Leg1B (West to southwest Oahu)

K204: West Oahu (N. Nakagawa)
Aug. 28, 2001

On the basis of GLORIA image and Seabeam survey, it has been considered that several cones and lava flows are distributed in the area at west of the Oahu Island to form a volcanic field. Dive K204 focused on one of the lava cones in the area. The KAIKO landed on the southeastern flank of the cone at the depth of 4211 m. From this point, we took a course approximately toward NNW, climbing up the gentle slope to a flat top of the cone. This dive achieved the following objectives:
1) The cone has a flat top (500 m in a diameter) with a very gentle slope (2 km in a diameter and 150 m of elevation), and is composed mainly of pillows accompanied with small amount of sheet flows and broken pillows. The top of the cone is covered by mud, and did not show crater, suggesting that the cone had tapped lava at the top to form a lava lake.
2) Most of the collected samples are nearly non-altered, dense pillows, with relatively thick quench glass rinds (5 ~ 15 mm in thick). One porous sample is also collected at the flank of the cone. Mn-coating and paragonite layer are thinner than 1 mm in thick, indicating that these samples are possibly younger than 1~0.5 Ma.

1) 平頂丘は約2kmの底形で約150mの比高であり、なだらかな斜面と山頂部の直径約500mの平坦な頂部を持つ。斜面は丸みをおびた枕状溶岩に覆われており、その他にシート状溶岩や破砕されたピローなども認められた。頂部はわずかに枕状溶岩が露出するものの、厚く泥に覆われた平坦面である。明瞭な火口地形は認められない。これらの特徴から、この溶岩平頂丘は頂部に溶岩湖を形成していたと考えられている”flat cone”であろう。
2) 採取されたサンプルは新鮮で緻密なカンラン石(斜長石)斑晶を含む玄武岩質の枕状溶岩であり、特徴的に厚い(5〜15 mm)急冷ガラス縁を有する。発泡したサンプルは1つだけ山麓部で採取された。MnOコーテイングやパラゴナイト層は薄く1mm以下であり、これらの試料が100~50万年より若いことを示している。

Video Highlights
(1) 13:06 - 13:12
Elephant shaped pillow lobe and its internal structure
(2) 13:24 - 13:45
Various shapes of pillow lavas

Purpose of Dive K204
On the basis of GLORIA image, Holcomb (1997) suggested that relatively younger volcanic field probably including lava flows and several cones at the west of Oahu Island. Similar volcanic fields are also recognized at southwestern of Oahu. The relationship between the volcanic fields near Oahu and North- and South Arc lavas, and Honolulu volcanics has not been discussed. During this Kairei cruise Leg 1-B, Seabeam and side-scan sonar has revealed topography of the area in detail. Kaiko dives of the Leg 1-B concentrate on Geological, petrological and geochemical study on these recently recognized volcanoes.
In the area of west of Oahu Island, we can recognize several volcanoes with cones and lava flows. The Dive K204 focuses on one of cones at the western part of the area, because we cannot dive anywhere due to dense cables. The purposes of the dive are as following:
(1) Observe and describe the constituent and its morphology of the cone, and reveal the geology of the cone.
(2) Observe and make sure whether flat top of the cone is normal crater and lava lake.
(3) Collect various types of samples from the cone.

Dive Results
Kaiko landed at the depth of 4200 m, about 800 m southeast off the foot of the cone. The landed area is covered by probably thick mud. Muddy bottom without any rock fragments continues during the first 300 m in distance. The first out crop of pillow lobes in mud was found at the depth of 4200 m, about 600 m off the foot. In addition, strong refraction probably of the northern extension of the pillow lobes was observed by sonar. This suggests that lava flows are distributed at the southeastern flank of the cone, being consistent of lobe-like topography in the Seabeam map. However, we could not approach to central part of the flow, and could contact at southern side of the flow. From the sampling point 1, thick muddy surface continue again about 700 m in distance. We could not find any outcrops and rock fragments in the thick mud.

At the depth of 4197 m, the Kaiko began to climb at base of the cone. The slope of the cone was very gentle, 150 m height in 1000 m distance. The cone is composed mainly of pillow lavas and fragmental pillows, with minor amount of sheet flows. The outcrop of lavas had been occasionally found from the depth of 4188 m. Clusters of pillow lavas several meters thick are distributed in a muddy gentle slop. These pillows often occur with sheet flows, which show wrinkle. These pillows have preserved their primary morphology, and show elongated or globular shapes. Elephant nose-like and stalactite-like lobes are often recognized. The slope with scattered out crops continue until ~ 4080 m depth, and becomes more gentle at the top. The top did not show crater, and was covered by thick mud. We tried to push the core at the top, and collect mud easily. The Kaiko left the top at the depth of 4034 m. After leaving the bottom, strong refraction was observed at the west of the vehicle by sonar image. This might be exposed lavas along the crater rim.

Most of the collected samples are very dense basalt, and their vesicularity must be less than several %. Only one sample from the foot of the cone is porous (vesicle > 20 %). The pillow samples usually have thin glassy rim (5 ~ 15 mm in thick). MnO coating is usually thin (< 1 mm), and paragonite layer has not been developed well, suggesting that these lavas are relatively young (0.5 ~ 1 Ma). Although collected samples might be petrologically similar, these are the first samples collected in this volcanic field of west of Oahu. Locations and description of collected samples are shown in attached appendix in this onboard report.

Dive log

time depth (m) altitude (m) heading (degree) Narrative Sample
9:45 4211 muddy bottom
9:47 4213 push green core on muddy bottom PC 1
9:49 4211 280 see floor coved with mud
9:53 4211 279 muddy bottom
10:00 4213 278 muddy bottom
10:06 4211 200 muddy bottom
10:10 4210 233 muddy bottom
10:10 4209 271 muddy bottom
10:17 4208 277 artificial trace with muddy bottom
10:27 4211 310 muddy bottom
10:30 4211 308 sponge on the muddy bottom
10:40 4209 348 muddy bottom with scated small rocks
10:40 4203 352 outcrop of pillow lava surrounded by muddy and scatted small rocks
10:43 4202 11 outcrop of pillow lava coverd thin muddy sediments
10:52 4202 0 sample #1 put in box2 1
10:52 4203 328 muddy bottom with scated small rocks
10:55 4198 327 muddy bottom
11:00 4199 311 muddy bottom with scated small rocks
11:07 4196 309 muddy bottom with scated small rocks
11:12 4193 310 a shrimp, muddy bottom with scated small rocks
11:18 4192 309 muddy bottom
11:22 4194 310 muddy bottom
11:27 4192 308 muddy bottom
11:32 4192 311 muddy bottom
11:35 4192 308 a seacucumber on muddy bottom
11:39 4191 338 high reflection in sonar
11:43 4187 315 some stacks of pillow lavas on the muddy floor
11:41 4188 306 some stacks of pillow lavas on the muddy floor
11:48 4188 38 start to get sample
11:52 4188 42 sample #2 put in box3 2
11:54 4186 340 blocks of lavas on muddy bottom
11:57 4189 352 sample #3a put in box4 3A
12:01 4187 343 sample #3b put in box4 3B
12:03 4173 341 fragments of pillow lavas on muddy bottom
12:05 4167 334 sheet flow lavas on the muddy bottom
12:07 4168 333 sheet flow lavas on the muddy bottom
12:11 4167 330 sheet flow lavas , and many blocks of lavas on the sheet floow
12:17 4170 243 pillow lavas covered in sediment
12:25 4169 218 sample #4 put in box 9 4
12:27 4168 357 muddy bottom
12;28 4161 347 pillow lavas covered in sediment on flat ground
12:29 4158 351 muddy bottom
12:31 4157 279 high reflection in sonar, straight ahead and to right
12:31 4150 300 moundlike outcrop of beautiful pillow lava coverd thin muddy sediments
12:37 4139 13 try to sample, unsucessful
12:42 4135 6 still on slightly muddier pillows
12:44 4143 12 muddy bottom
12:46 4138 19 scattered rocks on muddy bottom
12:46 4137 30 pillows appear on right
12:48 4138 38 start to collect sample - very tough piloows
12:53 4133 25 sample #5a put in box 5 5A
12:57 4133 58 sample #5b put in box 5 5B
12:58 4121 8 scattered knobby pillows
12:59 4118 9 more mud
12:59 4114 356 more pillows
13:01 4103 2 mud with scattered pillows
13:04 4095 9 passed sheetlike stuff on left
13:04 4093 10 mud
13:06 4088 0 pillow lavas outcrop in muddy sediments
13:07 4088 7 layered, shelved pillow
13:08 4088 3 sample #6a put in box 6 (glassy chunk from mud) 6A
13:11 4088 12 sample #6b put in box 6 (chocolate bar sheet) 6B
13:12 4088 12 sample #6c put in box 6 (outer rind of last sheet pillow) 6C
13:13 4083 4 back in the mud
13:15 4071 2 flattish lobate pillows in mud
13:17 4064 354 bulbous, cracked pillows
13:20 4064 315 sample #7 put in box 7 (toothpaste squeeze out) 7
13:21 4060 3 sheet-like material draped on pillows
13:22 4057 359 mud
13:24 4048 356 massive pillow outcrop
13:27 4047 64 lots of squeeze out knobs
13:27 4047 64 sample #8 put in box 8 (toothpaste squeeze out) 8
13:29 4045 19 massive pillow outcrop
13:36 4046 1 sample #9a put in box 3 (elephant trunk squeeze out) 9A
13:37 4046 1 sample #9b put in box 3 (elephant trunk piece) 9B
13:40 4046 337 strat to collect sample
13:45 4045 34 sample #10 put in box 2 (baby pillow rind) 10
13:45 4045 32 mud
13:47 4046 30 push core (blue) in muddy seds PC 2
13:49 4045 29 isolated pillows in mud
13:50 4045 30 mud - crossing flat top of cone
13:52 4042 45 isolated pillows in mud
13:55 4044 70 pillows in mud
13:59 4045 87 sampling attempt
14:01 4045 84 sample #11 put in box 9 (chunk from large pillow) 11
14:04 4043 61 mud
14:09 4040 58 more mud
14:12 4039 64 scattered pillows/blocks in mud
14:17 4041 87 strange corrugated/irregular outcrop - tumulus structure in sheet flow?
14:21 4040 73 sampling attempt
14:24 4035 342 isolated pillows in mud
14:25 4034 357 mud
14:30 4033 34 drapery folded sheet flows
14:38 4031 44 sample #12 put in box 1 (roof chunks of lobate sheet flow) 12
14:41 4025 49 leave bottom
14:44 4020 strong reflaction observed st western side of the vehicle: this might be crater rim. The possible height is about 10-20 m.
