Water Quality in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan, 1992-95
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Coordination among agencies and organizations is an integral part of the NAWQA Program. We thank the following agencies and organizations who contributed to the design of the studies and helped to review data presented in this report.
- American Water Resources Association - Wisconsin Chapter
- Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission
- Brown County Regional Planning Commission
- East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
- Fox Wolf Basin 2000
- Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
- Green Bay Metropolitan Sewage District
- Marquette County Land Conservation District
- Menominee Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin
- Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
- Michigan Department of Natural Resources
- Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency
- National Wildlife Federation
- The Nature Conservancy
- North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
- Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin
- Outagamie County Land Conservation District
- Portage County Land Conservation District
- River Alliance of Wisconsin (Tomorrow/Waupaca Watershed Association)
- Sheboygan County Land Conservation District
- Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Department
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Public Health Service
- University of Wisconsin - Extension Service
- University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
- Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Wisconsin Electric Power Company
- Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
- Wisconsin Project First
- Wisconsin Sea Grant
- Wisconsin State Climatologist
- Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
- Wolf River Lakes and Streams Association
- Wolf River Trout Unlimited
The following U.S. Geological Survey personnel responsible for implementing the NAWQA Program in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages are acknowledged for their dedication and hard work:
Stephen Rheaume, James Setmire, Elise Giddings, Morgan Schmidt, Heather Whitman, Dale Weaver, Michelle Greenwood, Ross Bagwell, Brian Dalsing, Amy Matzen, Evan Bloyer, Lucy Fox, Bart Manion, Ty Sabin, James Rauman, Eileen Cashman, Travis Buros, Winston Nunes, Andrew Legg, Mitchell Harris, Donna Myers, John Tertuliani, Dennis Finnegan, Wallace Larson, James Ellis, John Knudsen, Kevin Metzker, Kelly Warner, James Cerveny, Mary Ann Thomas, Bill Morrow
Edited by: Michael Eberle and Betty Palcsak
Technical Review by: William C. Sonzogni, John Koss, and scientists on the NAWQA national synthesis team
U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1156
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Suggested citation:
C. A. Peters, D. M. Robertson, D. A. Saad, D. J. Sullivan, B. C. Scudder, F. A. Fitzpatrick, K. D. Richards, J. S. Stewart, S. A. Fitzgerald, and B. N. Lenz, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1156, on line at <URL: https://water.usgs.gov/pubs/circ1156>, updated June 11, 1998