Data Series 345
Data Series 345
The electronic datasets available in this report are listed in table 2 and appendixes 1-12. Much of the data presented in this report are stored in established USGS databases, but some data are unique to the study and therefore are not in a database. All water chemistry and chlorophyll data were obtained through the NAWQA Data-Warehouse ( Habitat and biological data were retrieved from the Biological Transactional Database (Bio-TDB). The remaining data, including GIS riparian and land-use data, were entered into spreadsheets for long-term storage and archive and are included in this report.
Ancillary data for this study included basin-level data and reach and segment-scale riparian data. Each study unit team was responsible for determining the geographic location of their sampling sites and for delineating the contributing drainage areas for sampling sites. This information was generated for all NEET sampling sites.