Seafloor Geology and Benthic Habitats, San Pedro Shelf, southern California
Appendix A. Data Catalog
GIS and Other Data Files
Data Description
Preview Image
Compressed Files
Right-click (Windows) or Control-Click (Macintosh) to download files from web
Vector shapefiles |
2004 camera tracklines, survey number O-1-04-SC |
![thumbnail image of O-1-04-SC.shp](data/shp_files/o104sc_navth.gif) |
xml |
o104sc_nav.zip (1 MB) |
Texture data and location of sediment samples collected on the San Pedro Shelf in 2004, survey number E-2-04-SC |
![thumbnail image of texture.shp](data/shp_files/textureth.gif) |
texture_shp.zip (73 KB)
spreadsheet ds552_gsz.xls |
Locations of selected seafloor photographs collected during the 2004 camera sled operations. |
![thumbnail image of photopt.shp](data/shp_files/photoptth.gif) |
xml |
photopt_shp.zip (107 KB) |
Seafloor observations recorded during the 2004 camera sled operations. For key, see table 1 of accompanying report. |
![thumbnail of videodes.shp](data/shp_files/videodesth.gif) |
xml |
videodes_shp.zip (581 KB) |
Locations of seafloor video mosaics processed from seafloor video collected during the 2004 camera sled operations. |
![thumbnail map of videomosaic locations](data/shp_files/vidmosfootth.gif) |
xml |
vidmosfoot_shp.zip (85 KB)
Multibeam bathymetry |
Multibeam bathymetry data collected on the San Pedro inner and mid-shelf in 1999 with the EM3000 multibeam system. |
![thumbnail image of multibeam survey footprints](data/shp_files/mbpolysth.gif) |
(Dartnell and others, 2004) |
(Dartnell and others, 2004) |
Multibeam bathymetry data collected on the San Pedro outer-shelf in 1998 with the EM300 multibeam system. |
(Dartnell and others, 2004) |
(Dartnell and others, 2004) |
Multibeam backscatter |
Multibeam backscatter data collected on the San Pedro inner and mid-shelf in 1999 with the EM3000 multibeam system. |
![thumbnail image of multibeam survey footprints](data/shp_files/sanpedro_mosth.jpg) |
(Dartnell and others, 2004) |
(Dartnell and others, 2004) |
Multibeam backscatter data collected on the San Pedro outer-shelf in 1998 with the EM300 multibeam system. |
(Dartnell and Gardner, 1999) |
(Dartnell and Gardner, 1999) |
Data Description
Preview Image
Compressed Files
Right-click (Windows) or Control-Click (Macintosh) to download files from web
Seafloor imagery |
Selected seafloor photographs collected during the 2004 camera sled operations. |
![thumbnail image of seafloor photo 55_B_6433a.jpg](data/shp_files/55_B_6433ath.jpg) |
see metadata for photopt.shp |
photo folder |
Selected mosaics of frames of seafloor video collected during the 2004 camera sled operations.
vidmosg071030.pdf (1 MB)
vidmosg080900.pdf(1.2 MB)
vidmosg102v32.pdf(1.2 MB)
vidmosg3911v29.pdf(1.2 MB)
vidmosg4435v36.pdf(1.2 MB)
vidmosg5556v42.pdf(1.5 MB)
![thumbnail map of videomosaic locations](data/shp_files/vidmosfootth.gif)
xml |
video mosaic folder
Video clip from seafloor video collected during 2004 cruise |
![video clip thumbnail](data/movies/vidclipth.jpg) |
spshelf_videoclip.mov (1:27 min, 69 MB Quicktime movie) |
Interpreted geology |
Surficial seafloor geology of the inner and mid-shelf interpreted from EM3000 multibeam data, sediment samples, and seafloor photography. File formats: img = ERDAS Imagine; tif = TIFF. |
![thumbnail map of sea-floor facies, San Pedro shelf](data/raster/faciesth.jpg) |
xml |
inner_shelf_character_img.zip (2.3 MB)
inner_shelf_character_tif.zip (2.3 MB) |
Surficial seafloor geology of the outer shelf interpreted from EM300 multibeam data, sediment samples, and seafloor photography. File formats: img = ERDAS Imagine; tif = TIFF. |
xml |
outer_shelf_character_img.zip (83 KB)
outer_shelf_character_tif.zip (84 KB) |
Data visualizations |
Virtual globe rendering of selected data sets. Download Google Earth application. |
![Google Earth thumbnail](data/kmz/googleth.jpg) |
Google Earth .kmz(4 MB) |
Animated flight through San Pedro shelf seafloor data |
![flyby movie thumbnail](data/movies/flybymovieth.jpg) |
SPShelf_Character.mov(3:23 min, 111 MB Quicktime movie) |
Each GIS data theme is listed with a brief description, links to illustrations, metadata files, and downloadable files. The data were compiled in ArcGIS (version 9.3, Esri, 2010). The downloadable files have been compressed with the Windows "send to compressed folder" tool and may be extracted by Windows Explorer or other file unzip utilities. The numbers following ".zip" indicate the size of the downloadable file. Downloadable files include data, metadata, projection parameters, and a browse graphic. Metadata is provided in text, hypertext mark-up language (html), frequently-asked-questions (FAQ), and extensible mark-up language (xml) formats. Projection parameters are listed in each .prj file. Browse graphics are JPEG or GIF images. The file size is listed for links to any files on this site that exceed 60 KB.
Point, line, and polygon features are shapefiles in unprojected geographic coordinates (decimal degrees) with horizontal datum WGS84. The compressed download file for a shapefile includes files with standard extensions .shp (shape), .shx (shape index), .dbf (dBASE), .sbn (spatial bin), and .sbx (spatial binary index).
Images are georeferenced TIFF files in UTM Zone 11 coordinates with datum WGS84. The download file for a TIFF image includes the image (.tif), the world registration file (.tfw), as well as the usual projection , metadata, and browse files.
Google Earth Files. San_Pedro_Shelf_CA.kmz (4 MB) may be viewed with Google Earth, a virtual globe data viewer. A free version of Google Earth may be downloaded from http://www.google.com/earth/. Selecting the kmz link will open Google Earth and display the data layers with a legend (if available). The data layers are listed in the table of contents under Places > Temporary Places, with on/off checkmarks and a transparency control. The Google Earth site provides further instructions for the interface.
Data Use Constraints
None of the data presented is intended for navigational purposes. Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
References Cited
Dartnell, Peter, and Gardner, James V., 1999, Sea-floor images and data from multibeam surveys in San Francisco Bay, Southern California, Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, and Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS 55. [http://wrgis.wr.usgs.gov/dds/dds-55/]
Dartnell, Peter, Gardner, J.V., Mayer, L.A., and Hughes Clark, J.E., 2004, Los Angeles and San Diego margin high-resolution multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1221 [https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2004/1221/]
Esri, 2010, ArcGIS, v. 9.3.1: Redlands, California, http://www.esri.com/