USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 340

Data Series 340

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Appendix A. Ground-Water Withdrawal Data for the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, 1913–2003

The database distributed with this report is in Microsoft® Access 2000 format. Table names are prefixed with “tbl_” and queries with “qry_”. Table, query, and column headings are described in table A1. The location of withdrawal points used for public supply have been omitted and replaced with “99999” pursuant to directives issued by the Department of Homeland Security.

Table A1. Description of Microsoft® Access database for ground-water withdrawal data, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California, 1913–2003.

[Table/query/column headings: Table names preceded by tbl_; query names preceded by qry_]

Table/Query/Column Headings
Tables Description
tbl_application rates Rates applied to irrigation and domestic uses
tbl_raw_data Raw annual data
tbl_spatial Location and depths of withdrawal points
tbl_withdrawals Withdrawals summed by withdrawal point and year
Queries Description
qry_domestic_withdrawals_ha Domestic withdrawals summed by hydrographic area and year
qry_domesic_withdrawals_withdrawal point Domestic withdrawals summed by withdrawal point and year
qry_irrigation_withdrawals_ha Irrigation withdrawals and irrigated acres summed by hydrographic area and year
qry_irrigation_withdrawals_record Irrigation withdrawals summed by record
qry_irrigation_withdrawals_withdrawal point Irrigation withdrawals and irrigated acres summed by withdrawal point and year
qry_other_withdrawals_ha All withdrawals other than irrigation and domestic summed by hydrographic area and year
qry_other_withdrawals_record All withdrawals other than irrigation and domestic summed by record
qry_other_withdrawals_withdrawal point All withdrawals other than irrigation and domestic summed by withdrawal point and year
Column Description
acres_irrigated Number of acres irrigated
altitude Withdrawal point altitude, in feet above mean sea level
application_rate_best Best estimate application rate (foot per year)
application_rate_max Maximum estimated application rate (foot per year)
application_rate_min Minimum estimated application rate (foot per year)
bottom_completion Lower end of interval in which ground water is withdrawn, in feet below land surface
bottom_max_completion Maximum lower end of interval in which ground water is withdrawn, in feet below land surface
crop_type L=low water-use crops; H=high water-use crops; M=undifferentiated crop types; X= not applicable
east_utm Easting of withdrawal point, in meters
error_coefficient -4=no use extrapolated; -3=no use interpolated; -2,-1, 0=no use reported or interpreted; 1,2=withdrawal reported or interpreted; 3=withdrawal interpolated; 4=withdrawal extrapolated; 5=withdrawal metered
ha Hydrographic area designator
ha_plss_id Hydrographic area, township, range, section
latitude Latitude of withdrawal point, in decimal degrees
longitude Longitude of withdrawal point, in decimal degrees
north_utm Northing of withdrawal point, in meters
remarks Point of withdrawal description
top_completion Upper end of interval in which ground water is withdrawn, in feet below land surface
top_min_completion Minimum upper end of interval in which ground water is withdrawn, in feet below land surface
withdrawal_best Best withdrawal estimate, in acre-feet
withdrawal_coefficient Irrigation use = number of acres irrigated, domestic use = number of wells, all other water uses = amount of withdrawal, in acre-feet per year
withdrawal_max Maximum withdrawal estimate, in acre-feet
withdrawal_min Minimum withdrawal estimate, in acre-feet
withdrawal_point Point of withdrawal designator
withdrawal_point_accuracy Accuracy of latitude/longitude placement of withdrawal point, in feet
wtr_use Water use; C=commercial; H=domestic; I=irrigation; K=mining; N=industrial; P=public supply; R=recreation; S=stock; W=wildlife; Z=other
year Calendar year of withdrawal

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