Coal Resources Available for Development - A Methodology and Pilot Study
By Jane R. Eggleston1, M.
Devereux Carter1, and James C. Cobb2
1U.S. Geological Survey,
Reston, VA 20192, 2Kentucky Geological Survey, Lexington, KY.
In developing a methodology for determining available coal resources, several steps were defined. These are (1) study area selection, (2) data collection and assimilation, and (3) resource estimation. The following sections detail the methodology that was developed for testing in a pilot study.
It might be preferable to study an entire region in the detailed fashion developed in this methodology. However, since we arbitrarily define a region in this study as containing multiple counties and usually several States or parts of States, the time, manpower, and costs required to conduct such a comprehensive study make this approach impractical. It is therefore crucial that the study areas selected be representative of larger areas, so that results can be extrapolated. If a region is divided into segments based on similarity of characteristics such as geology, mining practices, mining history, production patterns, and previous coal resource assessments, areas having similar characteristics can be defined for subsequent purposes of extrapolation.
Geologic conditions may vary throughout a region, and these conditions can be categorized. The stratigraphic position of coal beds in the area is significant, because coals represent a variety of depositional environments through geologic time. These different environments dictate the coal's physical and chemical characteristics, including lateral continuity, thickness, quality, and roof and floor rock types. Regions also vary with respect to the degree of folding and faulting. It is therefore necessary to categorize a region by its stratigraphic and structural features so that no significant geologic characteristics will be ignored in the course of the regional study. At least one study area should be located in each major geologic type area.
Mining practices also may vary within a region, often because of geologic characteristics. Because these variations will influence the restrictions required, mining practices should be categorized. For example, in areas that have gentle topography, strip mining is more prevalent, whereas in areas that have steep topography, contour mining and mountaintop removal are common. In some areas, longwall underground mining is common, whereas in others room-and-pillar is the norm. At least one study area should be located in each different mining area. In many instances, the mining areas and geologic type areas could be the same.
The extent of past and present mining within a region varies and should be categorized in a general manner. Likewise, the reserve base and production of the region should be categorized. Areas that have a larger reserve base and production must be given greater emphasis, although areas that have lesser reserves and production should be represented by study, too. The reserve base has been developed in a number of previous studies, and these published data will provide a relative idea of resource distribution throughout the region. Production figures are published also, usually annually.
Several possible methods of extrapolating the study results from smaller to larger areas that have similar characteristics exist. But it is probably most logical to take advantage of previous resource studies to accomplish this. Once the study is completed for one area, the results can be evaluated and compared to previous resource estimates to obtain percentages higher or lower than previous estimates. These percentages can then be applied to previous resource estimates for the surrounding area to develop an estimate for current available coal for the larger area. In this methodology, however, it is assumed that the previous resource estimates for both the study area and the larger area were conducted in the same fashion, with the same assumptions, level of detail, and geologic knowledge. In addition, of course, the previously discussed geologic and restrictive features must be similar in both the study area and the larger surrounding area. Geological features include lateral continuity of the coal beds, structure (folding, faulting, and dip), and mine-roof stability. Restrictive features include the land-use and technological parameters (as described in the "Introduction") that most impact coal availability. While this extrapolation process is less thorough than performing an intensive study throughout the entire region, it is a workable method that will provide valuable results in a reasonable period of time for a large area.
The size of the study area selected should be a
workable size but should have enough variability and information
to represent, together with other study areas in the region, a
realistic cross section of the region. For the purposes of this
study, a 7.5-minute quadrangle was deemed the optimum size for a
study area, because it would allow us to apply the necessary
detail to accomplish the task in a reasonable period of time. In
addition, much of the geologic mapping in the Eastern United
States has been done at this scale.
Collection and Assimilation
After a study area is selected, data needs must be defined, and the necessary data must be gathered and assimilated. Data needs are categorized in the following way: geologic considerations, past and present mining, land-use restrictions, and technological restrictions. Possible sources of data are shown in table 1. A good data base is the key to development of an assessment of available coal. Time spent talking with local specialists familiar with the area and reviewing appropriate literature is well spent. Supplementary data can be collected in the field when other sources are deemed to be inadequate.
Geologic considerations include coal-related information such as coal thicknesses and intervals, lateral extent of coal, outcrops and structure (folding, faulting, and dip), and coal quality. Because this information is the foundation upon which all subsequent restrictions are applied in this methodology, adequate time and effort are required to develop this comprehensive geologic data base.
For each coal bed in the study area, accurate locations of past and present underground and surface mines must be identified and plotted. In some cases, locations already have been plotted by State mining agencies or geological surveys. Even then, however, updating is often necessary. The U.S. Bureau of Mines maintains a microfilm library consisting of maps of abandoned underground mines. In addition, State mining regulatory agencies have maps of recent surface and underground mines, because such maps are required for the mine permitting process. Topographic maps and air photographs also can be used to determine the location and extent of surface mines. Adits of underground mines often are shown on topographic maps, but in localities that have multiple closely spaced coal beds, mines cannot be assigned to a specific coal bed unless additional information is obtained. Also, the lateral extent of the underground mine cannot be determined from locations alone.
Land-use restrictions primarily impact surface mining, although a few may restrict underground mining also. The Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-87) defined certain land uses that are protected from surface mining and (or) deep mining. These Federal requirements have now been incorporated into State regulations. State regulations vary but generally maintain the Federal requirements as a minimum. However, variances are given to many of the regulations. It is therefore vital to consider local practices when determining the impact of various land uses on mining in the study area.
The following land-use factors can restrict the mining of coal:
As herein defined, technological restrictions primarily impact underground mining. However, depth and thickness of a coal bed may be considered as technological restrictions to surface as well as underground mining. Technological restrictions are based on the limitations of mining safety, costs, and equipment. The following are some technological factors that can restrict mining.
In summary, technological factors can limit the minability of coal in a variety of ways. Because local mining practices and geologic conditions vary regionally, regional differences must be taken into account in quantifying available coal. Mining engineers working for local companies and regulatory inspectors, who regularly visit the mines and are familiar with local conditions, are a good source of additional information.
Coal quality can influence the marketability of coal and therefore the likelihood of mining particular coal beds. Because of EPA's sulfur emission standards for coalburning powerplants, high-sulfur coal is not as marketable as low-sulfur coal. Other coal-quality factors, such as ash, moisture, and sodium and chlorine content, also have important effects on coal marketability. In southern West Virginia a few coal beds have high levels of inertinite macerals, which inhibit complete and rapid burning of the coal in power generation boilers. This coal-quality parameter restricts the coal as a competitive fuel source. Mine operators and coal marketing representatives usually have the best information on problems associated with coal quality, unique to the area, that impact marketability. State geological surveys have files of coal-quality data, and, if data are limited, they can be supplemented by collection and analysis of channel samples of coal beds in the study area.
The three basic elements essential to coal resource calculations are (1) coal-bed thickness, (2) specific gravity of the coal, and (3) the size of the area to be included in the tonnage estimate. Thickness is determined by measurements from coal-bed exposures at the surface (outcrops), from boreholes, and in coal mines. The number and spacing of the thickness measurements are major determinants of the degree of reliability of the estimate. Specific gravity is a measure of the weight factor of a coal and may be determined from individual coal analyses in the area involved. This measurement is employed mainly for mine development studies. However, a table of the average specific gravity for each coal rank in the United States has been established and is generally used for large-area coal resource estimation in this country. For bituminous coal, the average specific gravity is 1.32, or 1,800 tons per acre-foot; this figure is used for coal availability studies in the central Appalachian region. Areal measurements in this study were accomplished by computer calculation of the digitized areas.
The methodology for coal resource calculations developed in this study follows the Coal Resource Classification System of USGS Circular 891 (Wood and others, 1983). The basic criteria set forth by Circular 891 were modified slightly for timeliness in this study and are as follows.
The initial steps required in calculating resources for this study include collection of data points for coal thickness, elevation, and quality parameters (where available); correlation of beds; determination of the approximate specific gravity; selection and delineation of the land-use and technological restrictions; and preparation of outcrop maps. Once these initial steps are completed, data entry begins. Data entry is by far the most time-consuming aspect of the study, but it is essential that data be entered correctly and stored in clearly documented fields. All subsequent work by a variety of users derives from this basic data base.
The point source data, including coal-bed thickness, elevation, location, lithology, and chemistry, are digitally recorded and stored in their appropriate stratigraphic and geochemical data bases. The coal-bed outcrop, the mined areas, and most of the land-use and technological restrictions are drawn on base maps, and each is digitized, labeled, and stored in its individual data base. Once the data have been entered, checked for errors made during entry, and corrected, the user may begin to generate derivative maps. Data-point maps are plotted to display the number of points and spread of the basic information. Gridded files of coal thickness, structure, and quality are generated, and the isopachs, structure contours, and isopleths of chemical values are plotted. The computer-drawn lines may then be modified, if necessary, to follow the user's interpretation of the thickness, elevation, and chemical character of the coal.
The depth of coal from the surface may be generated from a file of digital surface elevations. The National Mapping Division of the USGS has produced Digital Elevation Models (DEM's) covering about one-third of the United States. Fortunately, DEM's are available for most of the Appalachian basin. When the DEM is used, computer grid-to-grid subtraction of the elevation at the top of the bed from the surface elevation creates a grid of the overburden, which can be contoured to derive the depth-of-burial (overburden) lines. Once coal thickness and overburden maps have been generated, individual lines (14- and 28-inch coal-bed thickness, 200- and 1,000-foot overburden) can be selected and stored for future use.
As previously stated, the areas covered by land-use restrictions and some of the technological restrictions may be plotted on base maps and digitized. Most of the areas affected by technological restrictions, however, are readily generated by the computer. Barrier pillars of coal, left for safety purposes around active or abandoned coal mines, may be created as buffers at the required distances from the digitized boundaries of the mine. For underground mining, the interburden between beds is determined through grid-to-grid subtraction of the top of the lower bed from the base of the upper bed. Where the two beds occur within less than the restfictive distance, a determination is made as to which of the two coals would most likely be mined, largely based on coal thickness. These restriction lines are saved and stored with the other computer-derived restfictions for coal-bed depth and thickness.
At this point, the user has all of the line files necessary for coal resource calculation: outcrop, coal-bed thickness, overburden thickness, surface and deep mines, land-use and technological restrictions, and parameters for quality. Given the weight factor, the computer will then calculate the amount of original, mined and lost in mining, restricted, and available coal resources for each coal bed in the prescribed thickness and overburden categories.
First, the original coal resource is calculated by thickness and overburden categories to quantify all of the coal in the ground prior to mining and prior to application of restrictions. Next, the resources are calculated for the surface and deep mines and subtracted from the original resource to determine the amount of coal left in the ground after mining-the remaining resource. Each of the land-use and technological restrictions is then combined individually with the remaining coal resource to ascertain the amount of coal that will be restricted from future mining by each type of constraint.
Many of the restrictions overlap one another, as is the case with towns/streams, thin interburden, and previous mining above or below a coal bed. Therefore, to avoid duplication of restrictions before the available resource is calculated, all of the land-use restrictions must be combined into one land-use restrictions file, and, likewise, all of the technological restrictions must be combined into one technological restrictions file for each coal bed. Care must be taken also not to overlap or duplicate land-use and technological restrictions, especially in the surface-minable area. The resultant restriction files are finally excluded from the remaining coal resource to derive the amount of coal resource available for development in each of the prescribed thickness and overburden categories.
While noncompliance with respect to sulfur dioxide potential is not considered a restriction to mining for the coal availability studies, an estimate of compliance coal was included in this study because it is a factor in determining marketability for most of the power-generating coals in the central Appalachian region.
When the original, remaining, available, and available compliance coal tonnages have been determined for the study area, these results can be related to previous estimates and extrapolated to the larger, similar area defined earlier in the study when the study area was selected.
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