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95LCA03 and 96LCA02 Data Archive
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How to Download SEG-Y Data

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Note: The Web version of this archive does not contain the SEG-Y Trace files. These files are very large and would require extremely long download times. To obtain the complete DVD archive, contact USGS Information Services at 1-888-ASK-USGS.

The seismic data files are binary encoded and cannot be viewed directly. The best way to download these files is to open the SEGY folder and appropriate field activity ID folder, select the SEG-Y files you wish to download, and drag and drop these files onto your hard drive or use the File > Copy command.

The SEG-Y formatted trace files have a .TRA extension. Additional recording parameters for each trace file can also be found in the .PAR file associated with each .TRA file. However, the .PAR and .PLN files included here are only needed to process or display the data with Delph Seismic software. A detailed description of the data format can be found on the SEG-Y Format page.

WARNING: These files may be extremely large. The SEG-Y files for 95LCA03 and 96LCA02 range in size from 0.97 to 61.6 MB.

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