USGS - science for a changing world
Minerals Management Service

U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 428

81GY6 Map A

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Click on a trackline number to view the scanned GIF image of the seismic profile.

81GY6 Map 1 with annotated navigation shots and tracklines81GY6_207(b) printable profile81GY6_210(b) printable profile81GY6_110(b) printable profile81GY6_108 printable profile81GY6_107(b) printable profile81GY6_104(b) printable profile81GY6_209(a) printable profile81GY6_206(a) printable profile81GY6_105(a) printable profile81GY6_103(a) printable profile81GY6_102(a) printable profile81GY6_201 printable profile81GY6_100 printable profile81GY6_203(a) printable profile81GY6_102(b) printable profile81GY6_204(c) printable profile81GY6_101(b) printable profile81GY6_103(b) printable profile81GY6_101(a) printable profile81GY6_208(a) printable profile81GY6_106(b) printable profile81GY6_206(b) printable profile81GY6_105(b) printable profile81GY6_205(b) printable profile81GY6_204(b) printable profile81GY6_203(b) printable profile81GY6_104(c) printable profile81GY6_202(b) printable profile81GY6_200 printable profile81GY6_109(a) printable profile81GY6_204(a) printable profile81GY6_202(a) printable profile81GY6_107(a) printable profile

81GY6 Survey Location Map | 81GY6 Map A| 81GY6 Map B | 81GY6 Map C

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