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Data Series 883

Disc Contents

Index | Abstract | Abbreviations | Disc Contents | Methods | Cruise Data | FGDC Metadata | Trackline

Folder containing all data
Folder containing 12BHM01 (February) AFT CO2, AFT pH, Navigation, Sonde, Station and Surface data in ZIP format
Folder containing 12BHM02 (April) Navigation, Sonde, Station and Surface data in ZIP format
Folder containing 12BHM03 (May) AFT CO2, AFT pH, Navigation, Sonde, Station and Surface data in ZIP format
Folder containing 12BHM04 (June) Navigation, Station and Surface data in ZIP format
Folder containing 12BHM05 (August) AFT CO2, Navigation, Sonde, Station and Surface data in ZIP format
Folder with field logs and journals
PDF file with explanation of data headings and units
Folder with all metadata
Folder containing HTML files for browsing archive
Folder containing supporting data for Web site
Folder containing images used in HTML files
Folder containing style sheets for Website
HTML file containing a list of acronyms and abbreviations
HTML file with directory of the report's content (this file)
HTML file with links to cruise data
HTML file with links to metadata
HTML file with data collection and processing methods
HTML file with links to trackline data
Folder with SHP files
HTML Abstract
Text file for getting started

Index | Abstract | Abbreviations | Disc Contents | Methods | Cruise Data | FGDC Metadata | Trackline