U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 146

usSEABED: Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean (Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands) Offshore Surficial Sediment Data Release, version 1.0 Skip navigational side bar

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Table E. Facies and their component makeup

Facies values are determined by a combination of components and their mined values from word-based descriptions. Numeric textural, geochemical, and geophysical information held in PRS data files. Values represent memberships to fuzzy sets, given as percents. A minimum of 30% component presence is required to trip a given facies, and a component may trip more than one facies. See FAC files for actual data, and table D for component information. Facies notes presence only, not absence.

Field name Parameter Data format, units Information/triggering components
Latitude* Latitude Decimal 00.00000 Decimal degrees, 90° to -90° range
Longitude* Longitude Decimal 000.00000 Decimal degrees, -180° to 180° range
WaterDepth* Water depth Integer 00000 Meters
SampleTop* Sample top Decimal 000.00 Meters below seabed surface
SampleBase* Sample base Decimal 000.00 Meters below seabed surface
SiteName* Site name Character XXX: XXX Survey or laboratory code for the sampling site
DataSetKey* Dataset number key Integer 000 Relational key to SRC file; SRC file contains links to source metadata
SiteKey* Site number key Integer 0000000 Relational key to other data files. Each site counted sequentially as total output; core data may have more than one sample per site.
SampleKey* Sample number key Integer 0000000 Relational key to other data files. Each site counted sequentially as total output; Multiple samples may be at each site (i.e., in core).
Terrigenous Terrigenous (%) Fld, hvy_min, maf, mica, qtz, trrg
Carbonate Carbonate (%) Calcrst, calct, carb, dolmt, limstn, sidrt
Igneous Igneous (%) Andest, baslt, gbbro, granit, ign_rck, umafic
Volcanic Volcanic (%) Baslt, pumc, vol_rck, volgls, volrck, volsed
Metamorphic Metamorphic (%) Bluschst, gniss, grnschst, met, schst, slte
Mineralized Mineralized (%) Barit, metlif, phspht, pyrt, sulf
AuthFeMn Authigenic Fe Mn (%) Mn_crust, mn_nod, mnoxd, ferug
Ooze Ooze (%) Ooz, calc_ooz, sil_ooz
Carbon Carbon (%) Coal, bitumn, orgcbn, peat
GeochemSignal Geochemical signal (%) Gas, h2s, hydrt, methne, odr, oil
Forams Forams (%) Aren_frm, bnth_frm, frm, lrg_frm, plnk_frm
OtherCalcPelag Other calcareous pelagics (%) Nan, ptr, calc_ooz
SilcPelag Siliceous pelagics (%) Diat, rad, sil_ooz
Shell Shell (%) Shl, shl_dbr
Coral Coral (%) Crl, crl_dbr, crlrf, sol_crl
HardPlant Hard plants (%) C_alg, coralgl, crnalg, halmda

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