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Data Series 648, Table Selector

Table Selector

Although the Compact Disc can be explored manually by those who have it, Web customers will have to use this menu of hyperlinks to DS-648 data tables, which are provided in three different formats (.pdf, .xlsx, and .csv) for user convenience.

Tables as Portable Document Format (.pdf) files

Table 1.  Location coordinates, land-surface and screen altitudes, well diameters, casing and screen materials, and water-level altitudes and measurement dates for monitoring wells, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Table 2.  Location coordinates, land-surface and screen altitudes, and estimated water-table altitudes for multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Table 3.  Drilling method, location coordinates, altitudes of land surface and tops and bottoms of sampling intervals, and estimated altitudes of the water table for direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 4.  Field water-quality analyses for groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 5.  Concentrations of selected anions, ammonium, and nitrous oxide in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 6.  Ultraviolet/visible light absorbance and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and methylene blue active substances in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 7.  Concentrations of selected inorganic solutes, including cations, anions, and minor elements, in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 8.  Field water-quality analyses for groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 9.  Concentrations of selected anions and ammonium in groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 10.  Concentrations of selected inorganic solutes, including cations, anions, and minor elements, in groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.

Tables as Excel (.xlsx) files

Table 1.  Location coordinates, land-surface and screen altitudes, well diameters, casing and screen materials, and water-level altitudes and measurement dates for monitoring wells, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Table 2.  Location coordinates, land-surface and screen altitudes, and estimated water-table altitudes for multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Table 3.  Drilling method, location coordinates, altitudes of land surface and tops and bottoms of sampling intervals, and estimated altitudes of the water table for direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 4.  Field water-quality analyses for groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 5.  Concentrations of selected anions, ammonium, and nitrous oxide in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 6.  Ultraviolet/visible light absorbance and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and methylene blue active substances in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 7.  Concentrations of selected inorganic solutes, including cations, anions, and minor elements, in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 8.  Field water-quality analyses for groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 9.  Concentrations of selected anions and ammonium in groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 10.  Concentrations of selected inorganic solutes, including cations, anions, and minor elements, in groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.

Tables as Comma Separated Value (.csv) files

Table 1.  Location coordinates, land-surface and screen altitudes, well diameters, casing and screen materials, and water-level altitudes and measurement dates for monitoring wells, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Table 2.  Location coordinates, land-surface and screen altitudes, and estimated water-table altitudes for multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Table 3.  Drilling method, location coordinates, altitudes of land surface and tops and bottoms of sampling intervals, and estimated altitudes of the water table for direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 4.  Field water-quality analyses for groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 5.  Concentrations of selected anions, ammonium, and nitrous oxide in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 6.  Ultraviolet/visible light absorbance and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and methylene blue active substances in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 7.  Concentrations of selected inorganic solutes, including cations, anions, and minor elements, in groundwater samples collected from wells and multilevel samplers, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2007.
Table 8.  Field water-quality analyses for groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 9.  Concentrations of selected anions and ammonium in groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.
Table 10.  Concentrations of selected inorganic solutes, including cations, anions, and minor elements, in groundwater samples collected from direct-push and sonic profile borings, Ashumet Valley treated-wastewater plume, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2006–08.

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Table selector created by: Mark V. Bonito
Tables manufactured for the DS-648 CD-ROM: February 2012 (Please check DS-648 website for any subsequent revisions or updates.)