Water Quality of the Ozark Plateaus, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma, 1992-95

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Coordination among agencies and organizations is an integral part of the NAWQA Program. We thank the following agencies and organizations that contributed data used in this report, participated in the study liaison committee, or assisted in field work.

Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Arkansas Geological Commission
Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission
Arkansas Water Resources Research Center
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Kansas Geological Survey
Kansas Water Office
Kansas Water Resources Research Institute
Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
 - Division of Environmental Quality
 - Division of Geology and Land Survey
Missouri Water Resources Research Center
Neosho Basin Advisory Committee
Oklahoma Conservation Commission
Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute
Pittsburg State University
Taney County Planning Commission
The Nature Conservancy
University of Arkansas
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Agriculture
 - Natural Resources Conservation Service
 - Forest Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
 - Fish and Wildlife Service
 - Geological Survey - Biological Resources Division
 - Geological Survey - Geologic Division
 - National Park Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Watershed Committee of the Ozarks

Much appreciation is extended to the following U.S. Geological Survey employees for their contributions:

Rebecca S. Inman, Visual Information Specialist; Bobbie L. Louthian, Writer/Editor. Several employees of the Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma Districts provided valuable field assistance. Kevin J. Breen provided the pesticide application photograph on page 2.

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1158

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Suggested citation:
Petersen, J.C., Adamski, J.C., Bell, Davis, J.V., Femmer, S.R., Freiwald, D.A., and Joseph, R.L., 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1158, on line at < URL:>, updated April 3, 1998

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