacarid (Immunological characterization of Aeromonas salmonicida with respect to the A protein layer and lipopolysaccharide), 1988,
- I. Thermal evolution of Ganymede and implications for surface features. II. Magnetohydrodynamic constraints on deep zonal flow in the giant planets. III. A fast finite-element algorithm for two-dimensional photoclinometry, 1987,
- Turf assemblage of a Macrocystis kelp forest: experiments on competition and herbivory, 1987,
- Gardner Marsh: drainage, subsidence and restoration of a peat deposit, 1987,
- Effects of Tilapia zilli on growth and survival of fingerling striped bass, 1987,
- Energetics of canvasbacks staging on an upper Mississippi River pool during fall migration, 1987,
- A two-water model of aluminum mobilization and immobilization in a natural soil system, 1986,
- Impact of time and climate on Quaternary soils in the Yucca Mountain area of the Nevada Test Site, 1986,
- Empirical Bayes estimates of duck population, 1986,
- Use of spawner recruit relations to evaluate the effect of degraded environment and increased fishing on the abundance of fall run Chinook in several California streams, 1986,
- Evaluation of waterfowl production at Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge, 1986,
- Behavioral interactions between desert pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius) and mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in systems open to egress, 1986,
- An investigation of hydraulic conductivity estimation in a ground-water flow study of Northern Long Valley, New Jersey, 1985,
- Adaptations of avian vocalizations to sound transmission characteristics of central California vegetation, 1985,
- Limnology of lowland hardwood wetlands in southeast Missouri, 1985,
- A comparison of commercially available tags: a study of rainbow trout under various culture conditions, 1985,
- Aspects of flocking and predator avoidance in wintering shorebirds, 1985,
- Geologic and rheologic characteristics of the May 18, 1980 southwest flank lahars, Mount St. Helens, Washington, 1984,
- Use of in-vivo fluorescence to size fractionate phytoplankton biomass, 1983,
- An analysis of factors affecting the production of coho salmon in the Columbia River, 1983,
- The requirement of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) for dietary branched-chain amino acids, 1982,
- A study of gizzard nematodes and renal coccidiosis in Canada geese (Branta canadensis interior) of the Mississippi Valley population, 1982,
- The potential for biological control management of forest insects with avian predators, 1982,
- Breeding ecology of the black turnstones: a study in behavior and energetics, 1982,
- Effects of simazine on Daphnia pulex and larval striped bass, 1981,
- Parasites of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from the Mad River and vicinity, Humboldt County, California, 1981,
- Serological comparison of isolates of Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. Salmonicida, 1981,
- Effects of chronic exposure to arsenic trioxide on smoltification, downstream migration, and seawater adaptation of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), 1981,
- Determination of body composition, condition and migration timing of juvenile chum and Chinook salmon in the lower Skagit River, Washington, 1981,
- Physiological and immunological differences among three stocks of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, 1981,
- Reproduction and early life history of fishes in a cooling lake, 1981,
- Re-evaluation of dietary riboflavin requirement of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), 1980,
- Biological effects of dietary T-2 toxin on the chick and rainbow trout, 1980,
- Interactions of lead polychlorinated biphenyl with duck plague virus infection in mallard ducks, 1980,
- The adaptive significance of flocking among wintering shorebirds, 1980,
- Pathologic manifestations of viral erythrocytic necrosis in fish, 1980,
- An analysis of the extracellular growth products of Aeromonas salmonicida as virulence factors and potential immunogens, 1980,
- Histopathology of selected diseases of salmonids, 1980,
- Investigations of coyote reproductive behavior, 1980,
- Pen-rearing of silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in San Francisco Bay, 1979,
- Population dynamics and sediment relations of Gemma gemma in San Francisco Bay, 1979,
- Population biology of plains cottonwood (Populus sargentii) in northeast Colorado. (Undergraduate honors thesis), 1979,
- An evaluation of the river die-away biodegradation test, 1979,
- Dietary sulfur requirements of fish: nutritional, pathological, and biochemical criteria, 1978,
- Breeding biology and prey selection of ferruginous hawks in northwestern South Dakota, 1978,
- Studies on vertical and horizontal transmission of duck plague virus in apparently healthy waterfowl, 1978,
- Response of a stream channel to an increase in sediment load, 1978,
- Passive hemolytic plaque assay as a means for detecting antibody producing cells in rainbow trout immunized with the O-antigen of enteric redmouth bacteria, 1978,
- Biology of the porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in northwestern South Dakota, 1977,
- Temporal patterns of courtship in a caviomorph rodent, the green acouchi, (Myoprocta pratti), 1977,
- Populations dynamics of the cactus mouse (Peromyscus emericus) in two communities of mesquite, (Prosopis sp.), a systems approach, 1976,
- Behavioral interactions in North American treefrogs, 1976,
- Patterns of migration of mourning doves in the western management unit, 1976,
- Mechanics of beach cusp formation, 1975,
- An evaluation of attempts to reestablish sea otters in Oregon, 1975,
- Duck plague: carrier state and gross pathology in black ducks, 1975,
- Ecology of the Western Gray Squirrel, 1975,
- Toxicity of formalin, malachite green, and the mixture to four life stages of rainbow trout, 1974,
- Some observations on changes in the Na+ and K+ dependent adenosine triphosphatase activity of gills and kidney associated with the parr-smolt transformation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), 1974,
- The ecology and social behavior of the chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus obesus Baird, 1974, (101) -
- Digestive capabilities, gut morphology, and cecal fermentation in wild waterfowl (genus Anas) fed various diets, 1974,
- Pathophysiology of IHN virus in rainbow trout, 1973,
- Fire and fuel relationships in mixed conifer ecosystems of Yosemite National Park, 1972,
- A review of the life history of the southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans, and a late winter study of a population in southeastern Ohio, 1972,
- Seasonal distributions of salinity, phytoplankton nutrients, and dissolved organic carbon in south San Francisco Bay, 1960-1970, 1971,
- Topographic influence on the pattern of plant communities, phenology, and water relations of a desert ecosystem, 1970,
- Some field observations on the desert spiny lizard, Sceloporus magister Hallowell, 1968,
- Environmental influence on the pattern of plant communities along the north rim of the Grand Canyon, 1967,
- Some serological, cytological and histopathological aspects of the immune response in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Walbaum), 1959,
- Geomorphic effects of the 1951 Kansas River flood. Lawrence, Kansas, 1954,