U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 118, usSEABED: Atlantic Coast Offshore Surficial Sediment Data Release, version 1.0
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Table D. Components (features*) processed within usSEABED |
Only the descriptive terms found in source reports are defined in the dbSEABED thesaurus. Conversely, as usSEABED uses the same thesaurus as its sister data compilations (auSEABED, goSEABED), some terms listed below may not occur within U.S. waters. Only one of possible variations are listed below, for example, laminated (laminae, lamination); mollusc (mollusk, mollusca), etc. |
Major synonym |
Triggering words (word variations not included) |
andest |
andesite, augite andesite, benmoreite, trachyandesite |
anmne_F |
anemone, tube anemone, cerinth, cerianthid, coryanactid |
annld_F |
annelid, arenicola, beachworm, bloodworm, bristleworm, funnelworm, nereid worm, polychaete, polynoid |
aren_frm |
arenaceous foraminfera, agglutinated foramifera, ammobaculite, ammodiscus, textularid foraminfera |
artif_F |
artificial, soot, anchor, brass, cinder, coal, contaminated, lumber, obstruction, petroleum, oil-gas, rubber band, snag, tar, wood chip, wreck |
asterd_F |
asteroid, basket star, briseaster, sea star, starfish |
barit |
barite (-concretion -vein) |
baslt |
basalt, diorite, metabasalt, scoria, trap rock, trachybasalt |
bioturb |
bioturbation |
bitumn |
bitumin |
biv |
bivalve, arctica, astarte, cardium, chama, chione, chlmys, clam (-shell -flat material -hash -valves), cockle (-anadara -shell), donax, glycymeris, katalysia, lamellibranch, macoma, mercenaria, mulinia, mussel (-bed -bank -shell), mya, mytilus, nucula, pelecypod, quahog, rangia, seep mytilid, slipper shells, surf clam, tellina, tellinid, venerid, venus clams, vesicomyid, yoldia |
bluschst |
blue schist, crossite-albite schist, crossite-quartz schist, glaucophane, quartz crossite schist, quartz glaucophane schist |
bnth_frm |
benthic foraminfera, archaias, bolivina, bulimina, coralline forams, discorbis, eponides, homotrema, hyaline, lenticulina, loxostema, miliolid, nodosirid, nonien, notosirid, peneroplis, porcellanous, rotaiid, uvigerina |
borng_F |
boring, bioeroded |
brach |
brachiopod, lingula |
brncl |
barnacle |
bryz |
bryozoa, polyzoa |
burw_F |
burrow, chondrite, clam siphon, crab hole, lebensspurren, Thalassinoides |
c_alg |
calcareous algae, purple algae, red algae |
calc_ooz |
calcareous ooze, nannofossil -mud -ooze, pteropod -mud -ooze, foraminiferal -marl -ooze -mud, globigerina -mud -ooze |
calcrst |
calcareous crust, tufa |
calct |
calcite (-cement -core -filling -veinlets) |
carb |
allogenic grain, authigenic carbonate, biogenic, calcareous, calcilutite, calcarenite, calcirudite, calcareous biogenic, carbonate, limey, marl, skeletal micrite |
chrcoal_F |
charcoal, fire debris |
chrt |
chert, flint, porcellanite |
claymin |
clay mineral, bentonite, chlorite, collophane, illite, kaolinite |
clypeast |
clypeasteriod, sand dollar |
coal |
coal, lignite, bituminous |
coralgl |
algal coral, coralgal |
crab |
crab, hermit crab, sand crab, spider crab, swimming crab |
crinod_F |
crinoid, basket star |
crl |
coral, Acropora palmata, brain coral, Dendrophyllia, Madrepore, Manicina, Porite, sea twig |
crl_dbr |
coral debris |
crlrf |
coral reef, coral heads, shingle bank, reefal shoal |
crnalg |
coralline algae, calcareous algae, lithothamnion |
crustac |
crustacea, decapods, lobster, shrimp shell |
defrmn_F |
deformation, convolute, flame structure, flow structure, load -cast -structure, pull apart |
diat |
diatom, diatomite/diatomaceous |
dolmt |
dolomite, ankerite, molar magnesium carbonate |
echnd |
echinoid, heart urchin, keyhole urchin, sea urchin, spiny urchin |
echndrm_F |
echinoderm |
fault_F |
fault |
fces |
feces, coprolite |
ferug |
ferruginous, iron fragment, iron (-cement -streak -flake -stain), iron stone, laterite, limonite |
flasr_bed_F |
flaser bed |
fld |
feldspar, albite, andesine, anorthorite, K-feldspar, labradorite, orthoclase, plagioclase |
frm |
calcareous foramifera, foraminifera, globigerina bit, planktonic |
gas |
foamy, gas |
gbbro |
gabbro, diabase, diorite, dolerite, meta-dolerite, monzodiorite, monzonite, quartz diorite |
glacl |
glacial, diamicton, erratic, moraine, till |
glauc |
glauconite, greensand |
gniss |
gneiss, diorite gneiss, granite gneiss |
gradd_F |
coarsening upward, fining upward, increasing grain size, normally graded, reverse graded |
granit |
granite, aplite, granodiorite, pegmatite |
grnschst |
greenschist |
gstrpd |
gastropod, cerithium, conch, turitella, snail, nassarius, olivella, tenebrae, turitella |
h2s |
hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulfide -odor -smell, sulfur odor |
halmda |
halimeda, Peyssonnelia |
holoth |
holothurian, sea cucumber |
hvy_min |
heavy mineral, anatase, andalusite, apatite, black sand, brookite, cassiterite, clinozoisite, corundum, dumortierite, epidote, garnet, ilmenite, jadeite, kyanite, leucoxene, magnetite, monazite, ore mineral, piedmontite, rutile, sillimanite, sphene, spinel, staurolite, titanomagnetite, titanite, tourmaline, topaz, zircon, zoisite |
hydrt |
hydrate, gas hydrate |
ign_rck |
igneous rock, acidic rock, alkali basinite, augite plagioclase porphyry, augite porphyry, basic rock, dacite, felsite, olivine plagioclase clinopyroxene, olivine plagioclase phyric, plagioclase andesite porphyry, plagioclase augite porphyry, plagioclase porphyry, plutonic rock, porphyry, rhyolite, syenite, trachyte |
klp_F |
kelp, brown algae, ecklonia, M. vertebralis, red brown algae |
lamintd_F |
laminated |
lenticlr_bed |
lenticular bed, lenticular mass |
limstn |
limestone, beach rock, bioclastic -floatstone -grainstone -limestone -rudstone, boundstone, bryozoan -floatstone -grainstone -rudstone, calcareous -chip -rubble -rock, coral limestone, floatstone, grainstone, packstone, rudstone, wackestone |
lmp_F |
lump, aggregate, ball, cast, clump, compact clot, intraclast, pellet, pisolitic, peloid |
lrg_frm |
large foram, foraminferal gravel, amphistegina, heterostegina, macro foraminifera, marginopora |
maf |
mafic, actinolite, aegirite, amphibole, augite, (brown- green- basaltic-) hornblende, bronzite, clinopyroxene, ferromagnesian, hypersthene, olivine, orthopyroxene, oxyhornblende, pyroxene, titanaugite, titaniferous, tremolite |
met |
metamorphic, calcsilicate, granitized, mylonite, porphyroblast, saussurite |
methne |
methane |
metlif |
metalliferous |
mica |
mica, biotite, chlorite, muscovite, sericite, talc |
mlsc |
mollusc |
mn_crst |
manganese crust, manganese iron oxide crust, manganese nodule, manganese pavement, manganese phosphate material |
mn_nod |
manganese nodule, iron manganese nodule, manganese concretion, micronodule |
mnoxd |
manganese oxide, iron-manganese (-coat -stain -veneer), iron-manganese oxide |
motl_F |
mottle, chickwire mottle |
mudlmp_F |
mud lump, armored mud ball, silty lump, clay (-aggregate -ball -chip -clast -gall -lump -mass -pod), mud (-aggregate -ball -chunk -clump -clot -clast -lump -pebble -pellet, claystone -chip -gall), sandstone fragment, soft pebble, shale (-fragment -concretion) |
mudstn |
mudstone, calcareous (-mudstone- siltstone), clay (-rock -shale -stone), marlstone, mud (-rock -stone), pelite, shale, siliceous shale, siltstone |
nan |
nannofossil coccolith, nannofossil (-coccolith -ooze), silicoflagellate |
nod_F |
nodule, concretion |
odr |
odor, anoxic, fetid, foul, fishy, organic, sewage, smell |
oil |
oil, oil glob, oil sheen |
ool |
oolite, sporbo |
ooz |
ooze |
ophiurd_F |
ophiuroid, brittle star, ophiomusium |
orgcbn |
organic carbon, carbonaceous, organic (-streak -detritus -matter -mud -content -enriched -material -part -paricle -rich -rimmed), sapropel |
oyst |
oyster, jingle shell |
peat |
peat, lignite |
pelag |
pelagic, hemipelagic, planktic, planktonic |
phspht |
phosphate, phosphorite |
pit_F |
pit, crater, feeding depression, hole, pockmark, mound, resting trace |
planr_bed_F |
planar bed |
plnk_frm |
planktonic foramifera, globerina, globorotalid, planktic foraminfera |
plnt_F |
plant, mangrove, root, vegetation, weed, root |
ptr |
pteropod |
pumc |
pumice, ash |
pyrt |
pyrite, marcasite |
qtz |
quartz, arkosic sand, calcareous quartz sand, milky vein quartz, quartz (-content -fragment -grain -granule -groundmass -mass -rich -vein -veinlet -crystal), quartzose, quartzite (-cobble -gravel -pebble), sandstone (-chunk -fragment), silica |
rad |
radiolaria |
ripl |
ripple, bedform |
rlct_F |
relict |
root_struct |
root structure, root clast, root trace |
rzr_clm |
razor clam, ensis, pinna, pteria, pelecypod |
schst |
schist, -albite -chlorite -epidote, -albite -chlorite, -albite -mica, -albite -quartz -chlorite, -biotite -quartz, -chlorite -albite, -chlorite -quartz -albite, -chlorite, -phyllitic, -quartz -albite, -quartz -albite -chlorite, -quartz -biotite, -quartz -chlorite |
scllp |
scallop, astropecten, pecten, placopecten |
scour |
scour, crag and tail, erosional, lag deposit |
scphpd |
scaphopod, dentalium |
seagrs_F |
seagrass, acetabularia, amphibolis, batophora, eel grass, grass, halophila, heterozostera, phyllospadix, posidonia, sargassum, strap grass, syringodium, manatee grass, thallassia, zostera |
sft_alg_F |
soft algae, algal (-scum -filament -mush -strand), Bossea, green algae, macrophytic, red algae |
sftcrl_F |
soft coral, alcynacian, ascidian, coelentrate, gorgonian, hydrozoa |
shl |
shell, shell (-bed -bank -carpet -fraction -content -material), shellfish, valves |
shl_dbr |
shell debris, shell hash, coquina, shell (-bit -conglomerate -fragments -festoon -grit -lag -mash -material -piece -particle) |
shrmp_F |
shrimp, amphipod, ampelisca, copepod, isopod, tanid |
sidrt |
siderite, siderite nodule |
sil_ooz |
siliceous ooze, siliceous mud |
slte |
slate, phyllite, quartzite, metamorphic rock |
sndstn |
sandstone, gritstone, graywacke, labile sandstone, sandstone reef, wacke |
sol_crl |
solitary coral, cup coral, disc coral, horn coral, lophelia coral |
spng_F |
sponge, calcareous sponge, glass sponge, hard sponge, hexactinellid sponge, porifera, Thalassodendron sponge |
spoil_F |
spoil, brick, coke, dumped sediment |
srpul |
serpulid, serpulid tube, serpulid worm tube |
sulf |
sulfide, chalcopyrite |
trail_F |
trail, trace (animal), track |
trrg |
terrigenous, lithic, inorganic |
umafic |
ultramafic, amphibolite, anorthosite, dunite, greenstone, harzburgite, lherzolite, norite, orthopyroxenite, periodotite, picrite, pyroxenite, serpentinite, troctolite, wehrlite |
vol_rck |
volcanic rock, volcanic (-cobble -pebble) |
volgls |
volcanic glass, obsidian, hyaloclastite, pyroclastic, quenched, vitric, subvitreous |
volrck |
volcanic rock, welded tuff |
volsed |
volcanic sediment, ash, tuff, lapilli |
wood |
wood, bark, twig |
wrm_F |
worm, chordate, echiurid, fan -flat (-glob -juicy -long -sand -tube worm), maldanid, pogonophora, priapulida, sliverfish, siphunculid, tunicate |
wrm_tbe_F |
worm tube, agglutinated worm tube, amphipod tube, annelid worm tube, arenicola, chitinous worm tube, diopatra worm tube, polychaete worm tube, pogonophoran tube worm, vestimentiform tube worm |
wavy_bed_F |
wavy bed |
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