USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 302

Data Series 302

Geospatial Database of Ground-Water Altitude and Depth-to-Ground-Water Data for Utah, 1971-2000

Prepared in cooperation with the

By Susan G. Buto and Brent E. Jorgensen


 A geospatial database of ground-water-level altitude and depth-to-ground-water data for Utah was developed.  Water-level contours from selected published reports were converted to digital Geographic Information System format and attributes describing the contours were added.  Water-level altitude values were input to an inverse distance weighted interpolator to create a raster of interpolated water-level altitude for each report.  The water-level altitude raster was subtracted from digital land-surface altitude data to obtain depth-to-water rasters for each study.  Comparison of the interpolated rasters to actual water-level measurements shows that the interpolated water-level altitudes are well correlated with measured water-level altitudes from the same time period.  The data can be downloaded and displayed in any Geographic Information System or can be explored by downloading a data package and map from the U.S. Geological Survey.


Data Collection
Raster Development
Database Design
Data Display
Error Analysis

This report is available online in Portable Document Format (PDF). If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, it is available for free download from Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Download the USGS Data Series Report 302 (PDF, 700 KB)

Download the README file (text file, 3 KB) that contains information on software required to access map and data, including download information for the ESRI ArcReader application.

Download the ArcReader Map as a .ZIP archive (, 384 MB).

Link to the Geospatial Data and Metadata.

Download the Version History (text file, 1 KB)

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Send questions or comments about this report to the author, Susan Buto, (801) 908-5000.

For more information about USGS activities in Utah, visit the USGS Utah Water Science Center home page.

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