U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 146

usSEABED: Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean (Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands) Offshore Surficial Sediment Data Release, version 1.0 Skip navigational side bar

Frequently Asked Questions

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Published Articles

The following published articles provide more detailed information about various aspects of dbSEABED:

Jenkins, C., 1997, Building offshore soils databases: Sea Technology, v. 38, no. 12, p. 25-28. (Permission for reproduction granted by Sea Technology Magazine. For additional information contact Sea Technology.)

Jenkins, C., 2002, Automated digital mapping of geological colour descriptions: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 22, no. 4, p. 181-187. (Permission for reproduction granted by Springer. For additional information about the SpringerLink free abstract program, please see Springer Online Products.)

Jenkins, C., 2003, Data management of MARGINS geologic data, with emphasis on efficiency, quality control and data integration: MARGINS Newsl. 10, Spring 2003, p. 8-10. (Permission for reproduction granted by MARGINS. Since this article was published, a MARGINS data management system (DMS) (http://data.nsf-margins.org/) has been established within the Marine Geoscience Data Management System (http://www.marine-geo.org/). This DMS is the designated MARGINS repository for metadata relating to all data types and for digital data for which no standard repository exists. Central to the larger system are visualization and search tools that facilitate integrated access to data and metadata across diverse scales and disciplines. Ultimately, all MARGINS data and samples will be traceable through metadata maintained in the DMS.)

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