This publication is dedicated to Ms. Polly Hastings (1964 - 2005), who made significant contributions to the usSEABED data collection effort, and to the Marine Aggregates project as well as many other USGS research activities. She was a valued colleague and friend who will be greatly missed.
We thank the following persons and agencies for their contribution of data to usSEABED on the Atlantic coast:
Christina Rasmussen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NY District;
Jane Uptegrove and Andrea Freidman, New Jersey Geological Survey; Roger Amato and John Rowland, Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA.
We thank the following interns for their assistance in data entry, coding, and data testing: Viness Ubert, Emma Mitchell, Emily Denham, and Shea Quinn.
We thank VeeAnn Cross, Jim Flocks, Jodi Harney, Guy Cochrane, Debbie Hutchinson, Don Woodrow, Rob Thieler, and Kathy Scanlon for their thoughtful and thorough reviews; and Valerie Paskevich and Carolyn Degnan for their reviews of the metadata; and Page Valentine for his contribution and information on benthic habitats on the Atlantic coast; and Brian Buczkowski for the 11th hour changes.
dbSEABED has benefited from the contributions of many people and institutions. It is a community structure, currently managed from the University of Colorado. Funding from the Australian Department of Defence, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Australia, Geosciences Australia, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) / University of Colorado, Institute fur Ostseewissenschaften-Warnemunde (IOW, Germany), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (Boulder), ONR (Office of Naval Research), and Victorian DNR (Australia). Mike Field and Jim Gardner, who first arranged to apply dbSEABED to the U.S. EEZ, in 1999. Ideas for development of dbSEABED have been contributed in discussions by L. Hamilton and P. Mulhearn (Defence Science and Technology Organization (DSTO)), G. Rawson, A. Short (Univ. Sydney), P. Sliogeris (Royal Australian Navy METOC Services (Australia)), T. Wever (Forschungsanstalt der Bundeswehr für Wasserschall und Geophysik, Germany (FWG)), J. Harff, B. Bobertz and B. Bohling (IOW), P. Morin (Univ. Minnesota), M. Kulp and S. Briuglio (Univ. New Orleans), J. Goff (Univ. Texas), G. Sharman and C. Moore (NOAA/NGDC), and J. Flocks and C. Polloni (USGS).