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Contents: This appendix is a summary of chemical concentrations and biological indicators assessed in the Kanawha–New River Basin. Selected results for this basin are graphically compared to results from as many as 36 NAWQA Study Units investigated from 1991 to 1998 and to national water-quality benchmarks for human health, aquatic life, or fish-eating wildlife. The chemical and biological indicators shown were selected on the basis of frequent detection, detection at concentrations above a national benchmark, or regulatory or scientific importance. The graphs illustrate how conditions associated with each land use sampled in the Kanawha–New River Basin compare to results from across the Nation, and how conditions compare among the several land uses. Graphs for chemicals show only detected concentrations and, thus, care must be taken to evaluate detection frequencies in addition to concentrations when comparing study-unit and national results. For example, simazine concentrations in Kanawha–New River Basin agricultural  treams were similar to the national distribution, but the detection frequency was much higher (94 percent compared to 61 percent). Graph showing CHEMICALS IN WATER -- Concentrations and detection frequencies, Kanawha–New River Basin, 1996–98—Detection sensitivity varies among chemicals and, thus, frequencies are not directly comparable among chemicals. And is also showing pesticides in water-herbicides.


Graph showing pesticides in water—Insecticides and Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ground water.


Graph showing nutrients in water, dissolved solids in water and Trace elements in ground water.


Graph showing CHEMICALS IN FISH TISSUE AND BED SEDIMENT Concentrations and detection frequencies, Kanawha–New River Basin, 1996–98—Detection sensitivity varies among chemicals and, thus, frequencies are not directly comparable among chemicals. Study-unit frequencies of detection are based on small sample sizes; the applicable sample size is specified in each graph. graph is also showing Organochlorines in fish tissue (whole body) and bed sediment and Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in bed sediment.


Graph continued showing Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in bed sediment.


Graph showing Trace elements in fish tissue (livers) and bed sediment and BIOLOGICAL INDICATORS Higher national scores suggest habitat disturbance, water-quality degradation, or naturally harsh conditions. The status of algae, invertebrates (insects, worms, and clams), and fish provide a record of water-quality and stream conditions that water-chemistry indicators may not reveal. Algal status focuses on the changes in the percentage of certain algae in response to increasing siltation, and it often correlates with higher nutrient concentrations in some regions. Invertebrate status averages 11 metrics that summarize changes in richness, tolerance, trophic conditions, and dominance associated with water-quality degradation. Fish status sums the scores of four fish metrics (percent tolerant, omnivorous, non-native individuals, and percent individuals with external anomalies) that increase in association with water-quality degradation.


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U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1204

Suggested citation:

Paybins, K.S., Messinger, Terence, Eychaner, J.H., Chambers, D.B., and Kozar, M.D., 2000, Water Quality in the Kanawha–New River Basin West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, 1996–98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1204, 32 p., on-line at

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