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Data Series 995

Navigation Data

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Navigation files were extracted as a comma-delimited American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text file from a Garmin GPSMAP 696 receiver. For each trackpoint, the Garmin GPSMAP 696 receiver recorded the following: date, time, latitude, longitude, altitude, and color (for aviation graphics).

The images were acquired using a Nikon D7100 digital camera. The camera was synchronized to UTC and the time of capture was recorded in the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) header of each image. Image files were named according to the time they were captured. The image filenames have the format yyyy_mmdd_hhmmssd.jpg. (For example, image 2015_1007_133636d.jpg was taken October 07, 2015, at 13:36:36 UTC, while "d" designates a digital camera was used.) Images are associated with GPS positions according to the time of capture. Google Earth is used to view selected images taken during the flight based on their time of capture compared to the recorded position of the aircraft at that time in the GPS record.

Processed Navigation

The processed navigation file can be accessed from within the nav folder or by clicking the following link: ds995_2015-338-FA.csv (CSV file). The file contains 12 fields that are defined as follows:

Field 1: LONGITUDE—estimated longitude (decimal degree, position of aircraft)
Field 2: LATITUDE—estimated latitude (decimal degree, position of aircraft)
Field 3: HR_MIN_SEC—hour_minute_second (UTC)
Field 4: IMAGE—image filename (yyyy_mmdd_hhmmssd.jpg)
Field 5: IMAGE_URL—location of the image internal to data series
Field 6: CONTACTSHEET_URL—location of the contact sheet within the data series report
Field 7: YEAR—year the photo was taken
Field 8: MONTH—month the photo was taken
Field 9: DAY—day the photo was taken
Field 10: PRE_POST—type of survey conducted (pre- or post-storm)
Field 11: STORM—(baseline or name of the storm)
Field 12: GEO_AREA—locations surveyed

Raw Navigation

The raw navigation files can be accessed from within the nav folder or by clicking the following link: ds995_2015-338-FA_1007_gpsmap696.txt (text file). It contains six fields (separated by tabs) that are defined as follows:

Field 1: HEADER: "T"
Field 2: DATE—(mm/dd/yyyy)
Field 3: TIME—Date and Time (hh:mm:ss am/pm)
Field 4: LATITUDE—latitude (decimal degree, position of aircraft)
Field 5: LONGITUDE—longitude (decimal degree, position of aircraft)
Field 6: ALTITUDE (feet)

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