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The Chemical Analysis of Argonne Premium Coal Samples

Edited by Curtis A. Palmer

U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2144

Determination of Selected Elements in Coal Ash from Eight Argonne Premium Coal Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Atomic Emission Spectrometry

By Michael W. Doughten

Table 3. FAAS (flame atomic absorption spectrometry) operating conditions.

[Flame is fuel lean air-acetylene]

Co Li
Wavelength 240.7 nm 670.8 nm
Bandpass 0.7 nm 0.4 nm
Source lamp Hollow cathode Hollow cathode
Background correction Deuterium None
Calibration standard concentration range 0-5 µg/mL 0-2 µg/mL
Lower limit 0.1 µg/mL 0.1 µg/mL

Table 4. ICAP-AES (inductively coupled argon plasma-atomic emission spectrometry) wavelengths, calibration ranges, and detection limits.

Element Wavelength
range1 (µg/mL)
Limit of detection
(in solution)
Al 308.2 0-2 0.5
Ba 455.4 0-20 .5
Be 313.0 0-1 .1
Ca 317.9 0-1 .5
Fe 259.9 0-20 .5
K 766.5 10-200 10
Mg 280.2 0-10 .5
Mn 257.6 0-10 .5
Na 589.0 0-10 .5
Ni 231.6 0-1 .1
P 214.9 0-50 1
Sr 407.7 0-5 .1
Ti 334.9 0-100 1
V 292.4 0-1 .1
Zn 213.8 0-1 .1

1Calibration standard concentration range.

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