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The Chemical Analysis of Argonne Premium Coal Samples

Edited by Curtis A. Palmer

U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2144

Determination of Selected Elements in Coal Ash from Eight Argonne Premium Coal Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Atomic Emission Spectrometry

By Michael W. Doughten

Table 1. Coal ash yields for Argonne Premium Coal samples.

[Coal ash yields determined by Larry Winters, U.S. Geological Survey]

Coal sample Percent ash
UF PC-1-1 13.5
WY PC-2-1 8.5
IL PC-3-1 16.2
PITT PC-4-1 9.2
POC PC-5-1 5.3
UT PC-6-1 4.6
WV PC-7-1 19.4
ND PC-8-1 9.5

Table 2. GFAAS (graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry) operating conditions.

  Cd Pb
Wavelength 228.8 nm 283.3 nm
Bandpass 0.7 nm 0.7 nm
Source lamp Hollow cathode Hollow cathode
Graphite tube Uncoated Uncoated
Sample size 20 mL 10 mL
Matrix modifier, 2 percent
solution of NH4 H2 PO4
10 mL 10 mL
Drying temperature 110°C 110°C
Drying time:    
Ramp 10 sec 0 sec
Hold 30 sec 30 sec
Charring temperature 250°C 950°C
Charring time:    
Ramp 5 sec 0 sec
Hold 25 sec 20 sec
Atomizing temperature 2,300°C 2,700°C
Atomizing time:
Ramp 0 sec 0 sec
Hold 5 sec 5 sec
Background correction Zeeman Deuterium
Calibration standard con-    
centration range 0-4 ng/mL 0-0.2 g/mL
Lower limit 0.2 ng/mL 0 .01 g/mL

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