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Fact Sheet 023–03

Landsat: A Global Land-Observing Program

By U.S. Geological Survey

Archived Publication—Most of the information contained in this publication is no longer current and is not expected to be updated.

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The Landsat Program is a joint effort of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to gather Earth resource data using a series of satellites. NASA was responsible for developing and launching the spacecrafts. The USGS is responsible for flight operations, maintenance, and management of all ground data reception, processing, archiving, product generation, and distribution. A primary objective of the Landsat Program is to ensure a collection of consistently calibrated Earth imagery.

Landsat’s mission is to establish and execute a data acquisition strategy that ensures the repetitive acquisition of observations over the Earth’s land mass, coastal boundaries, and coral reefs and to ensure that the data acquired are of maximum utility in supporting the scientific objective of monitoring changes in the Earth’s land surface.

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Suggested citation:

U.S. Geological Survey, 2003, Landsat: A Global Land-Observing Program: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 023–03, 4 p., available only online at

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