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Data Series 815

Prepared in cooperation with the Association of Washington Cities and the Washington Department of Ecology

Physiographic and Land Cover Attributes of the Puget Lowland and the Active Streamflow Gaging Network, Puget Sound Basin, Washington

By Christopher Konrad and Maria Sevier

Table 1. Physiographic and land use attributes compiled for the Puget Lowland, Puget Sound Basin, Washington.

[Description: Applies to analysis units, drainage area of streamflow gages, or drainage area of Regional Stream Monitoring Program (RSMP) sites. Abbreviations: km/km2, kilometer per square kilometer; m, meter; m/m, meter per meter; m/yr, meter per year; NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; CCAP, Center for Clean Air Policy]

Attributes Description Units Source
Elev Mean elevation1 m National Elevation Dataset, 10 m resolution data_delivery/ned.html
Lowland Fraction of drainage area in lowland, calculated only for streamflow gages U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ecoregions
Slope Mean slope m/m Calculated from National Elevation Dataset
PPT Mean annual precipitation of area m/yr Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model climatology normals 1971–2000, 800 m resolution
StreamDen Length of streams divided by area km/km2 National Hydrography Dataset, medium resolution (1:100,000) flowlines
GeoAluv Fraction of area where surficial geology is alluvium Fraction Hydrogeologic framework for the Puget Sound aquifer system (Vaccaro and others, 1998)
GeoCoarse Fraction of area where surficial geology is coarse-grained, unconsolidated sediment Fraction Hydrogeologic framework for the Puget Sound aquifer system (Vaccaro and others, 1998)
GeoFine Fraction of area where surficial geology is fine-grained, unconsolidated sediment Fraction Hydrogeologic framework for the Puget Sound aquifer system (Vaccaro and others, 1998)
GeoRock Fraction of area where surficial geology is bedrock Fraction Hydrogeologic framework for the Puget Sound aquifer system (Vaccaro and others, 1998)
Forest Fraction of area with deciduous, evergreen, or mixed forest (CCAP classes 9–11) Fraction NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (CCAP) 2006 land cover classification
Wet Fraction of area with palustrine or estuarine wetlands (CCAP classes 13–18) Fraction NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (CCAP) 2006 land cover classification
Imperv Mean percent impervious cover Fraction National Land Cover Dataset 2006 impervious cover classification
RoadDen Length of roads divided by area km/km2 U.S. Census Bureau

1Elevation is distance above North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).